Chapter 26 Ninja School

Except for the two of Ye and Hong, the biggest change is probably Dai, he has perfected all the first seven doors of the eight doors of Dun Jia, and even the eighth door of death already has a clue.

But in the same way, the last one is also the most difficult one, and it is not so easy to perfect, and the previous seven Dai have not only been perfected, but even can be cast.

But because of the limitations of the body, Dai’s seventh door can’t be opened for too long, so usually in addition to the continued improvement of the eighth door, Dai is frantically exercising at other times, and even completely ignoring his own damage, so that Ye can’t help frowning every time he sees it.

Ye knew very well that such a way of exercising would have great side effects on Dai, and even irreparable damage, he did not let Dai give up such a cultivation method, but every time Dai would smile and tell him that everyone has their own ninja, and he wants to prove his ninja.

Ye knew that Dai didn’t understand what he meant at all, he didn’t want Dai to give up his cultivation of physical arts, but to let him change his current way of cultivation, not that Ye didn’t want to explain, not that he didn’t want to teach Dai his cultivation methods, but he couldn’t…

Ye cares a lot about the relationship between them and Dai, which he never had in the previous life, and if he taught Dai the cultivation methods of the previous life, then the relationship between them would also cease to exist.

So Ye chose to be silent, he didn’t want his relationship with them to be the past, and anyway, there would be a chance to change in the future, so Ye Hou did not persuade Dai to give up his cultivation method, but put Dai’s affairs in his heart.

Then because of the relationship between Night and Hong, the relationship between the Matt family and the Sunset family has also become close, after all, it has been half a year, and Ye and Hong don’t know how many times they have been to each other’s house.

Seeing that the relationship between the two is so good, as a parent, they are happy that the two children can have such a good relationship, naturally the two have more contacts, coupled with Dai’s personality and Zhenhong’s deliberate cooperation, the relationship between the two is now very close.

Yunyue and Hong’s mother often play family affairs together, and the most talked about is of course the husbands and children of the two, probably because the personalities of the two are relatively close, Yunyue’s red mother soon became a girlfriend.

Since the age of three, most of the night time has been spent cultivating and accompanying his family, and only occasionally he will go to the village with Hong, and Ye took Red to eat the most famous Ichiraku ramen in the original book, and also ate Hongdou’s favorite balls, but the two did not meet the red bean who liked the balls in the future, because at this time the red beans were just born less than three months old….

Although I didn’t see Hong’s best girlfriend Hongdou, the two accidentally met Lin, yes, it was the girl who Obito loved deeply, it was also an unexpected gain, Ye still remembered that he took Red to buy her snacks, and then met Lin on the road and her mother went out shopping, so they had a relationship.


“Night, it’s the day of ninja school enrollment in a few days, will you go?”

On this day, Ye had just finished today’s cultivation, and Hong, who had already been standing by and waiting, immediately ran over, and then asked Ye with a happy face.

Looking at the happy red when it comes to ninja school admissions, the night can’t help but feel that time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye he and red have known each other for a year, a year because of exercise Red has grown a lot taller, faster than girls of the same age, looks like a five-year-old girl, but in fact Hong is only four years old.

As for the night, he is even more exaggerated than red, and now the night grows as tall as a six- or seven-year-old child, after all, he specializes in physical skills, exercises every day, and has an unlimited supply of medicated meals every day, nutrition, exercise are not lacking, plus children originally develop relatively fast, as a result, the height of the night directly exceeds the same age children two or three years old.

“It depends, right? Red, are you going? If you want to go, then I will accompany you. ”

Ye sighed in his heart that time passed too quickly, but his mouth did not pause to answer Hong’s question, to be honest, Ye didn’t really want to go to ninja school, after all, even if he went, he couldn’t learn anything, and he had to stay with a group of little fart children all day, and he was bored to think about it.

If it wasn’t for the fact that you had to graduate from a ninja school to become a ninja, Yoru would definitely not even think about it and would not go to a ninja school.

In fact, Dai and Satsuki had already talked to him before about letting him go to the ninja school, but the night always changed the topic, originally he was going to drag it out until Kai turned four to go to the ninja school together, after all, there was also a genius Kakashi who was in the same class as Kai and was a little interesting.

As for this year, there are only Red, Night, Rin, Obito, Asma, Shizune Ibiki, and these people will be much less fun.

But now that it was Red who brought it up, Night had to reconsider.

Oh, by the way, it is worth saying that because it belongs to the war years now, it is generally four years old to start signing up for a ninja school, unlike the future Naruto’s era when he went to a ninja school at the age of six, after all, Naruto Their period of war has ended, and the major ninja villages are resting.

As for the situation in the original book that Kakashi, Rin, and Obito were in the same class, it was all after the death of White Fang, after the death of White Fang, Kakashi worked hard to cultivate, and then directly jumped a level to come to Obito and Rin’s class, and then graduated from the ninja school in less than a year, which means that Kakashi only stayed in the ninja school for a total of more than a year.

“What? Are you going or not going that night, if you don’t go at night, then I won’t go either!” ”

And Red heard Night’s answer but pouted / pouted / ba dissatisfied, and then said to Night a little coquettishly, although Red wants to go to the ninja school, but she obviously cares more about Night’s opinion, except for her parents, Night is always the first in Heart.

Red is obviously facing a dilemma now, on the one hand, she wants to go to the ninja school, on the other hand, she has to listen to the opinion of the night, if the night also wants to go, Hong thought in her heart expectantly, and even she has shown a look of yearning for the ninja school, which shows how much the ninja school tempts/seduces her.

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