"This is... not good!" Hizashi felt an invisible energy shrouding his body, as if his every move was locked.

"Soft Fist·Eight Trigrams Sixty-four Palms!"

"Two palms!"

"Four palms!"

"Eight palms!"

"Sixteen palms!"

"Thirty-two palms!"

"Sixty-four palms!"

With the crisp sound, Liuli attacked like a cheetah, and the invisible Eight Trigrams field enveloped the two of them. The storm-like attacks continued and hit the acupuncture points around Hizashi.

"Damn, I can't be careless anymore. It's really troublesome to be hit by this!"

Hizashi, who was shocked, showed the strength of the Jonin level, and his hands burst out blue chakra, directly facing Liuli's sixty-four palms.

However, Liuli only felt that every palm he tried to hit was like hitting cotton candy, and there was no power at all. He also understood that this was Hizashi who used the soft fist seriously to take his sixty-four palms of the Eight Trigrams.

"Damn, is this the strength of a jonin?" Although he could not possibly beat a jonin now, seeing Hizashi easily take his Bagua 64 Palms, Liuli felt very depressed in the face of such a big gap.

"It's really unbelievable, you actually learned this trick!" Hizashi's heart was already full of turmoil. How could this be possible? He was only five years old and he learned this technique that many adults in the group might not be able to learn.

"Hehe, this is what I just learned yesterday. I told you that if you don't take it seriously, you will get hurt!"

Seeing Hizashi's expression like he had eaten shit, and thinking about the attitude of Hizashi when he gave this technique to him as a child, Liuli smiled triumphantly.

It was obvious that Liuli was deceiving Hizashi Hinata. He himself didn't know why he could use Bagua 64 Palms.

"But it hurts."

Liuli looked at his hands and found that they were red and swollen like pig's trotters. How could such a small body bear the Bagua 64 Palms?

"And your Byakugan... can already see the acupuncture points..." Hiashi looked at Liuli's eyes in disbelief.

Just as he was about to make a move, he found that the meridians in his body were a little untied. Although he had just burst out with the strength of a jonin in a critical situation, he was still caught off guard by Liuli's palm.

He used his Byakugan to observe his body and found that one of his acupuncture points had been sealed tightly. Although it was not as severe as the 64 acupuncture points that could not use the whole body's chakra, it still had some impact on the body's activities.

The Byakugan of the Hyuga family is not like the Sharingan of the Uchiha family. There is a clear classification, but there is still a big difference in ability. Generally speaking, it is divided into three stages.

The first stage is the Byakugan of the ordinary Hyuga clan that has just awakened. It has the ability of farsightedness. It activates chakra to multiply the viewing distance of the eyes. The eyes can see things one kilometer away.

At the same time, it also has a 360-degree perspective, and can see the surrounding 360-degree space clearly. Because of being born in a branch family and having the "bird in a cage" curse seal, there is a blind spot behind the first-person perspective of the branch family members, which is an extended blind spot.

The second stage is perspective. Using the white eyes can see the target's meridians and acupoints and the flow direction of chakra, and even distinguish whose chakra it is.

The third stage is to enhance one's own ability. Ordinary ninjas, even if they are ninjas, not only rely on their hands, feet, and mouth organs to release chakra, but they can see through their own chakra acupoints with the white eyes, and can release chakra from all their own acupoints.

Therefore, many people in the Hyuga family can release a defensive ninjutsu such as Baguazhang Huitian that releases the whole body's chakra. Without the white eyes, they can't do this at all.

Now Liuli can accurately block the acupoints of Hiashi, which means that his white eyes have reached the second stage. This is undoubtedly impossible for a five-year-old child, but the facts are in front of him, and Liuli did it.

Hizashi looked at Liuli's eyes and said more complicatedly: "You have surpassed the level of ordinary Genin. You are really amazingly talented. It's a pity that you were born in our branch family..."

"Yeah, what's the use of having high talent? In the end, you can only be controlled by the curse and let fate take its course. If you were born in the main family, maybe the glory of the Hyuga clan will be revealed in your hands!" Hizashi shook his head and said.

Although Hyuga Hizashi said this, it doesn't mean that he doesn't love his family. In fact, every member of the Hyuga family, whether it is the main family or the branch family, everyone has a strong sense of family honor.

"YouDon't worry, uncle. I believe that as long as the people of the branch family work hard, they can surpass the main family! "

Although she had been thinking about how to break this damn curse, Liuli still spoke like Uzumaki Naruto, speaking hot-blooded idiotic words.

"Yes, haha, if you can think like this, I will be relieved, uncle!" As expected, after listening to Liuli's words, Hizashi smiled with relief.

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