Chapter 45: Precocious children

However, although the two did not join the team discussing the night, they also quietly looked at the night, and they blushed from time to time, and did not know what they were thinking.

“Ah, how handsome, I decided, I must pursue him!”

What’s more, a girl was completely fascinated by the appearance of the night, and then directly said that she wanted to pursue the night without being shy/shy at all.

“Just you? Don’t be a fool, didn’t you see the girl next to people? With such a cute girl around, will people look at you? ”

Next to the girl who said that he wanted to pursue the night, a boy didn’t know whether it was jealousy or what, and said to the girl in a sour tone.

“Hmph, I want you to take care of it, and they don’t necessarily have that kind of relationship, maybe it’s just brothers and sisters!”

In the face of the blow of the boy beside him, the girl looked at him and snorted coldly with disdain, and then looked at the night with a foolish look and said with a fantasy.


The boy only felt that the corners of his mouth twitched, and he instantly felt speechless, secretly thinking that the woman who fell into the idiot was really not saved, and he was in pain in his heart and was ready to find a boy like him to complain, but turned his head….

“Wow, that girl is so beautiful, it’s so cute!”

“yes, yes, I don’t know if she has someone she likes?” If only I could be friends with her! ”

However, when he turned his head, he was heartbroken to find that the boys were almost no different from those flower-mad girls, and the only difference was that the girls talked about the night, and the boys talked about the red, and the boy suddenly felt stiff when he saw all this.

“Not only is she beautiful, but she also looks so gentle, I find that I already like her!”

No one noticed this somewhat heartbroken boy, and others still discussed red with interest, and some even directly said to those around them that they already liked red.

“Don’t joke, how can people like you fancy you, if I am still similar.”

However, someone soon refuted him, first mocking him mercilessly, and then saying to him defiantly.

“Hey, don’t think about it, such a beautiful girl is not something we can think of!”

Seeing that the two were about to turn from an argument to a fight, a reasonably reasonable child stopped the two and then spoke to them.

“That’s right, and didn’t you notice that the two of them kept holding hands? Obviously, the relationship is not simple, so I advise you not to think too much! “

At this time, another person who looked more carefully said to several people, and said and pointed to the hand that Ye and Hong had been holding together.

“Ah, it’s true, how so? Whew…”

Listening to this person’s words, the others immediately moved their eyes to Ye and Hong’s hands, and found that the hands of the two were indeed held together, and for a moment the boys’ hearts were cold, and even one of them cried directly as if he couldn’t stand the blow.

“Well, they don’t have to be that kind of relationship, right? Maybe it’s brother and sister! ”

However, there are still people who don’t want to believe it, and say the same doubts as the girl just now.

“Impossible, you look at their family crest, obviously not a good family, how can it be a brother and sister?!”

Seeing that the others also cast doubtful looks, the boy who made them give up shook his head, and then pointed to the family crest printed on Ye and Hong’s body and said to them affirmatively.

“Ah, it’s true, sure enough, their family crest is different!”

Looking at the place where the boy’s finger was, everyone found that as the boy said, a boy seemed to be unable to accept such a result, and suddenly shouted bitterly!

“How so?! ……”

The boy’s screams seemed to light the fuse, instantly causing a large number of screams, both boys and girls, and even the girls of Rin and Hinata’s family showed some disappointed looks.

Looking at most of the people in the class looking loveless, the person who reminded him of the door looked lively, and then showed a kind smile to Ye and Hong, who had just come in.

Why is this boy so clear that the relationship between night and red is not simple? Quite simply, because he is from the Nara family.

That’s right, it’s the child of the Nara family, and it is also the grandson of the Nara elder who came to Dai to talk about cooperation, and the two have been close a lot in recent years because of the cooperation, and they often have contact with each other, it can be said that in addition to the True Red family, only the Nara family and the Matt family have the best relationship.

The people of the Nara family are very smart, although they have not seen the two of Ye Ye and Hong before, but the relationship between the several is good, and they are still very familiar with each other’s family crest, not to mention that both the Matt family and the sunset family are sparsely crowded, as long as they see the family crest, it is easy to know who they really are.

And the reason why this boy reminded others is also to relieve the two of Ye and Hong, the relationship between Ye and Red is known to the people of the Nara family, in order not to let them be complained / disturbed by indifference, the boy of the Nara family directly helped the two.

Looking at Ye and Hong, who had just entered the classroom, facing a group of classmates who were staring at them with fire/hot eyes, Hong became shy for a moment, and then quietly hid behind Ye.

And the night said that he had no pressure, let alone face the gaze of a group of little fart children, even if the people who faced a military base alone in the previous life did not have the slightest panic, for him except the people he cared about, the eyes of other people could be directly ignored by the night.

Just hearing the discussion of these children just now, Ye had to sigh that the children in this world were really precocious, and they already knew how to pursue the opposite sex at the age of four, but they sighed with emotion, and Ye didn’t pay attention to the meaning of these.

Yoruya saw the kind look cast by the boy from the Nara family, and it was impossible for the night to ignore his overtures, so he also nodded slightly to him and thanked him.

Then Night directly took Red to find a place with fewer people to sit, and this happened to be where Rin and the girl from the Hyuga clan were sitting, I don’t know why, the two sat in less places than other places, and it was natural that Night also came here with Red to sit down.

Ask for flowers, collect!

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