The Heavenly Dragon Clan, also known as the Divine Dragon Clan, is the race of Hanzo and Genko, is the most apex of the Dragon Race, a small number of supreme existences, born to absorb the boundless natural Chakra in nature at will, and also has super physical fitness, more perverted is that they are also born with a talent immortal law, and each immortal method is extremely powerful.

However, the price of this kind of strength is that the reproduction ability of the Tianlong clan is weak to burst, and the number of the entire group has not exceeded one hundred over the years.

In addition to the Dragon Clan standing at the top, the Dragon Clan also has several guardian races.

Overlord of the sky, the Flying Dragon Clan.

Invincible physique, tyrannosaurus family.

Hidden and matchless, the Dark Dragon family.

The three major races are led by the Tianlong family, and have always lived in the Flying Dragon Pavilion, the Dragon Cave and the Hidden Dragon Abyss under the Tianlong Cliff Mountain.

“Since you have become the contractor of the Dragon Clan, you should also meet the leaders of the remaining three races.”

The Great Heavenly Dragon Immortal took a puff of his cigarette and said with a smile as he looked at the night where Zui Ba couldn’t get together.

Now the night has not come to his senses, he is sighing in his heart that this dragon clan is too perverted, originally he felt that only Hanzo and Genko of the Tenryu clan were already very hanging, and the strength of the half-heavenly dragon clan was only the tip of the iceberg, and the huge strength was still hidden in the shadows.

“Back to God~”

A breath of smoke sprayed onto Ye’s face, and after seeing Ye showing an obsessive expression on Long Yanxiang’s face after absorbing himself, the Great Heavenly Dragon Immortal covered his mouth and smiled, waved his hand, and said lightly.

“Come out, Thunder Zang, Mountain Fire, Shadow Sky.”

Bang bang!

Three huge lines of smoke rose, and three mountain-like figures emerged from the gradually dispersing smoke.

“It’s on.”

Ye looked at the psychic beasts with different shapes but were as tall as a small mountain, and made such a sigh.

“Is this little douding a contractor? It looks so weak! ”

The one who spoke was a huge dragon beast that looked a little like a Tyrannosaurus rex, but with two rows of sharp horns on its head and an armored keratinized carapace attached to its body, and with his thunderous voice, wisps of crimson flames spewed out uncontrollably in his nostrils and zui.

“Don’t be rude, wildfire. You don’t look at what place it is, the Great Heavenly Dragon Immortal hasn’t spoken yet, what are you shouting. ”

If Mountain Fire, who had just looked like a Tyrannosaurus rex, spoke like a rough man, then the six-winged golden dragon standing in the middle spoke in a tone like a majestic knight, he rebuked Mountain Fire, and then bowed his head slightly towards the night.

“Hello Contractor, my name is Lei Zang, Patriarch of the Flying Dragon Clan, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Hello, hello, my name is Uzumaki Night, and I am also very happy to meet you.”

Although the night is not the type that cares about mundane etiquette, but in the face of such a polite greeting, he still returns the salute with the same etiquette, the so-called people respect me once, I respect people for a while, night is such a soft type that does not eat hard.

As for the huge figure on the far right, whose entire body was shrouded in black mist, a trace of majestic scale armor could be faintly seen, and he had been staring at the night with his blood-red vertical pupils, making the night a little uncomfortable.

“Okay, okay, don’t you three know to appear in human form? It’s tiring to look up at you like this. ”

The Great Heavenly Dragon Immortal said a little coquettishly, which made the three huge guys lower their heads in horror, and then put their paws together, banged, and the smoke rose, and when the smoke cleared again, three people appeared in the position of the huge figure.

Looking at their appearance, you can guess the identities of the three at night. Because the humanoid state of the three of them is really in line with their personalities.

The big dinosaur wildfire, in human form, is a rough man with a mohican hairstyle, a shirtless upper body, only a spiked shoulder armor on the right shoulder, while his off-duty body is wearing a camouflage pants and a pair of big scalp boots on his big feet. The upper body of the oil volume is tattooed with totem tattoos, which looks very violent.

On the contrary to him, Leizang, the king of the flying dragons, is a blonde young man, with a serious expression on his handsome face, looking a little rigid, a golden knight armor sets off his extraordinary momentum, the white cloak behind him is windless and automatically flowing, if you throw him on the street, absolutely down to eight to eighty years old, all women will be attracted by his appearance and momentum, is the type of female killer.

However, these two guys did not have the last figure to surprise Night, the hideous dragon shrouded in black mist turned into a black-haired girl after turning into human form, only the pair of blood-colored vertical pupils made Night believe that this guy was the black mist demon dragon just now.

“It’s pretty cute.”

“Of course, Shadow Sky is the first day under the Divine Dragon Clan, and it is the only Shadow Dragon who may evolve his bloodline.”

The sound in his ears and the warm breath blowing on his ears made the goosebumps in the night rise, and he turned his head stiffly to find that the Great Heavenly Dragon Immortal didn’t know when he actually ran to his side, and bent over and playfully blew into his ears.

This action makes her front placket more loose, and all the beautiful scenery that should not be seen is under the eyes of the night.

“Ahem, that Great Immortal Lord, you are too close to me.”

After saying this night, I want to slap myself twice, Nima, when did he become a righteous gentleman, obviously he should take this opportunity to see it, MDZZ!

“Hehe, the night is quite pure, okay then.”

Standing up, the Great Heavenly Dragon Immortal looked at Ye funny, she was actually just teasing this teenager, but she didn’t expect Ye to be able to restrain her impulse, which was really interesting.

“Don’t call me the Great Heavenly Dragon Immortal in the future, my name is Candle Jiuyin, remember it~”

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