Chapter 205 Another battle between father and son

“Lord Jiraiya, come to us again when you have collected all the toads!” Hinata shouted with a smile.

“After collecting these toads? That’ll have to wait until dark! Why should I design such a perverted / morphous task! Jiraiya wailed in pain.

Fang Cai still has some lively places, only Zilai is left alone, and there are little toads all over the ground that are constantly croaking around Zilai.


In the blink of an eye, several months had passed, and there was only a week left before the time of the Zhongnin exam, and the three members of the night squad had not been assigned any tasks during this time, and everyone was trained from morning to night under the leadership of White Fang.

And this training effect of those students who sprinted for the college entrance examination in the previous life of the night is also very significant, whether it is Ye or Red and Takeda, they have improved.

The means of attack, the reaction speed against various ninjutsu, have greatly improved.

Compared to Takeda and Hong, the progress of the night is relatively small, after all, his foundation is high, his strength has reached the limit that this body can withstand, and his spiritual power has also reached the limit.

During this time, Night’s harvest was to see a variety of different ninjutsu from the hands of White Fang, thus accumulating important combat experience in fighting ninjas.

Today, a week before the Chūnin exam, he finished a full day of training as usual, walked with Hong, returned home for dinner, and was really ready to rest as usual when he was called to the back mountain.

Every time Dai called the night to the back mountain, there was something very serious, just like the last time he taught the Eight Gates of Dun Jia Technique.

After coming to the open area of the back mountain, Ye asked suspiciously, “Is there something that my father called me over?” ”

“You’re about to take the Chūnin exam, and I haven’t fought with you for a long time, so this time, I’m going to take a good look at what kind of situation you have reached!”

This time is different from the past, bring out all your strength and hold the determination to defeat me! ”

“Eight Doors Dun Jia, Shengmen, Open!”

Under a loud drink, a raging green flame suddenly burst out of Kai’s body, this time Kai was different from the last test night when he was suppressing power, but completely released all the power of the third gate of the eight dunjia!

The surrounding green light lingered, and the face of the night was also reflected in a green light.

“Night, you also directly use the Eight Doors Dun Jia and drive directly to your maximum strength! With the determination to defeat me completely! Dai said solemnly.

Dai’s practice has been very clear, as the father of the night, he has to personally check the true strength of the night in this way, although he has seen it when the night usually cultivates, but only by personally feeling the power of the night, and the son really has a real battle, Dai can rest assured.

On the surface, Dai is a strong and courageous man who has always maintained his passion/affection, but this Zhongnin exam is very dangerous, the closer to the Zhongnin exam, the stronger the feeling of the dark tide between various countries and villages, even if it is Dai, in this environment, he can’t help but worry about his son!

Dai’s painstaking efforts are also in his eyes, and now that Dai is ready, he can’t hesitate.

“Eight Doors Dun Jia, Shengmen, Open!”

With a light drink, the night rose and the night instantly burst into a roaring green flame, which seemed to be no less than the green flame on Dai’s body!

“Okay! Not bad! It looks very good to open the door to this extent, next, let me use my fist to see your actual combat power!” ”

As soon as the words fell, Dai was like a cannonball, suddenly launched into the field, and a hurricane swept up on the way to sneak rapidly, and when he reached the front of the night, the surrounding trees were bent by the powerful hurricane that Dai swept!

“So fast!”

Rao Shiye was already proficient in the navy six-style shaving and moon steps, and was also instantly shocked by the speed of Dai.

At this time, Dai’s fist was like a green meteor smashing into the head of the night, and his gaze and firmness seemed to be facing not his son, but the enemy!


The night instantly disappeared in place and appeared behind Dai, Rao so, the green steam on his shoulder or strap fist rubbed, hot and painful.

There was no time to check the injury of the left shoulder, and the moment when the shaving appeared behind Dai, looking at Dai’s strong back, he raised his right foot into the air at night, and cut off his head with one leg!

Dai didn’t look back, as if he hadn’t noticed this majestic attack, but he turned his back to the night, but smiled slightly, his face full of the kind of relief that a father showed for his son’s success.


The two green true qi collided, stirring up patches of green ripples in the air, erupting into a strong wind, blowing grass and trees flying, and sand and gravel dancing.

Dai did not look back, judging the direction of Yoruichi’s kick based only on the sound and airflow, and raised his hand to block Yoruichi at the moment when Yoruichi’s kick was about to hit him.


The strong wind generated by the collision of fists and feet stopped, and the hair that danced in the wind at night hung down, and at that moment just now, he had already pressed all the strength of his whole body on his feet, but he still couldn’t move!

Just as he was about to roll over and land on his feet, as he was preparing for his next attack, Night suddenly jerked and then looked at his ankle.

In the instant exchange, Dai had already tightly grasped the ankle of Ye’s right foot, and no matter how hard Ye tried, he couldn’t break free from Dai’s hand!

“Night! Your speed is very fast, but as long as the limb is caught by the enemy, there is nothing you can do, you must not be careless in future battles, take this as a real battle now, and try to find a way to crack it! Dai shouted loudly while twisting his hands, as if to break the ankles of the night!

After feeling the slight pain in his ankles, Ye suddenly woke up, his whole body rotated in the direction of Dai Ling’s force, and then he kicked sharply, a strong green flame flashed on his toes, and kicked straight towards Dai’s wrist that grabbed his right ankle!

Seeing this scene, Dai showed a relieved smile again, if he continued to grab the night ankle, it would only be a defeat for both sides, one wrist was kicked off, and the other ankle was broken!

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