From the sleeve of his white robe, Sarutobi took out the Konoha Shinobi forehead that had been prepared in advance.

"Uchiha spring water, this is your ninja forehead guard, and it also symbolizes your identity as a Konoha ninja.

"From now on, people are protecting their foreheads, and they must be kept alive!" Under

the envious gaze of everyone, Sarutobi handed the forehead protection to Uchiha Spring Water with a solemn and majestic face.

"I see. The

Uchiha Izumi also took the forehead guard with both hands with a solemn expression, and bowed deeply to the Sarutobi Sun Slash.

Seeing this, Ape Fei Ri also nodded slightly, and turned to leave.

Time is running out at the moment, and there are still many documents in the Hokage building waiting for him to review...

With the departure of the ape flying sun, the teachers and students on the playground also dispersed in groups and continued to start their cultivation.

But their mouths are still talking about what happened today.

And, the person at the center of the discussion is naturally Uchiha Izumi!

He became Konoha Shinobi at such a young age, and his name is destined to spread throughout Konoha today.

Even the entire ninja world!

" I didn't expect that I would become a shinobi so quickly and so easily. "

If anyone else knew what Uchiha Izumi was thinking, they would be shocked by his Versailles behavior.

Do you call this simple?Uchiha Izumisui

didn't pay attention to the strange gazes that everyone was looking at him, but just put his forehead guard in the palm of his hand and looked at it carefully.

"From now on, I will have my own

ninja forehead guard!" The

ninja forehead guard is quite weighty, and the main body is made of a strip of black fabric, just long enough to circle the forehead.

In the middle of the black fabric is a rectangular piece of silver-toned metal fastened with six rivets, made of extremely strong material that reflects the light in the sun.

The most striking feature is that the metal of the forehead is engraved with a pattern that resembles a leaf.

This is also a pattern representing the forehead guard of the Konoha ninja!

"This forehead guard is so handsome!"

"I must wear it every day in the future." He

knew that the forehead guard was a symbol worn by ninjas on their foreheads.

It has the function of symbolizing identity and protecting the forehead.

But different people have different wearing habits.

For example,

Rock Lee and Maite Kay used to wear forehead guards around their waists.

Hinata, on the other hand, and Hinata and Hidan, are used to wearing forehead guards around their necks.

However, most ninjas still carry their forehead guards to their foreheads to better show their identity.

"Although I have only become a shinobi, it also means that I can take on some tasks in the future. "

To be able to train and do more!" said

Izumi Uchiha secretly in his heart, also excited that he had become a shinobi.

Compared to the students of the ninja school, this is a qualitative leap!

At least some D-class missions can be performed, and there is a chance to practice.

It's much better than staying in

a ninja school all day long!

"Izumi, you're a shinobi now, and you don't need to continue studying in a ninja school from now on.

Bo Feng Shuimen slowly walked towards the Uchiha Spring and smiled lightly.

"But because none of your classmates have graduated yet.

"So you will first practice alone by yourself, and I will not assign you a class teacher for the time being. When your classmates graduate, they will rearrange for you. "

You practice hard at home, don't leave the village casually, you must remember this!"

Bo Feng Shuimen He knew that the ninja world was turbulent now, and Quan Shui was a genius ninja who was rare in Konoha in a hundred years.

And Konoha Village's defense force is limited, and it is impossible to protect the spring water from him all the time.

I don't want to see Konoha genius be strangled in the cradle by ninjas from other countries before he grows up!

That would be a big loss for Konoha Village.

"I see, Mr. Watergate.

The Uchiha nodded slightly, he didn't care that he didn't have a teammate.

Although it is generally a shinobi who becomes a shinobi, they will form a team of three people to carry out tasks together.

The reason for this is that ninjas who have just become shinobi are generally relatively weak and do not have the ability to perform tasks alone.

But he is different, not only does he have two calories of chakra in his body, which is far beyond ordinary forbearance.

And the speed of comprehending ninjutsu is extremely fast, as long as you master a few more powerful ninjutsu, I am afraid that it is not your opponent when you encounter ordinary ninjutsu.

But the strength of ninjas is not only based on the total amount of chakra and the speed of comprehension of ninjutsu.

There are also physical arts, illusions, various actual combat abilities, and so on.

At present, I can say that I have almost no real experience, and there is still a long way to go in the future, and there is a long way to go...

Uchiha Izumizu said goodbye to the Bo Feng Mizumon and left the ninja school.

He returned home and continued to cultivate.


In a dimly lit basement, the light is so dim that you can barely see the surrounding objects, which makes people feel inexplicably depressed.

There was a rustling sound of paper, and a man sat under an old oil lamp, constantly flipping through the files.

He had short black hair, but his right eye was covered with a white bandage, revealing only a left eye with a fierce and dark look.

He has a distinct cross scar on his chin, and he is wearing a black robe and kimono, and he exudes a cold aura all over his body.

This person is none other than the leader of the "Root" organization of Konoha Village, the Land of Fire: Shimura Danzo!

"Root", also known as the "Dark Training Department".

It was the third generation of Hokage Sarutobi who took office, and his great trust and power in Shimura Danzou allowed him to create his own root organization.

The root tissue is hidden deeper than the shadows, and what is done is even more shady.

The Root Organization's greatest purpose is to covertly remove obstacles that prevent the village from thriving.

"A towering tree not only has "leaves" that soak up the sun, but also "roots" that hide deep darkness.

"Where the flames fly, there is also a shadow in the shadows.

Shimura muttered to him, he was used to carrying the darkness of the village.

He kept flipping through the files of the various ninjas in Konoha Village.


"This Uchiha spring is really a genius, he has become a shinobi at such a young age!"

And according to the description in the file.

Uchiha Izumi's control over Chakra and his ability to activate the doppelganger technique without the need for seals really surprised him.

When he grows up for a while, he can consider letting him join the Shadows.

You can even take it for your own use and stay by your side, just enough to restrain the development of the Uchiha clan.

Thinking of this, Shimura raised his head to look at the faint light oozing from the gap, and a subtle dark light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"Such a good genius, if you open your eyes, it must be very useful, right?"

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