In the 48th year of Konoha, on September 23, a child named "Ino" was born in Konoha Hospital. The name "Ino" is full of the blessings of Kaichi Yamanaka and his wife - wild boars in the mountains and forests are the most astute and intelligent, they have an extraordinary sense of smell, can avoid many dangers, and are safe and secure in the dangerous mountains and forests.

The ninja world is not a peaceful and beautiful place, and in the short 48 years after the establishment of the "one country, one village" system, three ninja wars broke out.


a wild boar in the mountains, he is as alert and intelligent as a wild boar in the mountains, and has the intuition to smell danger and avoid danger, and he lives happily.

This is the greatest blessing and expectation of Haiichi Yamanaka and Mrs. Yamanaka for this little guy.


As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw the wooden ceiling, the wood-colored ceiling was polished and shiny, reflecting the warm skylight.

"I'm still dreaming?" As

soon as he thought of this possibility, he closed his eyes again, and counted "one, two, three, four, five...... until "ten", suggesting to himself: "Wake up!" When he opened his eyes, it was still the color of wood, and the polished ceiling reflected the warm skylight...... The sky seemed to be a little brighter than it had been before.

"Why can't you wake up?" he muttered to himself. In the past, I encountered this half-dreaming state - I knew that I was dreaming - as long as I hinted in my heart, I could wake up as soon as I opened my eyes, but this time I failed.

He counted "one, two, three...... again, and when he opened his eyes after counting ten, it was still a log-colored ceiling.

Try ...... again

The ceiling is still wood-colored.

He gave up struggling.

Just close your eyes and continue to sleep...... The dream will end after all! As long as you sleep until you wake up naturally, the dream will be helpless

! "Ino! Ino...... It's time to get up! Lying in bed is not a good boy......"

before closing his eyes.

He heard a gentle woman's voice, speaking neon language, but he could clearly understand it, and a thought jumped out of his heart at the same time: "Mommy came to wake up." "Some memories come flooding out in my heart—it's the memory of "me", although separated, but so harmonious and natural, as if it should have been. Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the sound of the sliding door sliding open, and he quietly opened his eyes and saw his mother.

Mom wore a coffee-colored dress, and her light, almost silver-colored pale yellow hair was combed back into a bun and fastened with a wooden hairpin.

"Mom...... I had just woken

up, and I thought I was still dreaming—so I woke up a few more times!" Listening to Koino's "quibble", Mrs. Yamanaka sat down on her knees, picked her up, and asked with a smile, "And then?"

Ino said, "Then I thought I was still dreaming, and I never woke up...... I've really tried hard to wake up

......" "Huh...... Are you awake now?" Lady Yamanaka gently scraped Ino's nose with her hand.

"Wake up, wake up. Lady

Yamanaka put a sundress on Ino and put on her socks, "Let's go, let's go have breakfast." Dad will be leaving in a little later......"

"Looking for Daddy!" Ino took the hand of the lady of the mountain and ran out. Lady Yamanaka took her by the hand and pulled the little one to prevent him from falling. When I entered the dining room, I saw a handsome man wearing a standard green vest and the same hair color as Mrs. Yamanaka - Haiichi Yamanaka. A strange metaphor popped up inexplicably in Jing Ye's heart: "Dad is so handsome, as handsome as Nicholas Tse!"

This metaphor is so "natural" that Ino doesn't feel anything weird at all - this is her memory.


Ino broke free from his mother's hand and ran into his father's arms.

Yamanaka Haiichi twisted his body very carefully, and moved the place where the blade was stored in his pocket, and was pounced on by Ino.

Mrs. Yamanaka tasted it and said, "As soon as I opened my eyes, I told me that I thought I hadn't woken up, and now that I saw my father, I didn't even want my mother......

" "Uh-huh, um-......" Yamanaka Hai responded happily, "Of course, the daughter is closest to her father." You don't care too much about her on weekdays, she also kisses you. Ino will definitely be a ninja in the future, and the Yamanaka family will also be carried forward in her hands, so don't be too restrained and doting when she is young...... The kid from the Nara family didn't want to move all day long, and he choked Lu Jiu with a headache......

"Lady Yamanaka complained: "The people of the Nara family are lazy, isn't that an ancestral heirloom? If you want me to say, marry their family, that's really ......"

Ino thought about ......

One of the "memories" is that dark-haired, chubby kid

, who is as lazy as a turtle, and can lie down without sitting, and the second "memory" is the deer pill in a manga called "Naruto", Nara Shikamaru, who is lazy and has to finish.

The two memories blend perfectly.


is right!" Yamanaka said, not to be outdone, "Madame is right. "

Yamanaka Kaichi hugged Ino and fed Inono while eating it himself. After breakfast, he kissed Ino's face: "Ino, Dad is going to work." Be obedient at home......" said another word to Mrs. Yamanaka, and left.

"Let's go...... Mom will take

you to the yard to play...... "Mrs. Yamanaka took Ino to the yard to pick flowers, flutter butterflies, and teach her a variety of flower languages - different flowers have different meanings, so you can combine different connotations. As an elegant eldest lady, these are things that you must understand no matter what-aristocratic temperament must be cultivated from early childhood.

This play was a morning, and Ino's "memory" finally slowly changed from a chaotic blend to order.

From a state of "butterfly dreaming of Zhuang Zhou", the self repeatedly jumps between butterflies and Zhuang Zhou, it becomes clear:

"I" is clear - I


It's Yamanaka Ino.

3 years old.

It is one of the 12 small powerhouses of Konoha in the future.


It is a "traverser" who wakes up and inexplicably crosses over.


That's me.

"Memory" naturally becomes the two parts of "me before the crossing" and "Ino itself", which make up the current "me".

The 3-year-old body can't accommodate too much "mature" thinking, but more of the lively, cheerful, and fun-loving nature of Ino himself.

Derived from the laws of the natural development of the human body, the objective physiological laws of hormones acting on the development and growth of the body cannot be overridden by rationality - the so-called maturity is only when the age reaches the age of maturity, and the effect of hormones on the human body has changed.

Although she wanted to think about the "future" and plan ahead, these heavy thoughts only appeared and were replaced by something more appealing a moment later.

Those beautiful flowers and beautiful butterflies are more interesting than any "future...... The so-called "future" thinking was thrown directly to the hometown of the Otsuki family.

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