Chapter 3: Boundary-breaking systems

“Ding, dear host, my name is the boundary-breaking system, because it has been fused with the host’s soul, so it is lodged in the host’s soul, the host can see the system as a magic weapon bound to your soul, and because this system is completely dependent on the host’s soul, if the host dies the system will also be destroyed together, so the host does not have to worry about the system doing things that harm the host, including taking away the host.”

The sound of the system sounded from the soul of the dragon god again, and the dragon god found that although the sound of the system was crisp, it did not contain a trace of emotion, as if it were an electronic synthesized sound.

“Is it? How can I believe that what you say is true? ”

Although he already believed the system’s words in his heart, the dragon god did not easily let down his vigilance.

“This mainly depends on the host’s own ideas, the host can believe if it wants to believe, and if it is not willing to believe, it has no effect on the system.”

In the face of the dragon god’s inquiry, the system answered faithfully.

“Okay, then I believe you for the time being, so can I tell me what functions you have?”

The dragon god thought about it and felt that the system didn’t do what it said, and anyway, he can’t take this system now, since that’s the case, it’s better to understand the system more, maybe you can find something from it.

The dragon god is not unfamiliar with the system, after all, in order to relax the dragon god after the previous mission, he did not watch anime, novels and the like, but there have been many rebirths or gold fingers after crossing in the novel, and various systems are also a kind of gold finger.

It’s just that the system in the novel is also good and bad, so when a system appears inexplicably in his consciousness, the dragon god will immediately remain vigilant, after all, being vigilant about what you don’t understand is the most basic consciousness.

“There are only two functions in this system, one is to break the boundary, and the other is to draw prizes.”

As soon as the dragon god’s voice fell, the system immediately answered, but the answer was somewhat simple.

But it is precisely because the system answers simply that the dragon god has more understanding of the system.

First of all, this self-proclaimed boundary-breaking system is not very intelligent, and it can even be said that there is almost nothing, because the system will only answer the questions he asks when the dragon god takes the initiative to ask, which eliminates the reason why the system may take him away as much as possible.

Secondly, the function of this system is very monotonous, there are only two functions, and with a powerful feeling, the dragon god guesses that even these two functions may have great limitations, which is the feeling brought by his soul power cultivation to the extreme.

Although his soul power has only been left a little, his feeling has not weakened in the slightest, and it can even be said to be stronger, otherwise how do you think the dragon god could believe the system so easily, it is because this feeling tells him that what the system says is true.

“Can you explain these two functions in detail?”

In order to verify his guess, the dragon god continued to ask the system.

“Boundary-breaking: The system allows the host to travel through various worlds and planes, the world and plane traversed are determined by the host itself, the limit is that the host must become the strongest in the original world to be able to open the boundary-breaking function, if the host wants to return to the original world, you can return directly, and there are no other restrictions.”

“Lottery: Each time the host crosses into a new world, it has a chance to draw a prize, and the lottery is a random lottery, which may draw any ability, item, talent, bloodline, etc. in the three-dimensional or two-dimensional world.”

Sure enough, the feeling of the dragon god is right, whether it is breaking the boundary or the lottery, there are great restrictions, how easy it is to become the strongest in the world, some people even spend their entire lives unable to achieve this condition, but the two functions of the system must meet this condition to be effective.

It has to be said that although there is only one limit, it limits 99% of the population, and this limit is like a heavenly barrier, making this system like waste.

“Hehe, it seems that it doesn’t matter if there is a system of yours or not, right? It’s not so easy to become the strongest in the world. ”

Listening to the explanation of the system, the dragon god was completely relaxed, because of the limitations of this system, but let the dragon god relax his vigilance against it, anyway, for him it doesn’t matter if the function of this system is or not, maybe after a while he will completely forget the system.

“Host, do you want to conduct this lottery?”

Just when the dragon god was about to forget about this chicken rib system, the system took the initiative to open again, which was also the second active opening of the system, which should be triggered after reaching a certain condition.


Hearing the system’s inquiry, the dragon god did not react a little, so he asked with some doubt.

“Host, do you need to take this lottery?”

The sound of the system sounded again, but the words of the system made the dragon god a little puzzled, lottery? Where did the draw come from?

“System, where did the lottery come from, didn’t you say that the lottery can only be carried out when you travel to another world? Is it a newbie package for the system? ”

If he had doubts in his heart, the dragon god asked the system directly, and he believed that the system would give him the answer.

“Host, there is no newbie gift package in this system, and this lottery is a lottery opportunity obtained by the host successfully crossing the plane.”

For the dragon god’s inquiry system, there was no pause and he directly explained.

“Wait, you mean to say that I was not only reborn, but also traveled to another world, right?”

Hearing the explanation of the system, the dragon god felt that his head was a little confused, and he was not only reborn, but also crossed.

“Yes, host, the world you are in is indeed not the original world, but a world called Naruto.”

The system’s answer confirmed the dragon god’s inquiry.

“But why? Why did I cross, but also to the world of Naruto, the system, what the hell is going on. ”

Instinctive feeling, the dragon god felt that all this was inseparable from the system.

“The system is attached to the host when it is bombarded by a nuclear bomb in the original world, because the host’s body has been annihilated at that time, so the system can only be attached to the host’s soul…”

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