Uchiha Fugaku took Uchiha Spring Water and Uchiha Obito to the river outside the village.

Standing on the shore, Uchiha Fugaku looked at

the Uchiha Spring Water and Uchiha Obito, his expression was serious and serious, and he explained: "What I want to teach you today is C-level ninjutsu: Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!" "

It is also a ninjutsu that has been passed down from generation to generation by our Uchiha clan, and it is widely spread in the ninja world.

"This Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique is a ninjutsu performed by Chakra based on the [Fire] attribute Chakra, one of the five basic nature changes of Chakra, which gathers Chakra behind his throat and spews out huge fireballs from his mouth to the front, blasting enemies into the air.

"Because this technique concentrates a high-temperature flame that is sprayed in one place, its attack range and lethality are very large, and the distance is also very long.

"And can restrain the wind, but is restrained by the water.

"But the power of Fire Escape depends on the user's ability, not their level.

The Uchiha Izumizu nodded, he knew all these things.

There is no garbage ninjutsu, only ninjas that can't be used reasonably!

For example, his unborn brother: Uchiha Itachi casts fire escape, even if it is a C-level ninjutsu, the power is extremely terrifying to use.

Its power can even be comparable to that of ordinary B-grade ninjutsu, or even more terrifying!"

"The most important thing for us to perform ninjutsu is its seal hand, and the accuracy of the seal must be ensured in order to transform the chakra in the body into a 'jutsu' and release it. "

The sealing style of the Fire Ball Technique is: 巳-未-申-海-午-寅, a total of six sealing hand styles. "

I'm going to show you again, you have to watch it carefully. After the

words fell, Uchiha Fugaku faced the river and changed his gestures in an orderly manner, for fear that the Uchiha Izumi and Uchiha Obito would not be able to see clearly.

With the last stamping hand is completed.

The sides of Uchiha Fugaku's cheeks suddenly bulged slightly.

In the next second, a chakra with a scorching aura erupted from his mouth.

It turned into a huge fireball in the air, and rushed forward with a rolling heat wave, and the speed was extremely fast.

The fireball collided with the river, and in an instant, a large amount of water vapor was generated on the surface of the river, which squeaked.

Standing by the river, the Uchiha Izumi felt the heat of the fireball, as if he was in a furnace.

His eyes sparkled with anticipation, and he was quite yearning.

Is this the Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique?!

This is also too powerful

! It is worthy of his father!

Only the C-level Fire Escape Technique will exert such earth-shattering power.

It seems that his father's strength is no less than that of Konoha White Fang, and the elite Shinobi of Mr. Mizumon

is able to hold the patriarch position in a family like Uchiha, which is full of geniuses, and is also qualified to serve as the head of the police force of Konoha Village, which is the main position to protect Konoha security.


you can apply this technique to actual combat, you can imagine the fate of the enemy who is hit.

Either blown up or burned.

It's no wonder that Fire Escape is the strongest attack power of the Five Elements Ninjutsu.

If you master this technique, the chakra in your body can be regarded as useful, and you also have the power to protect yourself.

I just don't know what kind of simplification the system will trigger when I learn Fire Escape?

Uchiha Izumi's eyes became more and more full of expectation.

"It's hot, it's hot!".

The Uchiha Obito was burned by the heat wave emitted by the fireball, and he retreated again and again, and at the same time, he was also shocked in his heart! The

power of this fire escape is also too amazing

! Lord Fugaku, he is worthy of being the patriarch of our Uchiha clan, and his strength is simply unfathomable!

I have also seen other ninjas perform this technique, but the power has not even reached this half.

Just this simple C-level fire escape, you can feel the difference.

He must learn this fire escape, and then he can show off it fiercely in front of Kakashi, which

will surprise him!

"Next, I'll teach you the steps to seal.

Uchiha Fugaku finished releasing the fire escape, and turned around and said loudly.

"Si Yin: Interlock the ten fingers. "

Unprinted: Straighten and overlap your thumb upwards with your left thumb on top. "

Shen Yin: The little finger and thumb are parallel.

"Hai Yin: The second joint of the ten fingers is bent and overlapped, and the downward bend is ninety degrees, perpendicular to the forearm, and this posture requires good flexibility of your wrists. "

Noon Print: Stretch your elbows apart and form a triangle with your index fingers facing each other.

"Yinyin: Keep the thumbs of both hands straight.

Uchiha Fugaku explained as he made a corresponding hand gesture with both hands.

"Try it yourself, don't run the chakra yet.

"If you want to learn ninjutsu, you must first practice this seal hand skill, and each hand must not deviate in the slightest, so that you can maximize the chakra and turn it into a 'jutsu' to release."

Uchiha Izumi carefully gazed at the hand of the Uchiha Fugaku seal, curious.

I started to try it in my hands.

Don't wait for him to try.

Immediately after, the familiar voice came out of my head.

[Ding, the host's first cultivation of Fire Escape has been detected!] [

Ding, simplified completion.] [

Simplified: By watching the flames, you can increase the proficiency of the fire escape.] [

Current Fire Escape Proficiency: 1%]


?It's that simple?!

Uchiha Izumi looked at the message on the system, and the whole person was a little confused.

After simplifying the fire escape, you can actually improve your proficiency just by looking at the flames.

Then I can learn ninjutsu by watching firewood and cooking every day?

Who would dare to believe

this! Learning ninjutsu has become as easy as eating and drinking!

"This is too simple, isn't it?"

Uchiha Izumi did not hesitate and carefully examined the simplified content this time.

And when he understood everything, he set off a storm in his heart.

"There are even surprises?!"

Uchiha Izumizumi's heart shook.

This proficiency affects not only the Hao Fire Ball Technique learned this time, but all the Fire Escape Ninjutsu

! That is to say, as long as you learn a new Fire Escape in the future, as long as the proficiency is high enough, you can even get started directly!

The proficiency of the system also corresponds to these various levels of Fire Escape.

20% proficiency will allow you to master C-level Fire Escape.

40% are proficient in B-level fire escape.

60% are proficient in A-level fire escape.

80% is proficient in the powerful S-class

Fire Escape! 100% is the change in the form of Fire Escape!

And this last "form change" is another way to strengthen ninjutsu alongside "nature change".

It is a "form" that turns chakra into ninjutsu, and can control the power and attack range of the jutsu.

Compared to "change in nature", this makes the technique more unique.

To put it simply, it is to change the release form of the chakra.

It is a qualitative change that greatly increases the power of ninjutsu!

For example, Naruto's "Spiral Pill" can be said to be the ultimate in "form change".

I didn't expect this simplification system to be so perverted!

Not only can even S-level ninjutsu be simplified, but the "form change" is a rebellious method that has been learned by himself through continuous improvement of proficiency.

Uchiha Izumi also found that the seal had been simplified by the system before.

It turned out that he had to understand the corresponding ninjutsu sealing technique by himself, and reach the realm of mastery of ninjutsu, so that he could release ninjutsu through oral description.

It seems that he has to cultivate the fire escape proficiency to 20% as soon as possible before he can release the Hao Fireball Technique through oral instructions!

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