"This kind of time is so comfortable! Eating barbecue with a few of my friends, and in this fresh forest, all the worries disappear in an instant, it's really great!" Liuli turned over the meat slices on the grill, and lay on the grass looking at the sky and said.

"Yes, how many people yearn for such a life! But now it's a little bit uneasy, the ninjas from the outside village always come to our Konoha to find things, and we, the members of the Anbu, can't live leisurely like this all day long!" Mao Yue Xi Yan sighed after hearing Liuli's words.

Uchiha Itachi, who rarely speaks, suddenly said at this time: "Yes, I really hope to be born in a peaceful period and live a carefree life. Every day, I only practice ninjutsu and go to school, and play with other friends. That kind of life is what we should live!"

War is the origin of evil. It has brought distress to many people and made many people feel that they have lost their families. Liuli's parents in the ninja world died on the battlefield.

As long as there is war, there will be no happy time. Every child will not have enough food to eat and will live a life where they will die every day. Unlike us, we live in this peaceful era and are carefree. This peaceful era is what the former fighting heroes have brought us. So we should cherish the current peaceful era and not waste this precious time.

"Everyone hopes for a peaceful era, but why do some people always like war?" Akagi Maru said with a frown while turning the coal in the stove.

"Because they believe that only war can solve a problem, only war can prove their strength, and only war can get what they want! But they never thought about what they would lose! War will only bring disaster to people, not all good things!" Liuli sat up from the grass and said to Akagi Maru.

"Since we were born in this war period, we must make a little contribution to Konoha! Let's work together to resist foreign invasion and beat them back to their own country! This can protect us and the ordinary villagers in the village!" Liuli looked at them and said seriously.

"Okay, okay, don't think about those things. Come and eat, or it will be cold in a while!" Baicao Qingchuan, who came back from the stream, looked at them all worried, and then spoke to distract them.

"That's right, it's a bit early for us to think about these things now. They are not doing nothing now, right? Let's have dinner quickly and stop thinking about those useless things!" Feeling that it was a bit too early to talk about these things now, Liuli said to them with a smile.

Sure enough, after Liuli said this, they started their conversation with friends with a smile, talking and eating barbecue.

In Liuli's understanding, friends are those who eat barbecue with you when you are happy and drink with you when you are unhappy.

Real friends don't care whether you are rich or poor, handsome or ugly, or your family's status in society. They are like this. Some people who really pay for you are your real friends.

They play with you not because of your money. Only if you play with them with your heart, they will play with you with their own heart. There is a very good saying that brothers share happiness and difficulties.

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