Chapter 18: Two-year changes

As expected, the Uchiha family and Danzo did not arrive, and some other families did not come, but Dai did not care, after all, not everyone can be friends.

In the next two years, the popularity of medicinal food also increased, and even spread to other ninja villages and countries, when they heard about the effect of medicinal food, they did not know how many ninjas were sent to steal the formula, but they did not succeed once.

After all, not to mention Konoha’s own defenses are very good, not to mention that the Nara family was even stronger in order to prevent the formula from being stolen by other families, and the current formula can be said to be almost at the same level as the Book of Seals, and it is so easy to steal there.

Because of the medicinal diet, Konoha’s overall combat power has increased by more than one level, and the Nara family has developed rapidly in two years because of the formula, and now it can almost compete with the Hyuga family, plus the Nara family and the Yamanaka family and the Akimichi family are almost one, even Uchiha does not dare to easily provoke the Nara family.

Fortunately, although the Nara family’s strength has greatly increased, its movements are still as low-key as before, and they have not become unseen, so they have a good reputation in Konoha.

The Nara family has developed rapidly, as a partner all along, the Akushi family and the Yamanaka family are naturally not much behind, with the Nara family providing medicinal food, the Autumn Taoist family of foodies can be described as skyrocketing, even the Yamanaka family has also enhanced their physical fitness because of medicated food, so that their spiritual power has also increased, and the strength has of course increased.

Although the other families of Konoha did not have such an unlimited supply of medicinal food as the three major families of Pig Deer Butterfly, they also took a lot of medicinal food with the family’s financial resources, so Konoha’s strength was greatly sublimated in two years, which played a huge role in the Ninja World War, forcing other ninja villages to slow down the pace of attacking Konoha.

Yes, you read that right, the ninja world is now experiencing the second ninja world war. (In the information I gathered, the second Ninja World War was from Konoha 29 to Konoha 39, while Kai was born in Konoha 35, and now Kai has been born two years ago, so it is the end of the Second Ninja World War.) )

And not long ago, it was also reported that Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Tsunade fought with the demigod Hanzo, and then they were given the name of Sanshin by Hanzo, and they were in the limelight for a while, but they also faced endless trouble, after all, Hanzo gave them the title of Sanshin.

Fortunately, the strength and luck of the three Shinobi were very good, not only did they avoid various assassinations, but their reputation was also getting higher and higher, and soon no one dared to assassinate them easily.

Then, because Konoha’s strength suddenly increased overall in a short period of time, the entire war situation changed, and the final result was that the Second Shinobi War ended two years ahead of schedule…

And before figuring out why Konoha suddenly became stronger, no one dared to start a war against Konoha easily, the war was over, and everyone else returned to the village except for the necessary people left on the front line, and then needless to say, of course, in front of the memorial monument to pay tribute to those who died in the war.

The Dai family naturally came, and Ye Ye also saw these people for the first time in the three Shinobi and eight colors, but some of the eight colors have not yet obtained their titles.

Then Dai’s improvement of the eight-door dunjia finally had a breakthrough, and after two years of continuous experimentation and improvement, Dai has perfected the eight-door dunjia to the sixth gate of jingmen, and is only one step away from the seventh door.

I have to say that Dai is really talented in physical skills, although it is only perfect, but he can perfect the eight dunjia to the sixth in just over two years, which shows how strong his talent in physical skills is.

However, Dai cultivated the Eight Gates of Dun Jia has always been practiced in the back mountain at home, so no one knows that Dai now has such a strong strength, in the eyes of others, Dai is still the 10,000-year-old patience, the only change may be that Dai has become rich.

And it has been three years since Ye came to this world, which means that now Ye is more than three years old, more than a year older than Kai.

Three years of night naturally did not spend in vain, although because of the limitations of the body he can not practice physical arts, even a little stronger exercise does not dare, not that the night does not want to exercise, but for fear of bringing irreparable damage to his body, after all, his goal is to use physical skills to become the strongest in the ninja world, naturally can not leave hidden dangers for himself at a young age.

Not only his body, but even his spiritual power has not increased much in the past three years due to the limitations of his body, and he can only cover a radius of one kilometer now.

Don’t think that a kilometer is very large, you must know that when he just crossed it, he was already able to leave the spiritual power a hundred meters away from the body, and it took three years of continuous cultivation to increase to a thousand meters, which is really not much, this is still because of physical limitations, otherwise the spiritual power cultivation of the night is at least ten times that of now.

You must know that he originally majored in spiritual power in his last life, but now he is only restored, and the speed is naturally fast, not to mention that after being reborn, his spiritual power is more refined, and his cultivation will only be more rapid.

And his spiritual power has only cultivated to this extent is already very slow, Ye still clearly remembers that he found that he could not cultivate physical arts temporarily, so he tried to cultivate the spiritual power of the previous life, and as a result, his spiritual power reached the limit of what his body could withstand in just one day, and then he slept directly the next day, and slept for three days before waking up.

Those three days scared Moon and Dai and immediately sent him to the hospital, but the hospital tested that he was only asleep, but I don’t know why he slept for so long, just when Dai was about to ask the Nara family for help, the night finally woke up, which made Dai and Moon relieved.

After waking up at night, I was also shocked, but fortunately I woke up, otherwise I am afraid that it will cause unnecessary trouble, and at the same time, I am very moved by Dai and Yunyue’s concern for the night.

After this incident, Ye no longer dared to cultivate spiritual power casually, but let it grow on its own…

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