Chapter 77 Support is coming

“Want to stall for time? It’s not so simple to see that you just dodged my attack, but it doesn’t matter anymore, please die!” ”

It is worthy of being the upper ninja of the Uchiha clan, and in an instant he found that the night wanted to delay time, although he was a little curious about how the night instantly mobilized his strength to avoid his attack, but thought that he didn’t have much time, so Uchiha Liuyun instantly made a decision, in order to avoid the night long dream more preparation Li Keer will kill the night.

“Go and die!”

With a fierce expression on his face, Uchiha Liuyun raised the kunai in his hand high, and then stabbed it fiercely at Ye’s neck…



Just when Ku Wu was about to stab Ye Wu’s body, Uchiha Liuyun was held by someone holding Ku Wu’s hand, and immediately stopped Ku Wu from falling.

Feeling the power coming from the hand that stopped him, Uchiha Liuyun’s face couldn’t help but change, and then he immediately moved his gaze to the owner who stopped his hand…

“It’s you! ……”

Seeing the person who stopped him, Uchiha Liuyun shouted out loudly, and there was deep fear and resentment in his eyes.

“Uchiha Shinobu, you went too far, it seems that the lesson given to you last time is not enough!”

The person who stopped Uchiha Liuyun did not care about his gaffe, but just said to him in a very flat tone, although his tone was very flat, but Uchiha Liuyun felt a strong murderous aura from his tone.

“It used to be so red…”

Uchiha Ryuun gritted his teeth and said the name that stopped him from killing the night man, but there was a deep resentment in his tone.

That’s right, the person who stopped Uchiha Liuyun is the former true red.

It turned out that the former true red had already arrived when Uchiha Yunhuo brought people to find trouble with the night, but looking at the true red who had practiced before the night, he knew that the few people of Uchiha Yunhuo could not be the opponent of the night, so he had been hiding in the secret.

Sure enough, the night did not disappoint him, and easily Yuzhibo Yunhuo fired, and then just when Zhenhong was about to leave after being relieved, Uchiha Liuyun came.

So in order to prevent accidents, Mako has been secretly watching the development of things, originally Maka did not want to come out, because he did not think that Uchiha Ruyun dared to face them at the gate of the ninja school.

However, the truth is always unexpected, saying that it is really red, everyone did not expect that Uchiha Liuyun actually dared to face the night killer at the gate of the ninja school, and suddenly they knew that they could not continue to hide, so they finally rushed out and prepared to stop Uchiha Liuyun.

It’s just that Uchiha Liuyun’s actions are really beyond their expectations, so True Red and their speed of supporting the night is also a beat slower, True Red can only pray that Uchiha Liuyun does not kill the night immediately, as long as there is no blow to kill the night, then they will be able to stop Uchiha Liuyun before his next attack.

Although he knew that the possibility of Uchiha Liuyun missing his hand was very small, but Zhenhong could only pray like this, and Zhenhong was still blaming himself in his heart, if he showed up earlier, then they would not have encountered such a crisis in the night, if something happened to the night, Zhenhong himself would not forgive himself, after all, he really treated the night like his son!

Fortunately, although things were unexpected, but in the end they were all intact in the night, seeing that Night with Red dodged Uchiha Liuyun’s attack, Zhenhong was relieved and felt a little surprised at the same time, he didn’t expect that the situation where he prayed for Uchiha Liuyun did not appear, but the night himself was more than Uchiha Liuyun’s attack.

It was not only Zhenhong who was surprised, all the people who were secretly following this matter were surprised that Ye was able to avoid Uchiha Liuyun’s attack, but everyone guessed that it might be that Uchiha Liuyun was careless, so he made Ye lucky more than a disaster, but even so, in their eyes, Ye was already a genius.

Do you know who Uchiha Liuyun is? That’s the upper Shinobi of the Uchiha clan, and who is the night? To put it bluntly, it’s just a child who has just entered a ninja school, and a child who doesn’t even have Chakra can actually dodge the attack of an upper ninja, isn’t this a genius?

For a while, everyone’s eyes looking at the night changed, even the onlookers before were speechless, all looked at the night stunned, their eyes were full of incredulity.

It can be predicted that today’s events will definitely cause a shock after being reported to the major families, and a child who has been forbeared for ten thousand years is actually a genius, such a thing will definitely attract the attention of many people, and at the same time, everyone will have a different positioning for the night.

Only Zhen Hong, he took a deep look at Ye, only Zhenhong understood that Ye’s strength was far beyond these people’s expectations, especially when he thought of Ye’s father, his friend Dai, if Ye learned to wear the eight-door dunjia, it was the real horror.


Soon, Uchiha Liuyun was taken away by the dark part who rushed in, along with his son Uchiha Yunhuo, and Uchiha Liuyun also glanced at Zhenhong and Ye with resentful eyes when he left, obviously very unwilling.

As for Uchiha Yunhuo, he was already stunned, and he didn’t even react at all when he was taken away by the dark part, but if he was careful, he would find that a trace of dazedness and fear occasionally flashed in Uchiha Yunhuo’s eyes.

“Dad, you’re finally here, that person just now is so terrible, he actually wants to kill the night…”

When Uchiha and his son were taken away by the Dark Ministry, Red immediately threw himself into his father’s arms and said in a trembling voice.

When did Hong encounter such a thing today, just because Uchiha Liuyun was still there, Hong’s spirit was tense and did not feel anything, now that Uchiha Liuyun was taken away, his father had arrived again, and the fear in Hong’s heart was all released in an instant, and then threw himself into Zhenhong’s arms while telling the fear in his heart in a trembling/trembling voice, while shedding tears.

Looking at the redhead/venting crying, Zhenhong and Ye were silent, and the two looked at each other, both seeing the killing intent in each other’s eyes! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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