The exam for Genin to Chunin, also known as the Chunin Exam, is not only a test of the ninja's own strength and growth, but also an examination of the strength of each ninja village.

This is a special Chunin Exam, held every three years, and is generally an important occasion for observing the national strength of major countries.

Liuli was busy in the kitchen for a long time, then walked out and sat next to Baicao Qingchuan and said, "Qingchuan, next year, will you graduate from the Ninja School?"

Baicao Qingchuan looked at Liuli, nodded and said, "Yes, I will graduate from the Ninja School next year, and I will go to the Anbu to find you then!"

Liuli saw Baicao Qingchuan, smiled innocently and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you! Uchiha Itachi should be able to graduate from the Ninja School this year, and he is also very likely to go to the Anbu!"

"Yes, I heard him say that after graduating from the Ninja School early, he will go to the Anbu to find you. He really regards you as his lifelong opponent!" Baicao Qingchuan took a bite of the snack in his hand, and then said to Liuli.

"It seems that I changed Uchiha Itachi!" Liuli looked up at the ceiling and thought to herself!

"Okay, Qingchuan, you rest here for a while, the meal will be ready soon, let's eat in a while!" Liuli stood up and said to Qingchuan.

Baicao Qingchuan nodded and continued to eat the snacks in his hand, and then Liuli walked into the kitchen to see if the food was cooked!

About four or five minutes later, Liuli brought the food to the dining table and called Baicao Qingchuan to come over for dinner. When Baicao Qingchuan heard Liuli asking him to come over for dinner, he immediately stood up, walked into the kitchen to get the bowls and chopsticks, and then walked to the dining table and sat down!

"Wow! It smells so good, this is the first time I've eaten food made by Liuli Jun, I'm really looking forward to how it tastes!" Baicao Qingchuan smelled the food and said to Liuli.

Liuli smiled and looked at Baicao Qingchuan and said, "Eat it quickly, you will know the taste after eating it! Whether it tastes good or not is just like that, there is no way to go back to the pot and cook it again!"

Helping Liuli, he picked up a large piece of braised fish and handed it to Baicao Qingchuan's bowl.

"Thank you!"

After Liuli picked up the braised fish and put it in her bowl, Baicao Qingchuan politely said thank you to Liuli, and then ate the braised fish in the bowl.

"Wow, it's really delicious. I didn't expect Liuli to be able to cook braised fish! Suddenly I feel very happy!" Baicao Qingchuan said after taking a bite of the braised fish Liuli picked up.

"It's good, so eat quickly, otherwise it will get cold in a while!" After Liuli finished speaking, she also moved the chopsticks in her hand.

"Come on Qingchuan, drink some of this vegetable soup! This vegetable soup is developed by me, and I think it tastes very good. Come and try it!" Liuli put a bowl of vegetable soup in front of Baicao Qingchuan and said.

Baicao Congsheng nodded, then took a small spoon and slowly tasted the vegetable soup Liuli put over.

"Wow! This vegetable soup is the first time I drink it, and it tastes really good! It seems that Liuli Jun is also a person who knows how to live! Hehe!" Baicao Qingchuan said to Liuli with a smile.

"Okay, let's eat!"

After that, Liuli and Baicao Qingchuan continued to eat their own meals. After dozens of minutes, they had finished all the meals.

After eating, Baicao Qingchuan did not sit on the chair to rest, but stood up to clean up the dishes on the table and walked into the kitchen.

"This little Qingchuan is really suitable to be a good wife and mother! Haha!" Liuli thought to herself as she watched Baicao Qingchuan enter the kitchen after cleaning up the dishes. Looking at Baicao Qingchuan's figure, Liuli still had a smile on her face.

"Liuli Jun, let's sit in the yard. I just looked at the sky outside and it seems there are many stars!" After washing the pots and bowls, Baicao Qingchuan walked into the yard and looked at it, then walked into the house and said to Liuli.

After resting for a while, Liuli stood up and said to Baicao Qingchuan: "Okay, you go first, I'll get something and come in a while!"

After that, Liuli went to her room, took two bags of beef jerky, and then walked out of the door. After coming to the yard, Liuli sat next to Baicao Qingchuan.

"Qingchuan, this is beef jerky! If you are not very hungry, you can eat it as a snack later!" Liuli said after handing a bag of beef jerky to Baicao Qingchuan.

"Well, thank you Liuli-kun, where did this beef jerky come from?" Baicao Qingchuan took the beef jerky and said toLiuli said.

Liuli smiled and said to Baicao Qingchuan: "Hehe! This is what Aunt Meiling prepared for me the night before I went to report to the Anbu! She said that life in the Anbu is very hard, so she prepared some extra food and some ready-to-eat food for me to eat in the Anbu!"

"Aunt Meiling is so good to you! If I could have such an aunt, I would be very happy!" Baicao Qingchuan said.

"Liuli Jun, look, there are meteors in the sky!" Baicao Qingchuan suddenly said while looking up at the sky.

Liuli also looked in the direction of Baicao Qingchuan, and sure enough, a group of meteors flew by.

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