After the ninja entangled by the wire on the field was dragged away by two Anbu ninjas, a teacher came to Uchiha Itachi with a forehead protector.

"Congratulations, Uchiha Itachi has finally become a real ninja. Here, this is your forehead protector!" The teacher handed it to Uchiha Itachi.

"Thank you!" After receiving the greeting, Liuli politely said thank you to the teacher.

At this time, Liuli and Baicao Qingchuan Hinata Reika came over.

"Itachi, congratulations on passing the test!" Hinata Reika walked to Uchiha Itachi and said to her.

Uchiha Itachi didn't say anything, and then gave her a smile and said to Liuli: "Liuli, this time I have also graduated from the ninja school, just wait for me to catch up with you!"

"Okay, I said that your strength will definitely be very strong, not to mention your talent! Don't worry, I will always be your opponent!" Liuli said to Uchiha Itachi with a smile.

"By the way, what are your plans after graduating from the Ninja School?" Liuli thought of something and said to Uchiha Itachi.

"Well, of course I want to join the Anbu!" Uchiha Itachi showed his very precious smile and said to Liuli.

Liuli thought about it, then smiled and said to him: "Okay, then I will wait for you in the Anbu!"

"Really, you two are so powerful, now I feel that Linghua and I are really too weak! If we fight together in the future, we will definitely hold you back!" Baicao Qingchuan said with a grievance, lowering his head.

Liuli smiled and touched Baicao Qingchuan's head with her hand and said, "What a silly girl! Needless to say, you and Linghua will be very powerful. When we fight together in the future, you will definitely not hold us back! I believe in you!"

"That's right! Qingchuan, we are not weaker than the two of them. If you really think so, then you are finished!" Hyuga Linghua came over and took Baicao Qingchuan's arm and said softly.

"Well, I believe we must be no worse than them! So Linghua, let's work hard together! Try to catch up with them as soon as possible!" Baicao Qingchuan said to the three of them with a very determined smile.

"By the way, why didn't I see Sarutobi Asuma? Where is he now!" Liuli said to them after finding that she didn't see Sarutobi Asuma.

"Don't you know? Liuli-kun, Sarutobi Asuma has gone to the front line to fight!" Baicao Qingchuan said with a very surprised expression.

"What, he's already there? When did he go?" Liuli said with an expression of disbelief.

"I don't remember clearly, it seems he went earlier! There were many ninjas who went with him!" Uchiha Itachi said to Liuli.

Liuli lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head and said to them with a smile: "Okay, let's go out and celebrate for our classmates now!"

Not yet, when Uchiha Itachi spoke, Baicao Qingchuan and Hinata Reika said at the same time: "Okay! Okay!"

Uchiha Itachi heard the two girls talking, and then nodded helplessly.

"Okay, then we've decided, let's go now! Let's have a good chat there later!" Liuli said with a smile while looking at the two girls

After that, the four of them walked out of the campus, found a place to eat in Konoha Village, and started their celebration banquet for Uchiha Itachi.

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