Chapter 248 War Myth, Allied Nightmare

“What to do? Retreat, he completely annihilated a coalition army unit, quasi-shadow-level existence! ”

“Can’t run, that wing ran when they met him, and still didn’t run away!”

“So what to do? Abandon the task? ”

For a time, the coalition forces looked at the dragon-shaped mask covering the night and whispered, the achievements of the night in the past three years have long made him a war myth!

Although the night turned his back to these allied ninjas, they did not have the slightest idea of sneak attack, if someone wanted to sneak attack, they would only find it ridiculous and angrily stop it, because if the soldiers did not move for a second, they could live one more second, maybe a miracle would happen in this short time?

But a sneak attack on such an existence can only die faster!

“It is impossible to give up the task, and if you dare to disturb the military heart, I, I will deal with it by military law!”

Although Yun Ren, who took the lead, was sternly correcting the ideological mistakes of his subordinates, he was shouting with his throat between his voices, and his voice was very small, for fear that the night in the distance would hear the same. His subordinates all looked at him with disdain, not only because of his tone, but also because of the cold sweat that kept oozing from his face and his faintly trembling legs.

After swallowing a healing elixir handed over by the night, Uchiha Mikoto looked at the corpse of her companion who died to protect her on the ground, and the big mountain lord whose eyes were still hanging on the rock wall at the moment, his eyes showed a strong sense of sadness, and his chakra eyes became more and more bright red.

She is not a person who is good at hatred, as if she has forgotten the culprits around her, but just lowers her head and silently weeps, reminiscing about the voices and smiles of her companions before they died.

“Sister Mikoto, there are too many injuries on your body, take a good rest.”

After taking the wound medicine, the bleeding rate of Uchiha Mikoto’s wound slowed down significantly, and under the help of the night, he came to rest under the rock wall.

The attitude of the Uchiha family towards the night is like a leader, but the night has never felt high and high for the people of the Uchiha family, even in the face of subordinates, the night has not had a trace of pride, and they are all called equals.

Calling Uchiha Mikoto, the night is called his sister, but the more easygoing the night is, the more respect the Uchiha family has for him.


“He turned around!”

“He’s looking over here, what should I do?!”

“Boss, better hand over the scroll to him!”

The moment he turned to look at these allied ninjas after taking care of Mikoto Uchiha at night, their team was boiling on a small scale, and everyone looked at this nightmare of the alliance that left countless legends.


Blood splashed everywhere, and Yun Ren, who took the lead, did not hesitate to slash down the allied ninja who disturbed the hearts of the army, and although there was fear in his eyes, he still met the eyes of the night that was as bland as water but made people’s hearts tremble.

“Don’t you still understand?! Will this person, who has never left a living mouth, let us go?! And we abandoned the mission, what is the difference between us and the betrayers of the Confederate forces that we just mocked ?! Although we come from different villages, I think that after each village finds out about this matter, they will make the same severance to the ninjas in their respective villages, right?! ”

“Don’t be silly! Even if he gives up the task, he will not let us go, simply fight with him, maybe he can support the arrival of subsequent troops! ”

In the coalition army, Yun Ren, who took the lead, shouted hoarsely.

The words stirred through the canyon, and after a brief silence, the ninjas of the coalition army exploded.

“Yes, that’s right! Instead of letting him slaughter, it’s better to give it a go! ”

“Yes, we still have follow-up troops around, but the allied forces are only a few of them around, and if the follow-up troops come over, we have a glimmer of hope!”

“Let’s do it! Those legends are not necessarily true! ”

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the words of the leader Yun Shinobu ignited the only remaining bloodiness of these allied ninjas in a desperate situation, and the dogs would jump off the wall when they were in a hurry, and these allied ninjas were also ready to resist on the desperate road.

Although Night did nothing to them from beginning to end, the dragon pattern mask on his face, the strange speed that suddenly appeared in response to the legend, and the means that had solved more than ten allied ninjas at first sight, were enough to make these allied ninjas afraid to the extreme.

At this moment, a group of allied ninjas unleashed their strongest moves, or threw all their blades.


All kinds of ninjutsu rushed towards the night, and the entire canyon was shaking violently, but the night looked at the people in front of him with a flat face, and instantly passed through countless people, straight to the cloud ninja who shouted at the beginning.

All the companions around this Yunnin were rushing towards the night attack, but he did not move, holding the scroll in his arms deadly, and while the companions around him rushed forward, he also secretly retreated.

All the ninjutsu at both ends of the canyon shone brightly, as if two elemental torrents swallowed the night, and all the allied ninjas showed joyful expressions on their faces after seeing this, and there was a feeling that they were a little unbelievable like a dream, but in their eyes, the night had been engulfed by various ninjutsu and was in the smoke of an explosion.

“This war legend was destroyed just like that?”

“No, he just used the green steam on his body to wipe out a dozen of our companions when he first came, is this the end of the game?”

“We didn’t die, he died… Finish? ”


One by one, the ninjas seemed to see the most unbelievable thing in the whole world, like seeing a hungry beast suddenly think that they rushed over, and then the beast suddenly died violently.

Night was hit so easily, this strange thing made Yun Shinobu, who had just taken advantage of the chaos to escape, stop and stare curiously at the smoke emitted by the explosion of various ninjutsu collisions in the position of Night and Uchiha Mikoto.

The smoke in front of them slowly cleared, and the ninjas with good vision were the first to hold their breath after seeing the real situation.

“Oh my God! He didn’t even have a single thing! ”

“Look at the dirt on the ground around him, it’s not affected by ninjutsu at all!”

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