【Ding!Simplify the system binding successfully!】

In the mind of Uchiha Izumisui, a mechanical voice appeared!

"System! It turned out to be a system! Sure enough, the online novel is honest and doesn't deceive me!"

Uchiha Izumizu was overjoyed in his heart, he had traveled through the capital for a month, and his talent was mediocre, and he was ready to do nothing and be unscrupulous.

Just be a ninja and do simple tasks, flicker the mute at the same time, or flicker Hinata later.

It's also a bit of fun.

I didn't expect that now

the system is here! I actually have a system!

For the system, Uchiha Spring Water is extremely clear.


the novels I've read, every system owner has finally

become a top character in the world! I didn't expect that I would also become the chosen one!

Immediately, Uchiha Izumi hurriedly asked the system.

"System, what are you capable of

?" [This system is a simplified system!The only function is to simplify!] [Everything can be simplified!] "Simplify

?" "

What do you mean?"

Uchiha Izumi was stunned.

Before he could continue to ask, he heard the system beep again.

[Ding, chakra fluctuations have been detected and are being simplified.] [

Ding, simplified completion.] [

Simplification: Breathe.]

As the system prompt fell, 10,000 grass and mud horses galloped in the heart of the Uchiha Spring.

Originally, ninjas wanted to improve their chakra, either by exercising their physical skills and strengthening their physical body, or by doing tasks to train and polish their will, the rest was to climb trees with their feet, walk on water, meditate, etc., to improve the conversion rate of chakra.

It can be said that every step is extremely difficult, and it requires down-to-earth and hard work

! As a result, now, you tell me that you only need to breathe to grow chakra?

This is too simple, isn't it

! It's just lying down and upgrading

! Who can believe this?

Even if it is the second-generation Hokage who has developed countless forbidden arts, the coffin board may not be able to hold it down!

Without waiting for him to continue to check the system.

Immediately after, another systematic simplification prompt appeared in the mind of Uchiha Izumi.

And when he saw clearly, his gaze froze.

[Writing Wheel Eyes Eyes Simplified: Staying Up Late]


Uchiha Spring Water was stunned.

You know

, the writing wheel eye is a very special blood inheritance boundary.

Because no family has a deeper love than the Uchiha, the Uchiha sealed it, and once the Uchiha people understand love, the feelings they have been bound for a long time will be released, and even the power of love beyond the Thousand Hands will be awakened.

But too strong love,Hidden the possibility of going berserk,Once the Uchiha people who know love lose that strong love,Love will be replaced by stronger hatred,The whole person's temperament has changed greatly。

And in such a change, there will be a special symptom, when the Uchiha people lose important love, or feel pain for their frustration, a special chakra will spring up in the brain, acting on the optic nerve, causing changes in the eyes, which is the eye that reflects the mind, the so-called chakra eye.

And the writing wheel eye is synchronized with the power of the mind, which can make people become stronger quickly, along with the power of hatred in their hearts, most of the Uchiha people are delicate, and those who awaken strong feelings are almost all swallowed by the darkness and fall into the evil path, the deeper the darkness, the stronger the pupil power, and the more difficult it is to deal with.

For example, after witnessing the Uchiha clan being wiped out by his own brother Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke Uchiha was so grief-stricken that he received a powerful mental blow before he angrily opened the single magatama!

It can be said that opening the eyes is an extremely difficult process.

As a result, now, you tell me that I only need to stay up all night to open my eyes

? Then if I connect for a few nights, wouldn't it be possible to open the Writing Wheel Eye in minutes?

It is even possible to evolve into the Eye of Reincarnation

! You know, it is the Eye of Reincarnation!

The highest pupil power, known as the "Eye of Life and Death", is the ultimate pupil technique that originated from the Chakra fruit of the Divine Tree.

The owner of the Eye of Reincarnation can automatically grasp the changes in the nature of the six chakras, and can also control yin and yang, which has extraordinary abilities. It can be

the god of creation with the ability to create the world, or the god of destruction with the ability to destroy the world! Now, as long as you keep staying up late, everything is possible

! Contrary to the sky! It's too against the sky!

Except for these two words, the Uchiha spring water doesn't know what to use to describe it!

Not only is this way of opening the eyes of

the chakra, but all kinds of abilities have been simplified.

For example: [Seal: Oral]

You must know that as long as you activate ninjutsu, you need to use the seal to transform the cultivated chakra into a "technique" and release it.

