"It's just daydreaming!"

"Do you know what the Hokage is?"


was an uproar in the audience, all laughing at Uchiha Obito's inadequacy.

That's the title of Hokage!

It requires superb strength, outstanding leadership skills, and the responsibility to protect the whole village.

How could Uchiha be the Hokage

? Especially Uchiha Obito, isn't this the tail of the crane?


Uchiha Izumi stood among the many classmates, looking at Uchiha Obito, his expression was as usual, and he didn't laugh.

He knew why Obito wanted to be Hokage.

Obito lost his parents when he was a child, and he has always been dependent on his grandmother.

Except for himself and Nohara Rin, he has no friends at all.

So he thinks that as long as he becomes the Hokage, he will be able to have more partners.

It's very similar to the original Naruto in the future.

Bo Feng Shuimen looked at Uchiha Obito, the expression on his face froze, and his heart shook.

I didn't expect Obito to have such a lofty goal at such a young age! It's

a pity that now the Uchiha clan has been squeezed out by the Konoha high-level and has lost the trust of the villagers.

It's not easy to become a Hokage

! But as a ninja, you have to be able to stick to your heart in a difficult and dangerous environment

! It's already good that Uchiha Obito can do this now!

Bo Feng Shuimen nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand, and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

"The dream of becoming the Hokage is not ridiculous, I believe it is the dream of every ninja in Konoha Village! It's just that Obito has become a warrior who dares to speak his dreams! With this courage and self-confidence alone, he has already defeated most people!" "Obito

, now you can give it a try, try to condense Chakra.

Bo Feng Shuimen looked at the students in the audience, looking serious and serious.

"Come on,

Obito! I believe in you!" Nohara Rin looked at Uchiha Obito and opened his mouth in support.

She has long known Obito's dream, and believes in Obito! She believes in Obito

, as long as she persists, she will definitely become the Hokage!

Uchiha Obito looked at Nohara Rin's encouraging eyes, nodded, and the smile on his face became brighter, and the haze that was ridiculed and looked down upon before disappeared, and his heart suddenly felt full of strength.

He mustered up his courage and walked straight to the wall, his legs slightly bent, and he exploded

! Bang! He catapulted out!

He sprinted towards the wall, with an imposing momentum, and he looked like he was bound to win!

However, as he

stepped on the wall with both feet and his body lifted off the ground, he only heard a "boom", and the vigorous figure fell heavily to the ground.

"Hahaha, I almost thought that he was really going to succeed

!" "It's a success, a successful circus clown!"

"..."This funny scene led the students in the audience to burst into laughter!

Uchiha Obito listened to the sounds around him, and he only felt extremely harsh, but he was not discouraged, and his eyes were still firm.

"Obito is doing a good job, just dare to try it like this!" Bo

Feng Shuimen opened his mouth to encourage Obito, making everyone shut up.

After all, the teachers are encouraging Daitu, and they continue to taunt, isn't this hostile to the teacher?

Bo Fengshuimen looked at Daitu, and his eyes revealed a look of concern: "Don't be discouraged, these are just small setbacks, dare to try."

Uchiha Obito nodded.

He silently walked to the open space on the side and continued to try to climb the wall to train!

I'm going to be the Hokage!

" Who else wants to come up and try it next?".

Bo Feng Shuimen's eyes swept over everyone.

With Uchiha Obito taking the lead, the students all seemed to be infected by Obito's passion.

They all raised their hands to challenge their limits.

Looking at the students who were scrambling, Bo Fengshuimen nodded with satisfaction.

Beneath the towering walls, students are working hard to climb the walls.

Maitkai's fighting spirit and vigorous posture are particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

"Burn it, my youth!"

Uchiha Obito also kept trying on the side, constantly failing, but he didn't choose to give up, and as the last trace of chakra in his body was squeezed dry, he stopped moving.

"Take a break and try again.

He stood on the ground tired, gasping for breath as he looked at the rest of his classmates.

It was discovered that except for Kakashi Hachiki, no one succeeded.

When he saw the Uchiha spring water, his brows furrowed slightly, and his expression was puzzled.

"What's wrong with the spring water?

Confused, he walked over to the Uchiha Izumi.

"Izumi, why are you meditating here with your eyes closed?"

Uchiha Izumi opened his eyes and said with a smile: "I'm feeling the chakra flow in my body, and I feel like I'm about to gather chakra!"

He casually found a reason.

What am I doing?

!I'm in a race against time!

Seeing that there are only a few minutes left in the chakra to accelerate a hundredfold.

Naturally, you can suck a little more chakra, and you will never waste any time to improve your strength!

"Really? That's great!" "

Later, as long as you dare to go up to the spring and try it, whether it is successful or not." I'll treat you to Ichiraku ramen after school, Uncle Ichiraku's miso tonkotsu ramen is really delicious!I promise you won't forget that taste once you eat it!"

said the Uchiha with a fluttering eyebrow, not forgetting to wipe the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, I'll try it later. "

The Uchiha spring water should be in harmony with the mouth.

But the attention is all focused on absorbing the chakra

!Wait!!Ichiraku Ramen!?This

is the ultimate hidden boss of Konoha Village: Okōki Ichiraku!


boss squints his eyes all year round, and it is said that as long as he earns his eyes, it will be the time when the sky falls.

As the saying goes, he is hidden in the city, but he has no huge ambitions, only opened a ramen restaurant in Konoha Village, and the ramen he makes is loved by many ninjas

! When school is over, I will also go to enjoy the style of Otsuki Ichiraku!

Without waiting for him to think about it more, the system prompt sound resounded again.


prompt sound of the system in his mind interrupted Uchiha Izumi's thoughts and pulled him back to reality!

I haven't experienced it enough

! Why is it over

! It's a pity that this 10,000-fold acceleration is not permanent

! Otherwise, I will dominate the world in a minute!

Immediately, the Uchiha spring began to examine the chakra in his body.

I found that the energy in my body was actually close

to two cards! You must know that two cards are equal to the sum of the two upper ninja Kakashi chakras, and it was the chakra that Kakashi Hachiki had only earned for more than ten or twenty years of hard work, and now

he could easily reach it in just twenty minutes! The Uchiha Spring felt that his whole body was full of turbulent power, and as long as he released one percent of the chakra, it was enough to defeat his previous self!

Such an improvement, who would dare to believe it?

It's terrifying!

Beyond everything!

" Now that the 10,000-fold ascension is over, it's time to try condensing the chakra. "

I don't know, what kind of surprise will the simplified system bring to me when it condenses the chakra!"

Uchiha Izumizu was in a good mood.

I am also looking forward to the simplification of the system.

You know, even the way to raise the chakra is reduced to breathing.

What kind of way will this condense chakra into Just

thinking about it makes Uchiha Spring Water look forward

to it! Without any hesitation, he said to the Uchiha Obito beside him, "Let's go, Obito, let's try!"

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