"What the hell is Long Guo doing?"

The commander-in-chief said to himself, his voice full of doubts.

First the previous superconducting power transmission, and now the closure of entry and exit. The actions of the Dragon Kingdom made it difficult for the commander-in-chief to judge.

He couldn't figure out what the Dragon Kingdom was thinking. There was no way for the Lighthouse State to take the next step.

In the office, after the Commander-in-Chief said that, he fell into deep thought.

The Secretary of State sitting opposite him was also thinking, unlike the Commander-in-Chief. As the specific executor of the Dragon Kingdom's strategy, he learned more and more detailed information.

But the more he learned, the more questions he had. The Secretary of State was no less confused than the commander-in-chief.

Flashing through the mind of the Secretary of State, this information is full of doubts.

For example, Longguo has clearly built superconducting power transmission lines, but has not put them into use.

The Secretary of State's previous judgment on Longguo's superconducting power transmission lines seems to be for energy conservation. Not so.

If it is for energy conservation, the earlier it is invested, the more electricity can be saved.

However, it is difficult for Secretary of State Lighthouse to understand Long Guo’s approach when it has built superconducting power transmission but does not use it.

"What are they waiting for?"

The Secretary of State thought silently in his heart. After contacting Long Guo's latest retreat announcement, the Secretary of State had an idea in his mind.

After pondering for a few seconds, the Secretary of State spoke and broke the silence in the office.

"Datong is the first to be born, this will not be the case in Longguo."

The Secretary of State spoke slowly and expressed his guess.

"Dragon Kingdom’s retreat this time may be to enable superconducting power transmission."

"Superconducting power transmission?"

The commander asked in confusion.

He also knew about the superconducting power transmission network of the Dragon Kingdom, but he didn't understand the subsequent information.

"Yes, the Dragon Kingdom has built a superconducting power transmission network, but it has never been put into use, nor has it been officially made public. I am afraid that it is just waiting for a good time to make it public.." the Secretary of State said.

While speaking, the Secretary of State's brain was also spinning rapidly, and he even helped Long Guo come up with a motive.

"Isn't the Dragon Kingdom currently in an energy crisis?"

"The Dragon State has staged such a big battle just to promote their superconducting power transmission, in order to boost domestic confidence."

Listening to the Secretary of State's explanation, the Commander-in-Chief nodded.

Based on the recent intel of the Dragon Kingdom, these can be connected together.

After all, it is unrealistic to expect the superconducting transmission network to save energy.

Compared to the overall energy gap of the Dragon Kingdom , the power lost during the transmission process is really not worth mentioning.

The superconducting power transmission network may not be very effective in saving energy, but it is a good material for publicity.

The leader asked himself, if the lighthouse country builds it. If a super project like a superconducting power transmission network comes out, it will definitely be promoted vigorously.

In today's world when superconducting materials are difficult to put into practical use, the achievement of building a superconducting power transmission network covering the whole country is enough to make Datong leader Ming Liu lighthouse think clearly. After understanding this, the commander-in-chief said:

"Makes sense"

"So what do we do next?"

After hearing the commander-in-chief's approval, the Secretary of State felt happy at first, and then fell into silence.

After a while, the Secretary of State spoke.

"Longguo has not publicized the news of superconducting power transmission, just to have a better publicity effect when it is made public."

"We can announce this news in advance and make Long Guo’s efforts in vain."

The Secretary of State narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had seen through the thoughts of the Dragon State.

After learning that the transmission lines of the Dragon State were made of superconducting materials, the Lighthouse State did not choose to disclose this information, but hid it to let its own scientists think Methods to imitate.

Previously, the Secretary of State was wondering why Long Guo himself did not disclose it. Now he has a conclusion and a method for Long Guo.

After hearing this, the commander-in-chief agreed!

"This is okay. In order to promote superconducting power transmission, Longguo directly closed the entry and exit channels."

"We directly help them make it public. In this case, the propaganda effect of Dragon Kingdom will be greatly reduced."

The commander-in-chief of the Lighthouse State is very satisfied with the Secretary of State's proposal.

It can destroy the propaganda strategy of the Dragon State without any cost.

"By the way, T&T Head Student, I have another idea."The Secretary of State said,"It can be used to attack the reputation of the Dragon Kingdom."


The commander asked curiously

"Doesn’t the Dragon Kingdom want to seal the border? Then we will launch a state visit to the Dragon Kingdom at this time."

The Secretary of State expressed his thoughts.

State visits are one of the highest-level forms of communication between countries. In the past, state visits were basically completed successfully.

The reason why the Secretary of State initiated a state visit at this time is to target The international image of the Dragon Kingdom.

If the Dragon Kingdom refuses, it would be rude. If the

Dragon Kingdom agrees, then the Dragon Kingdom’s entry and exit announcement will become a joke.

, a smile appeared on the Commander’s face


"I'll leave it all to you."

Hearing the commander's instructions, the Secretary of State quickly nodded in agreement.

After the Secretary of State left the office, the secretary rushed into the office in a hurry

"Commander-in-Chief, Long Guo issued another announcement"

"show me."

The commander hurriedly took it and began to read.

The latest announcement from the Dragon Kingdom is very simple, with only one number, 14

"What does it mean?"

The commander-in-chief muttered to himself in confusion.

After looking at the intelligence source, the commander-in-chief determined that this was an official announcement from the Dragon Kingdom.

But this is even more strange. How can someone only send out a number in an announcement?

Looking at the latest Intelligence, what did the commander suddenly think of?[]

Looking up the last announcement from the Dragon Kingdom, the commander saw a very close number.

(In the last announcement of Haonuo, in addition to reminding the closure of entry and exit channels, it also mentioned a number, 15.

In two announcements two days apart, the number changed from 15 to 14.

It is obvious that this is a countdown number.

Countdown for counting days.

Taking out the calendar, the commander counted the last day of the countdown.

From the Gregorian calendar point of view, this day is ordinary.

But the commander-in-chief knew that this was not the case for the Dragon Kingdom. The day when the countdown ended was the Dragon Kingdom's New Year's Eve.

It is also the day before the traditional New Year of the Dragon Kingdom.

"I see."

The commander secretly thought, but questions also arise.

It's just the New Year, does the Dragon Kingdom use official announcements to count down?

Or will something big happen after the countdown ends?

The commander of Lighthouse frowned,

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