Chapter 266: Goodbye White Fang

The grass pheasant sighed with emotion, and the traces of battle along the road deeply shocked him.

He wouldn’t be surprised if two armies had caused such a grand battle mark, the problem is, it was a battle between one man and one army at night!

Just by looking at these traces of almost altered terrain, it is enough to imagine the fierceness of the battle, in this case, Ye actually stood in front of him unharmed, and he also won the victory!

Until now, the grass pheasant is still in a state of shock and has not reacted!

“Let’s hurry back and take a look, it’s very dangerous to have no Shangnin guards in the camp now.”

Ye said solemnly.

Immediately, the group marched towards the camp, and after seeing that the supplies and the dozens of people left behind were fine, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, the night saw the traitor Yamagai who was firmly locked, he was not lightly injured, and he was still unconscious in the illusion of Uchiha Mikoto.

“Night, what is this traitor going to do with it?” The grass pheasant asked with a frown.

If it weren’t for Ye Ye’s saying that he would keep this mountain for his life, according to the grass pheasant’s own plan, he would have tortured the traitor to death no matter what!

“Put it here first, and talk about it tomorrow.”

Ye said with a glance at Shanhui.

This night was dangerous, if it were not for the night here, this batch of urgent supplies would have been intercepted by the surprise attack force of a hundred coalition forces, although the crisis had passed, but everyone did not let their guard down, sentries were scattered around the woods, changing guards every hour.

When the moon was setting and the sun was rising, and the east was white, the escort team once again headed for the northeast front, because it had just been attacked by the coalition forces, and once it set out, the troops moved at full speed, and finally arrived at the intended place in the afternoon.

When he arrived here, White Fang had just led his army in a difficult battle, and the lack of supplies had lasted for a week, and when he saw the huge transport team of three hundred ninjas, the front-line troops were overjoyed, and they were busy carrying all kinds of belongings.

After everything was taken care of, Ye Yi and his party went to the temporary camp of White Fang to discuss affairs.

“Your supplies are really timely, if it is a few days later, we will consider attacking the enemy’s reserves!”

White Fang sighed sincerely.

At the beginning of the war, Ye had almost met White Fang, and this time, Ye only felt that White Fang seemed to be several years old, and his expression was full of deep exhaustion.

“Teacher Shuomao, how is the situation here?”

Night asked.

“The day before yesterday, the enemy suddenly counterattacked, and the battle continued until this morning, and now the troops have suffered heavy losses, whether it is all kinds of strategic materials or food, they are extremely scarce, but now that you have arrived, you can relieve for a while.”

White Fang said this, but there was no joyful expression on his face, but a solemn expression.

“Is the situation not optimistic? Could it be…”

The night wanted to stop talking, frowning and looking at the white teeth.

White Fang said with a wry smile,

“The enemy’s army is too large, after all, it is a coalition of the four major powers, and five thousand ninjas have been assembled on the opposite side, and before you came, more than three thousand reinforcements came, and now there are tens of thousands of enemies on this front!”

But our allies, plus these three hundred people you transported supplies, there are only more than two thousand, and even if the supplies arrive now, I am afraid they will not be able to hold out for long! ”

Ye Wenyan’s brows furrowed, never expected that strong as white teeth, all rose despair!

This front is almost the lifeblood of the Fire Nation, and if it is completely lost, the Fire Nation is already equivalent to the fall of half of the country!

Now, with more than 2,000 tired troops who have been fighting for days, facing the attack of nearly 10,000 coalition troops, it is not easy to survive!

For a while, even the night didn’t know what to do.

“Alas, how can I, as the leader of this front, say such depressing words, even if I die here, I must hold it!”

The despair in White Fang’s eyes was swept away, revealing a sense of determination.

“Don’t worry, Teacher Shuomao, there may be a turn in things.”

Night frowned and said.

“Huh? The army is pressing, can there be any turnaround? ”

White Fang’s face was puzzled, strictly speaking, this place in the northeast can be said to have lost half of it, and now the coalition army is just to completely drive the remnants of White Fang’s troops out of here, the allied army has lost its geographical advantage, and in the case of troops and materials are several times weaker than the enemy army, it is almost impossible to turn over!

“Three generations have a secret order.”

After speaking, he handed the scroll in his arms to the White Fang.

“Huh? According to the Chakra nature above, it is the highest secret! ”

White Fang instantly became serious, took the scroll and laid it on the table, and his hands quickly froze.

After a long time, the complicated printing pattern was completed, and his hands slammed on the blank scroll.

A flash of light flashed, and a blue water curtain rose, and the information in the scroll faintly emerged.

Just looking at it for a few seconds, White Fang’s eyes widened sharply, and his face was incredulous.

“What’s wrong, Shuomao-sensei?”

Ye asked suspiciously, and as soon as the voice of inquiry fell, a light blue flame suddenly rose on the scroll, annihilating the intelligence scroll.

White Fang was still in shock, unable to come back to his senses for a long time, and turned a deaf ear to the questions of the night. The colors in his eyes were extremely complex, ranging from surprise, to sadness, and even a hint of anger.

Seeing the White Fang at night, he was puzzled to the extreme, and it must be something that could turn the tide of the war by making the White Fang so entangled, but it was difficult to see from his tangled expression that this thing that turned the tide of the war should pay a heavy price.

Suddenly, Ye recalled the difficult tasks handed over to him by three generations over the years, focusing on assassinating the high-level of various countries in the early stage, leaning on sowing discord, and in the later stage, he was mainly responsible for intercepting intelligence and transmitting intelligence!

And the object of several most important intelligence transmissions is the enemy army!

Ye had long guessed that the three generations were secretly making deals with several countries, and as the most important dark part of the three generations, he had long sensed from these abnormal tasks that the three generations were secretly arranging a plan!

(The third change, today there are three more, ask for a wave of flowers, subscription!) )

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