Chapter 151 Daily Tasks

“Don’t worry, father, I am confident that three months is not a short time, and eight missions are more than enough.” Ye said confidently.

“I really didn’t expect ah, in the blink of an eye, you are ready to participate in the Zhongnin exam, in other words, even my promotion to the middle ninja, I was directly promoted by the third generation, I have participated in so many Zhongnin exams before, I was brushed down in front, I really have no experience to hand over to you.”

Dai frowned.

“It’s okay father, Uncle Shuomao is experienced, and under his suggestion, I will definitely be fine.”

“I know this, it’s just that I’m not worried about you, but about my three students.”

Dai said with a wry smile.

When the night heard this, it was indeed a problem.

“Night, in fact, I have already thought about it, and I have discussed it with Shuomao, in the past three months, the third shift led by me and the first shift led by Shuomao will have a discussion every weekend outside the mission time!”

After Dai finished speaking, he looked at the night with a smile.

“Oh? Compare notes? Night was surprised, White Fang hadn’t told him about this.

“Yes, it’s a competition!”

Dai said seriously,

“Your squad and the third squad led by me can be said to be the two strongest squads, each of you is a rare seed player, this joint Chūnin exam is complicated, you can’t have any danger, only by redoubling your efforts in these three months can you be in the Chūnin Exam, that is, there is no danger, and you can show Konoha’s strength!”

Ye Ning nodded heavily.

White Fang and Dai’s decision was also for their safety. The joint Chinese ninja exam is nominally to promote peace, but it is also a platform for each village to display the strength of ninjas, and the struggle in the secret is indispensable!

“By the way, how is your Eight Gate Dun Jia? Found the trick? Day asked.

Ye Wenyan laughed, and his mind turned, and the natural forces around him had poured into his body.

Dai obviously felt the changes around him, and when he was wondering, Ye Yi drank softly.

“Eight Doors Dun Jia, Shengmen, Open!”

As soon as the words fell, a green chakra like flame suddenly rose from the night, reflecting the surrounding green.

Dai looked at the night dumbfounded and was surprised,

“It only took you one day to open three doors?!”

Ye smiled and nodded.

“Well, it’s my son!”

Day shouted excitedly and hugged him.

Ye can fully understand Dai’s heart, his son is blue, any father will be happy and excited, let alone Dai such a happy person.

“Night, now with your strength, you are enough to add glory to Konoha in the Chūnin exam, but you can’t be arrogant/proud, no matter what kind of enemy you encounter, you can’t have a contemptuous heart, you must understand that the lion fights the rabbit, and also uses all his strength.”

Dai Yu said seriously.

“Father, don’t worry, I won’t underestimate the enemy.” Night nodded.

“Okay, since you have already opened three doors, let’s use the eight doors of Dun Jia for the two of us to cultivate each other!”

As soon as the words fell, a green flame suddenly appeared on Dai’s body, which was more intense than that of the night, but after the green fire flickered for a while, it was suppressed by Dai and controlled to the same scale as the night.

After the father and son glanced at each other, they attacked at the same time, turning into two green streamers and colliding together.

In the woods, the muffled sound of fists and feet colliding rose and fell one after another, but there was no figure of the two of them, only the interlaced green streamers.


For the next half a month, he spent every day in cultivation, during the day, he fought with White Fang with Hong and Takeda, and in the evening, he competed with Dai using the Eight Doors Dun Jia.

But in half a month, because of the mission, he never managed to compete with the third Shinobi team led by Dai.

In the past half a month, the night team has done three tasks, but they are all the simplest tasks such as helping the noble lady find cats, not that the night they don’t want to do more tasks, just because they are still tolerant and can’t take the task alone, they can only be let by the leading teacher, that is, the White Fang, after taking the task for them.

And the identity of the White Fang doomed him to be unable to follow them at all times, so the night they could receive very few tasks, and the White Fang also gave them some simple tasks every time.

Whether it is night, or Red and Takeda, they are speechless for this simple task, but there is no way, obeying orders is also an essential quality of ninjas.

It wasn’t until noon that day that the three were called to Hokage’s office that they had their first mission in the true sense.

By the time Night and two teammates arrived at the Third Generation’s Office, White Fang had already arrived first.

Taking two puffs of smoke, the three generations glanced at the three and nodded in satisfaction.

“Naruto-sama, this time it was the woman’s cat that was lost again?” Red asked listlessly.

White Fang and the three generations laughed when they heard this, they were all from this age group, and naturally understood Hong’s mood.

“This time, the task entrusted to you is much more important than finding a cat or something!” The third generation frowned.

When Hong and Takeda heard this, they suddenly came to their senses, and looked at the three generations with joy, expecting his words later.

The night, on the other hand, remained normal, and this calm appearance made the three generations nod secretly.

“There have been cases of children missing during this time in civilian villages near the village, and the number of missing people has been increasing, and your task is to go and investigate.”

Three generations of deep voices.

“It’s abominable! Actually caught children! Let me meet and I definitely won’t bypass these bastards! ”

Hong said indignantly.

Takeda also showed an angry expression on his face, while Yoru on the side just frowned and pondered.

Recalling the original work, he vaguely remembered that this matter was not simple, involving the interests of Tuanzang, as well as the entanglement of the big snake pill.

After the war with Uchiha, when Yoru chatted with Dai, Dai casually said that Danzo had a magical ability to ‘bring back the dead’, Dai didn’t know what was going on, but Yoru knew that it was Izanagi.

Being able to use Izanagi many times indicates that the first generation of cells has been transplanted into Danzo.

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