Chapter 90 Saber-rattling

“Report three generations of adults, people from all major families have arrived!”

Hearing the three generations speak, the patriarchs of the major families all took their gazes back from the three of the night, and then all looked at the three generations, and then the Nara patriarch answered to the three generations.

Everyone looked at the three generations differently, the people who supported the three generations looked at him with serious eyes, while the people on Uchiha’s side looked at him with a little disdain and caution, which looked contradictory, but it didn’t make people feel strange at all.

“Yesterday at the gate of the ninja school happened a big incident, presumably everyone has already received the news, Uchiha Liuyun, as a superior ninja violated the rules to kill the children of the village, and is still at the school gate, fortunately was stopped by Shinka Kaminobu at the last moment, so it did not cause irreparable consequences, but even so, what he did is unforgivable, the purpose of calling everyone here today must be known to you, yes, it is about the punishment of what Uchiha Liuyun did, let everyone judge him together!”

The three generations glanced around at everyone standing in front of him, as if ignoring their expressions, just said their own words casually, but very cryptically, and a hint of meaning flashed when the three generations swept their gaze over the people on Uchiha’s side.

“Three generations of adults, I think that this matter of Uchiha Liuyun must be dealt with seriously, not to mention that he actually attacked the children of the village in private, it is already an unforgivable crime, not to mention that he still did it to children at the gate of the ninja school, if he does not set an example this time, then the school will never have peace in the future!”

After listening to the words of the three generations, before the others could react, the Nara patriarch was the first to speak and said to the three generations, and as soon as he spoke, he severely punished Uchiha Liuyun.

“Three generations of adults, I also agree with Lu Ming’s proposal, as we all know, the children in the school are the future of the village, and Uchiha Liuyun’s attack on the children of the school is equivalent to destroying the future of the village, this is an extremely bad incident, and it must be severely punished!”

As soon as Patriarch Nara spoke, someone immediately picked him up, also in favor of severely punishing Uchiha Liuyun.

“That’s right, Uchiha Liuyun is ruining the future of the village by doing this, and it must be severely punished!”

Another person spoke, also thinking that Yuzhibo Liuyun should be severely punished, and then the patriarchs of the major families opened their mouths one by one to propose to severely punish Yuzhibo Liuyun, and the more he said, the more exaggerated, as if Yuzhibo Liuyun instantly became a rat crossing the street Everyone shouted and beaten, and the charges placed on him became more and more exaggerated, as if even if he was cut by a thousand cuts, he could not make up for his mistakes.

And as these people told it, Uchiha became more and more ugly, even Uchiha Liuyun’s eyes began to show fear, and as for Uchiha Yunhuo, he was frightened when he heard half of it.

However, it was as if no one had been frightened, and Uchiha Yunhuo was still discussing how to punish Uchiha Yunhuo.

Seeing this scene of the night, his eyes were a little strange, he quietly and secretly observed those alarmist statements, and it was easy to find that these people who spoke were all people from the third generation side, obviously these words they said had been arranged a long time ago, and those on Uchiha’s side did not speak with a black face, or they could not interject at all.

I saw that the people of the three generations opened their mouths one after another, and did not give the Uchiha side a chance to speak, and directly said that Yuzhibo Liuyun was a prisoner who committed a great crime…

“The patriarchs are also a little too alarmist, right? It is indeed wrong for Uchiha Liuyun to attack the children of the village, but is it too hasty for everyone to convict him directly indiscriminately? Should we know the specifics first? ”

Seeing that the people of the three generations of the party were getting more and more away from their mothers, the Uchiha side finally couldn’t bear it, and finally the patriarch of the three generations immediately interrupted the major patriarchs of the three generations, and then said in a dissatisfied tone.

Of course, Patriarch Uchiha was just pretending to be dissatisfied, as one of the initiators of the matter, how could he not understand the truth of the matter, and the reason why he said this was only for the purpose of temptation.

“Patriarch Uchiha, everyone present in yesterday’s incident is already very clear, you Uchiha as the security department of the village, yesterday’s incident still has part of your responsibility, not to mention Uchiha Liuyun is still Uchiha’s clan, and now you want to excuse him, do you Uchiha want to rebel against the village?”

However, as soon as Patriarch Uchiha opened his mouth, it seemed to touch the nerves of some people, and I saw an elder of the Ape Flying Clan suddenly opened his mouth to question Patriarch Uchiha, and smeared Uchiha as soon as he opened his mouth.

After hearing the words of this Ape Fei clan elder, everyone’s eyes changed in an instant, and the people of the three generations suddenly looked at Uchiha’s people with vigilant eyes, and Uchiha’s people changed their faces greatly, they did not focus their eyes on the elder of the Ape Fei clan who opened their mouths for the first time, but looked at the three generations at the same time.

Obviously, the people of Uchiha think that what this elder of the ape flying clan said is the meaning of the three generations, after all, the three generations are the people of the ape flying clan, and they are also the patriarch of the ape flying clan, and hearing the words of this ape flying clan elder, the people of Yu Zhibo have to think of things about the three generations.

However, when they focused their eyes on the three generations, they found that the expression of the three generations still did not change in the slightest, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking, but the three generations made the people of Uchiha more suspicious.

Did the three generations already know something? This is especially the heart of Patriarch Uchiha, who looks at the three generations with uncertain eyes, as if thinking about something, but his expression is well hidden.

As Elder Ape Fei spoke, the entire conference hall suddenly fell into a strange silence, and everyone did not speak, making the entire conference hall seem a little deadly, and only the sound of their own heavy breathing could be heard.

The atmosphere became more and more depressed, and the patriarchs of some small families who had never seen each other at night had gradually oozed cold sweat on their foreheads, obviously even they were under a lot of pressure in such an environment! _

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