"Haha, it seems that he is really pissed off this time!" Liuli looked at Akimichi Choza and said with a smile.

"Oh, by the way, why can you use ice escape? We thought you only knew wind escape and fire escape!" At this time, Sarutobi Shinnosuke looked at Liuli curiously and said that when Liuli and the Eight-Tails were fighting hard a few days ago, they used ice escape, which made it hard for them to forget.

"If I tell you this, you probably don't understand it very well. When the temperature of the flame is controlled at zero degrees, the flame can be turned into ice!" Liuli looked at their curious eyes and had to make up a reason that was unlikely to be believed.

"What? How can the burning degree of the flame be controlled at zero degrees?" Sarutobi Shinnosuke showed a surprised expression and looked at Liuli and said.

"Control it at zero degrees? This is not impossible. There is a saying that if they are combined together, it can also become ice escape!" At this time, Yamato said thoughtfully.

"If the flame can be controlled at zero degrees, it is a very controllable thing! But I am really surprised that you can control it!" Akimichi Choza said to Liuli with a smile.

The combination of two attributes can produce a third attribute, which is just a theory. In fact, after Senju Hashirama, Konoha has done so many experiments and only succeeded in Yamato, a wood escape ninja, and the power of Yamato's wood escape is even more different from that of Senju Hashirama.

Liuli knows that the reason is probably because Senju Hashirama is the reincarnation of Ashura, and his chakra is naturally endowed with the power of Yang escape.

However, the concept of Yin shield is to create matter from the invisible with imagination and spiritual power as the root, while the concept of Yang shield is to give life to matter with the body energy of life as the root.

Liuli guessed that Senju Hashirama's wood escape must be the life given by Yang shield, so it is very different from Yamato's ordinary wood escape.

However, when Liuli's thoughts returned to reality, he only heard Dahe asking his own question again: "I'm very curious now, why don't you use hand seals when you release ice escape?"

"My God, you really have too many questions!" Liuli looked at Dahe in front of him and thought helplessly.

However, Liuli had already prepared the answer to this question, and then rolled his eyes at him and asked: "Really, when I used Fire Escape·Fire Fist and Wind Escape·Rasenshuriken, did you see me make hand seals?"

"That's right! Hehe!" Yamato said with an innocent smile.

Is this kid's ninjutsu all unsealed ninjutsu? If that's the case, he is really too amazing, he is really amazing, not to mention that he is only six or seven years old now, after Liuli's words, everyone thought in their hearts.

"Okay, everyone, let Liuli rest for a while!" Uzuki Yugao said that the other ninjas who were surrounding him walked out of the tent, leaving only him and Liuli.

"Liuli, wait for me here for a while, I'll get you some food!" After driving all the ninjas out of the tent, Mao Yue Xi Yan said to Liuli with a smile.

"Okay, thank you, Xi Yan, you are so kind to me!" Liuli said to Mao Yue Xi Yan.

After hearing Liuli's words, Mao Yue Xi Yan's face turned red again, and then she lowered her head and walked out of the tent to get food for Liuli.

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