"By the way, now Neji has grown up, so Hinata has grown up too, and she looks almost two or three years old! To be honest, she should be the most beautiful among the Naruto characters I know! Before marrying Naruto, she was a gentle and virtuous girl, but how come she became a completely different person after marrying Naruto! It's really weird!" Liuli thought of the time when she watched Naruto before, and sighed in her heart.

After Liuli turned the fish in her hand over, she continued to think in her heart: "Oh, by the way, I remember Hinata's sister Hyuga Hanabi, and later became a village flower! The author of this Naruto is really weird! Forget it, after all, this is an anime after all!"

After grilling the fish in her hand, Liuli put it aside, and continued to take out fresh fish and put it on the grill again.

Liuli looked at the people who were playing games on the side, and suddenly thought of several characters.

"Now that I think about it, Uchiha Itachi is also a very miserable child in this world!" Liuli looked at Uchiha Itachi who was playing with others and thought to herself: "Uchiha Shisui is a little older than Uchiha Itachi! He is a good friend of Uchiha Itachi. If you say so, Shisui is Itachi's master! When Uchiha Itachi was in Konoha Ninja Village, Shisui had helped Itachi practice ninjutsu many times, and helped him master the unique bloodline limit of the Uchiha clan!"

Uchiha Shisui also regarded Uchiha Itachi as the only one who was most close to him. The two of them were also true friends. Before the Uchiha clan rebelled, Uchiha Shisui secretly looked for Uchiha Itachi, and they discussed using Kotoamatsukami to change the minds of the clan members, but before using the illusion, the Mangekyō Sharingan was dug out by Danzo.

Because of these things, Uchiha Shisui was disappointed with everything and decided to commit suicide. However, when he decided to commit suicide, he called Uchiha Itachi to the edge of the cliff, and at that time he entrusted the Mangekyō Sharingan and the village to Uchiha Itachi.

Now think about it, Uchiha Shisui is really great, and he and Uchiha Itachi have been friends since childhood. They both talk from the bottom of their hearts and never bully each other.

Uchiha Itachi also has a story about killing his beloved, and that beloved is Uchiha Izumi.

Uchiha Izumi was Uchiha Itachi's girlfriend during his time in Konoha Village. She was a very cute little girl who had always had a crush on Uchiha Itachi. Uchiha Izumi especially liked to eat the three-color meatballs of Konoha Ninja Village. The three-color meatballs were her favorite food.

In the Uchiha family, Uchiha Itachi had only Uchiha Izumi as his friend besides Shisui. The two of them often talked about the village and family by the water in Konoha Village. Generally speaking, they were close friends, but unfortunately, Uchiha Itachi killed Uchiha Izumi with his own hands in the end!

When Uchiha Itachi killed Uchiha Izumi, he used Tsukuyomi to make Uchiha Izumi fall in love with Uchiha Itachi, and let it die happily in Tsukuyomi. Later, when he returned to Konoha Ninja Village with Hoshigaki Kisame, he also ate three-color meatballs in the dessert shop. This was also a kind of condolence for Uchiha Izumi!

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