After Liuli's hard work, the weight on her feet has increased from 10 kg to 20 catties, and she has also gone from walking with weights to running with weights.

After Liuli ran with weights for about 20 minutes, she reduced the 20 catties weight on her feet.

At the moment when she took off the weights tied to her legs, Liuli felt her legs were very relaxed, and then she found that her speed had become much faster than before.

Then Liuli couldn't wait to try the power of the physical technique Konoha Cyclone. Sure enough, after the weight training, the power of the Konoha Cyclone became stronger and the speed became faster.

After Liuli took off the weights, she ran for a while and found that her speed became very fast, like a bird just released from a cage.

Next, Liuli trained the power of her legs, that is, the strength of her legs.

Liuli tied the weights to her legs and then kicked in the air. Originally, Liuli could kick more than 100 times in the air without weights, but after putting weights on her feet, Liuli's physical strength was far less than before. She could only kick in the air for more than 20 or 30 times before she ran out of strength.

After Liuli used up all her strength, she fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

"Now I admire Might Guy and Xiao Li again. I really don't know how they persisted. Every day they have that perverted goal and can't achieve it. They have to do something else again. Just looking at the number of things to do is enough to scare people to death. They can really be called monsters!" Liuli, lying on the ground, thought to himself.

After resting for about thirty minutes, Liuli's physical strength gradually recovered. After his body recovered almost, Liuli stood up again and started his leg strength training again.

However, as he expected, 40 minutes later, Liuli fell to the ground again due to exhaustion. This time, Liuli's leg muscles had lost all feeling and were just trembling.

Liuli sat up firmly, and then used his hands to press and rub the muscles of his legs to relieve the fatigue of his legs.

"It's so fucking tiring. It seems that I am really not suitable for this kind of high-intensity training!" Liuli grumbled while pressing and rubbing the muscles of his legs with his hands.

Liuli looked at his legs that could not stand up for the time being, and then took off the weights tied to his legs, and then tied the weights to his arms.

After tying the weights to his arms, Liuli lay on the ground, and then raised his hands upwards, which was also considered to be an exercise for his arms.

"It's really too hard. In the world of Naruto, you have to become strong to ensure that you won't be killed instantly by others. When I was in college, that kind of life was really lazy! Now I think that all the time I had before was wasted!"

"It's better to be like this. Although I'm very tired every day, I live a full life! To be honest, I really miss my previous college life a little bit." Liuli said while pushing her arms upwards.

After resting for dozens of minutes, Liuli's legs gradually returned to their original state. They were no longer as uncontrollable as before. Liuli took off the weights on her hands and slowly stood up from the ground.

"Now let's try the results of the one or two hours of practice. I hope there will be progress! Otherwise, my practice just now will be in vain!"

As she said this, Liuli pulled up her clothes and slowly walked to a few small trees as thick as thighs.

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