This process requires a calm mind to ensure the correctness of the seal.

Skilled skills are also required to ensure that there are no mistakes in the sealing, and any negligence will cause the failure or power of the "technique" to be reduced, and the chakra will be wasted.

And now, you just need to open your mouth.

It's just a matter of words,

not to mention the rest: [Lei Dun: Watch the rain and thunder]...

"Even the cultivation of ninjutsu has been simplified!"

Uchiha Izumi's eyes widened.


people who practice ninjutsu can't help but master the basics of ninjutsu.

It is also necessary to constantly cultivate and train, which is both physical and mental torture.

As a result, it's as simple as

that? If this is said, who would dare to believe it?

It's no longer something that can be described by the word against the sky! It's


The wave wind and water gate on the side looked at the Uchiha spring who had been standing in place without any movement, and his expression was puzzled.

"Why don't you practice with the spring water

?" "Could it be that he hasn't condensed the chakra all this time, and he's worried about failure?"

After all, Uchiha Izumi is the son of Uchiha Fugaku, the head of the Konoha Police Force.

And the Uchiha clan has always been synonymous with strength in Konoha, if it can't even condense the chakra, for ordinary people, it may not matter, but for the Uchiha, it is a bit embarrassing.

"Alas, it seems that we need to find a way to enlighten the fountain water.

Bo Feng Shuimen's eyes flickered, thinking.

The Uchiha Izumisui didn't care about the eyes of the people around him, and looked at his system wholeheartedly.

【Ding!The host simplifies for the first time, triggers a simplified critical hit, and the chakra continues to grow a hundredfold!Duration: 20 minutes!】

As the system prompt sounded, all of a sudden, the Uchiha spring water felt a powerful chakra filling the body.

And as your breath continues to increase, even the meridians in your body are expanding.

This is not only the recovery speed of the chakra, but also the expansion of the sum of the chakras that his body can withstand

! At this moment, the Uchiha Izumi can clearly feel that he is about to reach the total amount of chakra under his ninja! This chakra

growth rate, I am afraid that even in his future, the younger brother who can be called a demon: Uchiha Itachi

! This hundredfold feeling of simplifying cultivation is simply not too cool!

After a while, Uchiha Izumizu opened his eyes and saw that the classmates in the class were still trying to condense chakra and climb the wall.

It's a pity that every one of them succeeds.

Even if it is with soil, it is full of energy, and it keeps trying, but unfortunately it all ends in failure

Uchiha Izumi didn't care.

The current belt soil can be said to be a crane tail.

Of course, it is not a crane tail in the real sense.

Because there is also the "proud blue beast of Konoha": Maitkai!

But now Maitkai is just a hairy boy who has not dried up.

At this moment, it can also be seen that Maitkai has a watermelon head, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a resolute appearance, wearing a green tights, and the word "youth" is printed on the back.

Although I have been failing, I have never given up.

Instead, he kept his passion high, shouting, "If you can't walk on the wall today, run a hundred laps around the school!" Of

course, there are many more students, such as Mori Nai Hiki, the captain of the Konoha torture department in the future.

Outliner's little follower: Mute.

The son of the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun: Ape Flying Asma.

Sunset red....

However, he only glanced at these Uchiha springs for a few moments before retracting his gaze.

Without him, just because of this, as he breathes, the chakra in his body is constantly growing.

Soon, half a class time passed.

The Uchiha Izumi can clearly feel that the

amount of chakra in his body has already reached the total amount of chakra of one card! One card is the chakra of an adult Kakashi! You must know that an adult Kakashi is a shinobi

! That is to say, he now has a chakra of the upper ninja level!

If the amount of chakra in his previous time is compared to a stream, then the amount of chakra

in his current time is a river that flows endlessly.

The meridians have been widened, their strength has become a hundred times stronger, and the total amount of chakra in the body has been greatly improved.

Not only that, but his chakra recovery speed is also terrifying and terrifying, almost comparable to the special physique of the Vortex Clan.

Of course, this is just a simple chakra, if compared to combat skills and actual combat experience, as well as ninjutsu, and the use of ninjutsu is far from reaching the level of upper ninjutsu.

However, just this total amount of chakra is extremely terrifying!

At his age, who can have such chakras?

Even the Vortex clan is difficult to match!

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