Uchiha Izumizu's eyes were slightly closed, and he devoted himself to cultivating the doppelganger technique.

To outsiders, it looks like meditating with your eyes closed, recuperating.

Yamanaka Haiichi looked at the Uchiha spring water, whose face was as calm as water, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Uchiha Izumi, this kid, is in the face of so many people's irresponsible remarks, but he can still stop the water and not be shocked.

Do not open your mouth to contradict them.

If this were an ordinary student, he couldn't help but refute it a long time ago.

It seems that this son is not only extremely talented, but also has a superior heart.

He is worthy of the demons of the Uchiha clan

! The future achievements are limitless!

But Yamanaka Kaichi has not forgotten what he wants to do now.

Then he looked at the Uchiha spring water and asked.

"Izumi-san, are you ready to demonstrate the doppelganger technique?"

Uchiha Izumi's thoughts were also pulled back to reality from his mind by this voice.

When I looked up, it turned out to be Mr. Haiichi Yamanaka asking about himself.

I can now clearly perceive that with my mastery of the doppelganger technique.

If you want to succeed in it, you have to achieve it.

There is hardly any difficulty in presenting it in front of everyone.

This ninjutsu talent that can succeed without even trying.

I'm afraid that even Kakashi, who has copied thousands of ninjutsu in the future, will be out of reach.

So, nodding his head, he replied.

"I'm ready.

"You can get started, teacher.

Everyone was also holding their breath at this moment, looking forward to the performance of the Uchiha Spring.

As a student of the same age as Uchiha Izumisui, I would like to see how the Uchiha's genius performs in ninjutsu.

How different is it from themselves.

Can the doppelganger technique be performed successfully in one attempt?

At the same time, Yamanaka Kaichi also took two steps back.

Make room for Uchiha Springs to perform their clone spells.

At this moment, everyone is staring intently at the Uchiha spring water.

I want to see this Uchiha genius.

But after a while, everyone saw that the Uchiha spring water had not moved for a long time.

There has been no precursor to the beginning of the stamping hand.

Seeing this scene, everyone was also strange and suspicious.

was all made by this mysterious operation, and the second monk was confused.

Uchiha spring water, why did he keep standing still.

Why haven't you seen him seal yet?

Teacher Yamanaka Haiichi didn't demonstrate that the doppelganger technique needs to be sealed before it can be released.

Isn't this condition known to everyone?

The look of doubt on his face became a little heavier.

Impatient voices came, and it turned out that it was still the little ghosts of the Hyuga clan who were gloating.

"It can't be that someone is connected to the seal. "

I dare to come to the demonstration, and I will bring humiliation on myself. "

You don't even have a seal, and you say you can do the doppelganger. "

There is still a face to say that it will be a C-level fire escape?? It's just a fool's dream. Seeing

the wind and rudder, the imps of the Hyuga clan sneered at full speed, and the smug look on their faces became even stronger.

Just now, the Uchiha Obito also said that the Uchiha spring water would escape from the fire, which scared me.

I didn't expect it to be a clown who jumped off the beam, and he couldn't even make the most basic seal.

You must know that ninjutsu requires a seal to urge the chakra in the body.

Wanting to launch ninjutsu without sealing is simply a fool's dream.

I don't know what Mr. Yamanaka Haiichi thinks, and how he asked him to demonstrate the doppelganger technique.

But that's fine, the more you fail in public, the more you will lose face with the Uchiha Spring.

The other students listened to the words of the Hyuga clan and were also full of doubts in their hearts.


how can you release ninjutsu without sealing?

I just tried the doppelganger technique.

If the seal is not sealed, the chakra will be considered a successful condensation.

It can't be transformed into a "technique" to release at all.

Could it be that he really doesn't know how to seal the Uchiha Spring Water

yet? Or does he not know that he needs to seal to release the doppelganger?

It is the most basic common sense to seal before initiating ninjutsu.

In Konoha Village, down to a three-year-old child and up to an eighty-year-old man.

There is no one who does not know.

But as a genius, Uchiha Spring Water has never seen his seal.

Thinking of this, everyone also had doubts about the genius name of Uchiha Spring Water.

And Haiichi Yamanaka, who is the teacher of this class, is also frowning at this time, and his heart is full of doubts.

What is this Uchiha kid doing?!

Didn't I already tell you very clearly when I first started class.

A seal is required before you can perform the clone technique.

Uchiha Spring Water, a genius like him shouldn't be unaware, although

some ninjutsu can be activated without a seal.

For example: the S-level time-space ninjutsu created by the second-generation Hokage Thousand Hands - the technique of the Flying Thunder God.

Later, it was carried forward by Bo Feng Shuimen.

It is a ninjutsu that uses a technique to achieve teleportation, and the caster will leave a Flying Thunder God spell on the kunai in advance and throw the kunai out.

You don't need to stamp, you just need to move your mind.

The caster will teleport to the Void Location with the Flying Thunder God spell attached.

There is also the Writing Wheel Eye Pupil Technique.

As the blood limit of the Uchiha clan, the writing wheel eye has opened up many special ninjutsu after evolving into a kaleidoscope.

Like Uchiha Itachi's Tsukiyomi and Amaterasu, and even Susa Nenghu, etc., all of them don't need to be sealed, just a glance at the eyes, and the ninjutsu is activated.

In addition to these ninjutsu, there are many more...

But the doppelganger technique that Uchiha Izumizu is now demonstrating does not belong to one of these ninjutsu.

The doppelganger technique must be sealed.

Now the Uchiha spring water doesn't even have a seal.

How could it be successfully activated,

although this doppelganger technique is only an E-level ninjutsu, as one of the graduation assessment requirements of the ninja school.

It is not easy to launch successfully.

No, he didn't learn the Uchiha spring water, so he was overjoyed, and deliberately said that he would.

But Uchiha Obito looked at the Uchiha spring with blazing eyes.

Because he was the only one who saw with his own eyes that the spring water in the morning was indeed unsealed, and he only relied on verbal complaints to launch the fire escape: the Hao Fireball Technique.

But he didn't explain it out loud, because he knew it clearly.

It is absolutely impossible for these people to believe that they have not seen the spring water with their own eyes and can activate ninjutsu just by speaking about it.

Even I still can't believe that someone really did it.

So they kept silent, waiting for the spring to slap them in the face with practical actions.

In this eerie atmosphere.

The Uchiha spring didn't pay much attention to the doubts of the crowd.

It's normal for them to not believe that they can succeed.

After all, you don't need to seal yourself, and you can launch a doppelganger technique.

Originally, it was a ninjutsu ability that required a seal to be activated.

It has never appeared since ancient times.

So I wasn't angry with them for this kind of wall-to-wall behavior.

Next, it's time to refresh their worldview for themselves.

Uchiha Izumizu calmly spoke: "Doppelganger."

As soon as the words fell, a clone that looked exactly like the Uchiha spring water.

Appeared on either side of him out of thin air, lifelike, like a real person.

If it weren't for a ninja master like Yamanaka Kaichi, he wouldn't have been able to find the clue at all.

When everyone saw these two doppelgangers, they immediately stared at each other.

Completely confused!

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