Just like this, I was walking while thinking about random things. The people on the surrounding streets began to gradually become sparse, and the bustling streets began to slowly become deserted.

Unconsciously, Liuli had almost walked to the outskirts of the village, but at this time, Liuli found that there was a pair of eyes not far away from her, staring at her.

"Who is there?" Liuli shouted, and then Liuli ran towards the eyes and took out a kunai.

I saw that the man turned around and ran away. Liuli's first reaction was to chase him. Because Liuli was very fast, she ran in front of the man in an instant.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, the man was wearing a mask, his face could not be seen, and he was wearing ninja clothes. He had a short sword on his back and seemed to be about the same age as Liuli.

"Who are you? Why are you following me?" Liuli said, blocking the shuriken in front of her, ready to fight at any time.

The masked man didn't say anything. He just slowly raised his arm and touched his back. Then he took out the knife from his back. In an instant, the masked man rushed towards Liuli, waving the short knife in front of him.

Liuli's eyes focused, her meridians surged, and she opened her white eyes. She could clearly see the acupuncture points on the masked man's body and the air waves from the short knife.

Liuli's body arched back, and the shuriken in her hand flew out and shot at the masked man. The shuriken was very fast, but she didn't expect the masked man to turn around and dodge Liuli's attack.

When the masked man was about to rush in front of Liuli, he swung his knife at Liuli. Liuli saw that the situation was not right and immediately got ready for the Eight Diagrams Thirty-two-four Palms.

An invisible energy membrane formed around the masked man and Liuli's body. Liuli said softly: "Eight Diagrams Thirty-two Palms."

Liuli's soft fists hit faster and faster, with two palms linked together, fingers and palms coming out together, and rain-like attacks, madly falling on the masked man.

However, the masked man blocked Liuli's Eight Diagrams Thirty-two Palms.

"Sure enough, as they said, you have a high talent! But you are still too weak."

After that, the masked man made seals with his hands and said, "Fire Style: Great Fire Dragon Technique."

Liuli's face darkened, and she immediately ran to the side, avoiding the masked man's Fire Style: Great Fire Dragon Technique. She thought to herself: Is he from the Uchiha clan?

Liuli took out a kunai shuriken from her ninja bag, and threw it at the masked man with a detonating tag.

Under normal circumstances, the masked man might really be dead, but as a member of the Uchiha clan, if he died so easily, it would be too insulting to the Uchiha clan.

At the moment when Liuli threw out the Ruowu Shuriken, the masked man quickly climbed up the tree trunk and said to Liuli: "Don't worry, I'm not here to kill you. We will meet again in the future!"

After that, the masked man disappeared from the tree trunk in an instant, and the shuriken with the detonating talisman also exploded on the tree trunk.

After the explosion, Liuli was left quietly looking into the distance on the empty ground, wondering what he was thinking.

"Damn, who is he? No, I'm too weak. I have to hurry up and become stronger. He just said that we will meet again in the future. I can't be so embarrassed next time we meet!"

However, at this moment, Liuli was attracted by the sound of violent collisions.

Looking in the direction of the sound, Liuli found that the sound came from a practice field not far away.

"It's so late, who is still practicing?" Liuli thought to himself.

In front of the big tree in the center of the training ground, there was a green figure, sweating profusely, trying hard to hit the tree.

Looking at the figure in the green tights in the field, every strike and every move of his was powerful, and every strike on the tree trunk would scatter large leaves.

And he was still muttering to himself: "If I can kick 10,000 times today, I will duel with Kakashi tomorrow. If I beat Kakashi tomorrow, I will run 20 laps around Konoha. If I lose, I will do 5,000 push-ups."

"This is... Akai! Might Guy."

Although Liuli had read the original work and knew how diligent Might Guy was, he was still shocked when he saw this scene with his own eyes. He was still practicing hard alone so late at night. How much he wanted to beat Kakashi.

And Liuli knew that he usually set some very strange goals for himself: for example, he had to run 600 laps around the playground today. If he couldn't do it, he would do a certain number of push-ups. If he couldn't do that many, he would do 10,000 squats.

If all these are accomplished, then he will be qualified to challenge Kakashi, his ideal opponent. If he continues to train like this for a long time, even if he has no talent,Ordinary people who don't have it will eventually become very strong, after all, this is the world of the second dimension.

Seeing this scene with her own eyes, Liuli thought that it was definitely not without reason that Might Guy could surpass Kakashi in the later period. One was a genius ninja in his youth, and the other was a tail who had no ninja talent in his youth.

Anyone who has watched Naruto knows that Kakashi was definitely a talented ninja in his youth. He graduated from the Ninja Academy at the age of five. This record has never been broken. He became a jonin at the age of twelve and was able to develop the S-level ninjutsu Raikiri on his own.

But since Uchiha Obito sacrificed himself and later killed Rin with his own hands, Kakashi's mental shackles made Kakashi the whole person in a state of decadence, and this situation lasted until Shippuden.

In the middle of more than ten years, Kakashi's strength grew from jonin to elite jonin and his pace stagnated. In the later period, he was directly surpassed by several disciples.

In the Fourth Ninja World War, he dragged down the protagonists and had his Sharingan taken away by Uchiha Madara, so he had no ability to resist. Although the original author let the entire Team 7 cheat, and Obito could come back to lend Kakashi a pair of Sharingan after his death, those could not cover up the paleness of Kakashi's strength in the middle and late stages.

However, Kai, who had no ninja talent since childhood, gradually caught up with Kakashi through day-to-day and year-to-year efforts.

Although he always yelled that he wanted to defeat the genius ninja Kakashi, he opened the Eight Gates in the later stage, and his strength once suppressed Uchiha Madara in the Six Paths state, and beat the Six Paths Uchiha Team without the power to fight back. He amazed countless audiences and was even honored as Kai Emperor by countless readers!

Anyone who works hard deserves respect. Liuli has silently looked at the Byakugan meridians and eyes, and solemnly observed Kai in the training field.

The technique that Akai practices is different from the soft fist of the Hyuga style. Akai practices another physical technique school, the hard fist of the Konoha style.

The soft fist focuses on the movements of the upper body. Usually, the moves are to keep the lower body tightly, and use the unique soft fist of the upper body to hit the chakra into the opponent's body to destroy the opponent's meridians and internal organs. After all, no matter how powerful a person is in the normal ninja world, he cannot practice internal organs.

Usually, the internal injuries caused by the soft fist are fatal, unless you have reached the level of the Six Paths, or have the immortal body of Hashirama Senju, etc.

However, the hard fist pays more attention to the movements of the lower body. The moves are usually open and closed. Generally, the chakra is mainly used with the legs to make the body gain stronger explosive power and destructive power. The movements are fast and fierce to attack the enemy, causing direct damage to the enemy's surface.

Liuli carefully recorded every move of Kai. There was no way. Who told him not to travel to the Uchiha clan? He did not have the Sharingan and did not have the ability to instantly copy the opponent's movements. He could only rely on himself to slowly learn and experience.

Liuli knew that she was not a master of physical skills, and there was no way to combine two different styles of physical skills at the same time. Her soft fist and Kai's hard fist could not be practiced at the same time.

Liuli just hoped to inject more changes into her soft fist until she reached a certain level of strength in the future and created a strongest physical skill of her own.

Kai in the center of the training ground was still practicing in sweat, and did not notice that a child was watching him with his eyes through the wire fence a few dozen meters outside the training ground.

At this time, Kai was still just a Chunin, and his physical skills did not show those powerful skills in the later period. Liuli also simply learned a few basic physical moves such as Konoha Whirlwind and Konoha Great Whirlwind.

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