"He actually succeeded!?" said

Uchiha Fugaku, with a shocked expression on his majestic face.

Is this really something that a human can do!?

As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, he has seen a lot.

But he has never seen a person who can activate ninjutsu without a seal

, and his son, Uchiha Izumisui, created this historic moment.

With just a move of his mouth, he successfully released a C-level ninjutsu: Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique.

Although this ninjutsu is not very difficult, it is by no means easy to master.

Although it was the first time he started a fire escape.

But it can be seen from the extremely stable fireball in the air that contains terrifying power.

His mastery of the Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique has already reached the realm of perfection.

And at the same time as handy.

The fire escape released was still so powerful, the range and power even exceeded the fire escape he had just launched!

Although he didn't exert all his strength, he knew that he was just in contact with the fire escape.

This powerful talent makes people feel like their hairs stand on end when they think about it.

It is not difficult to see from the power of the fire escape released alone that the amount of chakra in his body is also very majestic.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to unleash such a powerful ninjutsu.

At such a young age, Quanshui not only has a talent for ninjutsu, but also the amount of chakra in his body has reached an unheard of level!

It took a whole day and a night to study hard before he could barely cast a fireball the size of a person.

And his son really learned to escape in such a short period of time, and the power is still so powerful.

It seems that he really didn't deceive himself.

The reason why I think he will fail is because I think with the thinking of a normal person.

And the spring water, he can no longer use ordinary people's thinking to make judgments

! His talent has reached unimaginable heights!

"Spring water, is it really the first time to learn fire escape?!"

Uchiha Obito looked at the boiling river in amazement, and was speechless in shock.

This is the fire escape released by the spring water!?

I obviously learned the same ninjutsu as the spring water.

But the fire emitted by the spring water looked thousands of times stronger than the insignificant little flame he had just had.

Look at this power, even surpassing ordinary B-grade ninjutsu.

It's really dwarfed by comparison, and the judgment is made.

And the most shocking thing is that he has successfully performed ninjutsu without sealing the spring water!

In his own impression, he has never seen that he does not need to seal to activate ninjutsu.

After all, all ninjutsu needs to be condensed through seals to control the chakra in the body.

He had seen a seal that was fast, but he had never seen one that didn't need a seal

! But now, he had not only done it, but he had succeeded in the first attempt

! It could be said that there was no one before and no one else would come after!

I thought that the talent of the spring water in ninjutsu was not as good as his own.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he was a clown who jumped off the beam, and he couldn't do anything about himself.

It seems that I have a long way to go if I want to catch up with the dream of spring water.

"Son, you're so surprising to me

!" "You don't need a seal to release ninjutsu

!" "How did you do that?" "

This is a break in the history of the ninja world!"

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the Uchiha spring water, and his heart shook.

This son of mine has surprised himself one after another in the past two days.

First control the chakra to walk on the water, and then automatically open the writing wheel eye by himself, and now he doesn't even need to seal the ninjutsu to release it!

I can't believe it's true.

Uchiha Izumi didn't care, feeling his mastery of ninjutsu, and calmly looked at Uchiha Fugaku.

"Father, I just feel like I don't need a seal to release ninjutsu. "

So I tried it, but I didn't expect it to work. "

Looking at the calm appearance of the Uchiha spring water, it was as if he had just done a trivial thing.

"I see.

Uchiha Fugaku's face also returned to its former majesty, but the waves in his heart did not diminish at all.

I'm afraid my son doesn't know what he's doing today.

If it spreads, it will definitely cause an uproar in Konoha Village and even in the ninja world.

However, he will definitely be generous and glorious in the ninja world in the future, and it is impossible for him to hide his powerful talent.

All he can do is keep the spring safe until it grows.

This is also his duty as a father!

Immediately, Uchiha Fugaku settled his mind and looked at the time.

"Alright, now it's time for you to go to class.


Afterwards, Uchiha Fugaku led Uchiha Izumi and Uchiha Obito to the ninja school for class.

Now that Uchiha Springs has such a high talent, it should be even more unknown to the public.

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

What should be hidden, it still has to be hidden.

The three of them walked together in the village, and on the street, the ninja hurriedly ran by, with a solemn expression and a nervous attitude.

Uchiha Izumi understands that the third ninja war is also coming soon, and now Konoha Village has begun to emerge.

"Captain Fuyue, do you have time to send your children to school today?"

a hoarse, cold voice suddenly came.

Uchiha Izumi looked for a voice and saw a ninja approaching.

He was tall and tall, with black hair, long golden pupils, purple eyeshadow that extended to the wings of his nose, and pale skin that was reminiscent of a snake at first glance.

Uchiha Izumi was stunned for a moment, and his heart was shocked.

It's him

, Aunt Snake!

No, he should still be called Uncle Snake now.

Although in later life, Orochimaru was found to be guilty of a serious crime because he was found to have conducted a horrific live experiment, defected to Konoha and became a traitor.

Even the three generations of Hokage were killed by Orochimaru.

It can be said that it is a great sin, but it is undeniable that Uncle Snake is indeed a genius!

Not only is he powerful, but he is also talented.

And he is very knowledgeable, and he has a deep knowledge in forbidden arts.

For example, the S-level otherworldly psychic forbidden technique of the Reincarnation of the Filthy Earth has been learned and modified by Orochimaru.

He even has a near-immortal body, which can be obtained by constantly changing his body!

Of course, these are all things in the afterlife, and there are still many years to go.

Although the current Orochimaru is already one of the three ninjas of Konoha, he has not betrayed Konoha Village yet.

And as a disciple of the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash, his strength Konoha Village is also quite prestigious in Konoha Village.

It's just that Uchiha Izumi didn't expect to meet Uncle Snake here early in the morning.

And this timeline, shouldn't Uncle Snake be immersed in studying ninjutsu?

Just when Uchiha Izumi was thinking about it, he saw Orochimaru walking straight this way, and he secretly said something bad in his heart.

It seemed that he was still walking in his direction.

What's going on?

I didn't have anything to do with Uncle Snake before.

It can't be for itself, is it?

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