After a morning of competition, eight students finally won. In the afternoon, these eight students will duel with each other.

"Liuli-kun, I'll show you my strength this afternoon!" Baicao Qingchuan said to Liuli.

"Okay, Qingchuan, don't let me down then! Let's go eat now!" Liuli got up and walked towards the classroom.

After a morning of competition, the students are now starving and have no strength at all.

"Liuli-kun, do you want to try the braised spareribs I brought? I made it myself!" Baicao Qingchuan, who was sitting in his seat, took out his lunch box and said.

"Well? Did you make it yourself? Then I have to try it!" Liuli said as she looked at the braised spareribs in Baicao Qingchuan's lunch box.

"Linghua, do you want to try it?" Baicao Qingchuan said as she looked at Hinata Linghua who had just opened her lunch box.

Hinata Reika looked at the braised spareribs in Baicao Qingchuan's lunch box and said, "Well, I'll try it too!"

After the two of them ate Baicao Qingchuan's braised spareribs, their faces were full of satisfaction, and then Liuli said, "Too luxurious!" (So delicious!)

Liuli's mouth was already full of food, and she chewed and talked, and not a single word could be heard clearly.

Hinata Reika was not like this. After swallowing the food in her mouth, she smiled at Baicao Qingchuan and said, "Qingchuan, the braised spareribs you made are really delicious! Who taught you this!"

"This is what my mother taught me! I especially like to eat the braised spareribs made by my mother at home!" Baicao Qingchuan said with a smile.

"If that man marries you, it would be too cheap for him! Our little Qingchuan is not only beautiful, but also so good at cooking! If I were a man, I would definitely marry you." Hinata Reika said.

"Okay, let's eat! Let's take a break. We still have to continue the competition in the afternoon! Look, Liuli-kun is eating all the time!" Baicao Qingchuan said to Hinata Reika.

After that, they all started to eat their lunch boxes.

After a morning of ninja formation, the students of Class 5 were exhausted. After eating, they lay down on the table and started to rest.

Soon, more than half of the lunch break was over. The next eight people were about to start ninja sparring. They would pick out four students, and finally they would have the finals.

"Okay, classmates, we have rested for so long, let's go, let's gather on the playground!" Sarutobi Asuma said on the podium.

"Oh my god, it's coming, this is going to be exhausting!"

"If we don't train like this, when will we become stronger? Let's go, or we'll be quarreled again!"

Ruri, who was still sleeping, didn't hear what Sarutobi Asuma said. Baicao Qingchuan, who was next to Ruri, poked Ruri's face and said, "Ruri-kun, it's time to get up. The afternoon game will start now!"

While Baicao Qingchuan was talking, Ruri slowly opened his sleepy eyes, and then whispered, "Okay, Qingchuan, I know!"

After more than ten minutes, the playground was filled with students from Class 5.

"Okay, since everyone is here, I will announce the list of the next match!" Sarutobi Asuma, who was standing in front of the crowd, said with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Hinata Ruri, Baicao Qingchuan, Hinata Reika, Uchiha Itachi..."

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