Chapter 251 Sealing Class

In the eyes of everyone, the night is already a dead man, because from the beginning of the battle to the present, the explosion in the middle of the army is still continuing, and it has not stopped for a moment, no matter how strong this ninja codenamed Dragon God is, it is absolutely impossible to survive under such a degree of indiscriminate bombardment.

“Toyo, why are you still so serious? This man is very powerful, but he has already been defeated by our army, what are you still so nervous for? ”

Ai said casually.

“Ai, I’m afraid this person is not so easily defeated by us!”


When Tsuchiro said this, the last blow ninjutsu was just over, and after the last explosion, the surrounding air calmed down, leaving only endless smoke and dust slowly drifting away with the wind.

“What do you mean by that?”

Ai frowned and asked, he knows very well the ability of Todai, not only is his actual combat ability outstanding in Yunnin, but more importantly, his IQ, ability to think about tactics, and observation of the situation are all things that others and even himself cannot compare with Tudai!

Tsuchiro didn’t say anything, but from the way he stared at the smoke and dust in the middle of the army for a long time, he was inexplicably nervous, and after Ai noticed this, the joy on his face condensed.

At this time, the surrounding allied ninjas thought that the celebration of defeat night was not over.

In the midst of the noisy celebrations, the smoke in the middle slowly drifted away, and finally revealed the figure of the middle night.

For a while, the buzzing noise around all stopped, and the expressions of joy on everyone’s faces for the previous second froze.

Although Ai had already prepared in his heart, after seeing the night when there was not a trace of dust on his body in the middle of the encirclement, the two rough eyebrows were deeply twisted together.

Time seemed to stand still, and after a few seconds of silence, the entire coalition army instantly erupted into a huge exclamation.

“What, how is this possible?! He’s actually alive! ……”

“It’s impossible, I obviously saw it, my book really hit him, how can there be nothing?!”

“It’s over, it’s really over! None of this level of attack hurt him, he, was he really a god?! ”

“Don’t panic, everyone, we listen to the orders of Lord Ai and Lord Toyo!”


The chaotic voices have been dominated by desperate exclamations, but there are still a small number of people who remain sane and are trying to save the few remaining military hearts of the coalition forces, but with little effect.

And needless to say, it is naturally the initiator of the night, although he is only passive.

Ye looked at these people helplessly, almost everywhere he went over the years would cause this kind of scene, but this was the first time he directly faced nearly a thousand ninjas.

Although all of Fangcai’s long-range ninjutsu attacks were blocked by the night armed color domineering, nearly a thousand ninjas were not a small number after all, and the defense of the night armed color domineering had reached the limit, fortunately, these allied ninjas ended all attacks before they could not be stopped.

Although the night at this time looks completely different from the mottled land around him, there is not a trace of dust on his body, and he is all blocked, but if these allied ninjas come in another wave, he will not resist again!

“Enchantment class ready!”

At this time, a shout spread all over the surrounding places, waking up the surprised allied ninjas, and also made Ye frown slightly, it was Tsuchiro who shouted, although it was Tsuchiro who gave an order in advance than Ai beside him, a little overstepping the meaning of Yu, but Ai’s face did not have the slightest displeasure on you, but instantly understood Tsuchiro’s meaning and gave the order.

“Enchantment class, immediately use the most powerful joint enchantment ninjutsu to trap him in this area!” Ai shouted loudly, and the voice reached the ears of every allied ninja.

The reason why the sealing class immediately gave the order was because from the situation after the night move, there was no damage on the body, and it was obvious that he had some peculiar ability and was not afraid of ninjutsu attacks.

Therefore, Ai did not give an order for the coalition ninja to release a second wave of attacks, but asked the enchantment class to use the enchantment to trap this mysterious and powerful ninja here, and wait for the special abilities in the coalition army to come over or think of other ways to solve him, or directly seal him here.

The team of allied ninjas led by Ai reacted very quickly, and at the same time that Ai gave the order, all the members of the sealing team in the coalition army formed a seal together, and stopped their movements at almost the same time.

In an instant, a stream of Chakra energy emerged from each member of the sealing team, and condensed together to connect everyone, each person’s single energy was very weak, but these hundreds of energy were very powerful after they were gathered together.

This is not only the increase in the number, but more importantly, after the gathering of everyone’s chakra, they all change and condense according to the special rune style, and the power of various attributes is transformed into the power of sealing enchantment, slowly sweeping this space.

Blue light emerged from the members of the enchantment class, extended into the air, and slowly gathered together to form a large oval-shaped lid, and underground, these energies were also converging, not only blocking the surface of the land, but also sealing off the underground space.

Seeing that the oval-shaped light mask like a large bowl upside down on the ground was about to condense, the figure of the night suddenly disappeared in the center of the light mask.

“What’s going on?! Where did he go?! ”

Even Tsuchiro, who has always been known for his calm composure, couldn’t help but exclaim, “Why will it suddenly disappear?!” Is it a doppelganger?! Could it be that he used a doppelganger from the beginning?! ”

The surprise in Ai’s eyes was no less than that of Toyo, but the difference was that Ai knew the reason for the sudden disappearance of the night.

“It’s not a doppelganger, it’s an instantaneous technique!” Ai Ning frowned and said.

As soon as the words fell, before Tsuchiro could react, a thunder light suddenly appeared on Ai’s body, and he suddenly punched.


The dull sound of fists and feet colliding erupted, and the body shining green in the night appeared in mid-air.

After the first blow, the two did not fight and quickly separated.


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