"Then let's try my Wind Style Rasenshuriken to see if it can be used for close-range attacks or thrown!" Liuli looked up and said.

Liuli threw the Wind Style Rasenshuriken in her hand toward the ground in the distance. Unexpectedly, she could actually throw the Rasenshuriken in her hand.


The Wind Style Rasenshuriken, which had just touched the ground, expanded into a huge whirlwind. A strong wind and dazzling light spread out in all directions. Liuli directly covered her face with her sleeves. The strong wind blew directly over her face, and her hair also drifted backwards.

After the Rasenshuriken hit the dust on the ground and fell, Liuli slowly put down the sleeves that were covering her eyes, and then took a look at the ground where the Rasenshuriken attacked, revealing an incredible expression.

The Rasenshuriken that Liuli had just thrown directly blasted a huge deep pit with a diameter of almost 100 meters on the ground, and there was still wind style chakra that was constantly rotating on it.

"What a terrible power! What I didn't expect was that it actually directly increased the power of the Wind Style Rasenshuriken to 100% safe Wind Style Rasenshuriken!"

"This Wind Style Rasenshuriken can not only be thrown out, but also has a very strong power." Liuli looked at the deep pit on the ground and said in shock, and also found that her wrist was not injured at all.

"It's just that the chakra is consumed too quickly!" Liuli felt the chakra in her body and found that more than half of the chakra in her body had disappeared.

"If I try my best! With the amount of chakra in my body now, I should be able to use it two or three times!" You simply estimated the amount of chakra in my body and said.

Liuli looked at the palm of her hand, then rested for a while, recovered the chakra in her body, and after resting, Liuli walked in front of several big trees.

"Let's practice again. The chakra in my body should be almost used up after launching a Wind Style Rasenshuriken!" After saying that, Liuli stretched out her right hand again.

"Wind Style: Rasenshuriken!"

Liuli said softly, and then she activated the chakra in her body, directly generating a Rasengan in the center of her right palm, and then slowly injected the wind-attribute chakra into the Rasengan.

When the Rasengan in Liuli's hand completely turned into a Rasenshuriken, Liuli did not throw it out directly, but directly hit the tree at close range.

Due to the whirlwind around the Rasenshuriken, the tree trunk was neatly cut off when it touched the tree trunk.

"This power and sharpness are really unimaginable!" I said when I saw the neatly cut tree.

"Now there is almost 60% of the chakra left! This ninjutsu really consumes a lot of chakra. If there is no need to use this technique in the future, it seems that it is better not to use it as much as possible!" Liuli muttered softly.

At this moment, Liuli's keen ears heard footsteps coming from a distance.

"Oh no, someone is coming! It seems that the sound of the spiral shuriken attacking the tree just now attracted people! Let's hide first!" Liuli quickly packed up her equipment, and then used the instant body technique to hide at the top of a tall tree and observe below.

Just in the building, just after reaching the top of the tree, two ANBU ninjas came down.

"The sound just now seems to come from here!" One of the ANBU ninjas looked at the tree that Liuli had just cut with the spiral shuriken and said to the other one.

"Yes, something seems to have happened there, let's go and take a look!" The two ANBU ninjas came to the place where Liuli had just cut the tree.

"What kind of ninjutsu was used to cause this..." The two ANBU ninjas saw the neatly cut trees in front of them and were so surprised that they couldn't speak.

After they carefully inspected the cut tree, one of the ninjas said, "What amazing destructive power, and this neat cross section, it seems that this is something done by a very powerful ninja! It's incredible!"

"Yes! This is the first time I've seen such a neat cross section. I guess that ninja is very proficient in wind escape ninjutsu!" Another person walked over and touched the cut tree with his hand and said.

"It seems that there is a very amazing wind escape ninja in our village. Let's report to the Hokage! This is a very big deal!"

After that, the two ninjas from the Anbu disappeared here with the instant body technique.

Standing on the top of the tree, Liuli saw two darkAfter all the ninjas disappeared, they jumped down from the top of the tree.

"It seems that I have been discovered by others! I am afraid that I can no longer continue to train in this place!" After saying that, Liuli took her equipment and immediately walked down the mountain.

"If I can't find a place suitable for my training, I can only train in the ring in the future!" Liuli thought to herself when she arrived at the bottom of the mountain.

After coming out of the woods, Liuli walked absent-mindedly on the bustling streets of Konoha.

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