The walls of the training ground....

In the sunlight, dim shadows are reflected.

But if you look closely, there is a shadow that is even more dim than the others, and it looks a little out of place.

In the shadows, a pair of yellow vertical pupils suddenly lit up.

These eyes are narrow and seductive, like two yellow gemstones.

In the shadows, there was a golden glow, like the eyes of a poisonous snake.

The owner of these vertical pupils is none other than one of the "Konoha Three Ninjas": Orochimaru.

"I'm going to take a look today..."

"What is the superiority of this Uchiha spring water in terms of cultivation?"

Orochimaru's eyes flashed with a strange light, staring directly at the Uchiha spring water.

From the time Uchiha Izumi and Uchiha Mikoto left the house, he had been following the two of them.

Orochimaru hid his form and aura, and quietly jumped over the wall, hiding in the shadows.

The Uchiha guards guarding the gate of the training ground did not notice that Orochimaru had entered it at all.

Even a shinobi master like Uchiha Mikoto didn't notice his existence.

"The talent of this Uchiha spring is even more demonic than I imagined.

"At his age, he had already graduated from the ninja school. "

Such an achievement is unheard of at all, no wonder he would refuse to become his apprentice..."

Orochimaru was in the dark, looking at the Uchiha spring water, there was no anger in his heart, but he felt very satisfied.

Since the last time this kid Uchiha Izumi refused, he refused his own invitation.

He himself had been in the village, silently inquiring about the news of the Uchiha spring.

I thought that Uchiha Spring Water was just a genius in controlling Chakra.

He is also a member of the Uchiha clan, and he has a bloodline boundary like the Sharingan, and his potential is unlimited.

That's why I had the intention of taking him as an apprentice...

Unexpectedly, he even passed the graduation assessment of the ninja school.


must know that even himself, who is the "Konoha Three Ninjas", has not achieved such a

terrifying achievement at his age.

Thinking about it now, it's no wonder that he was arrogant at the time and refused his invitation.

"I hope his performance today can be as evil as rumored. "

Don't let yourself down,"

Orochimaru muttered to himself,

reintegrating his form into the darkness until it was completely indistinguishable from his surroundings.


"Izumi, what are you doing standing there motionless?"

Uchiha Mikoto, who was standing by the lake, looked at Uchiha Izumi, and he was still standing in place, staring blankly at the sky.

She looked puzzled and wondered.

"Izumi, why don't you try it

?" "Aren't you ready yet?"

Uchiha Mikoto came to Uchiha Izumi's side and asked softly with doubts in her heart.

"I'm sorry... Mother. "

I'm like... I still haven't understood this phoenix fire technique, can you demonstrate it again.

The Uchiha Izumi scratched his cheeks, withdrew his gaze from the sun, and pretended to be embarrassed.

Now is a critical moment

! I am only one step away from the B-level Fire Escape mastery proficiency!

How can I give up halfway

? I am about to be able to launch B-level ninjutsu, how can I only be willing to be willing to that little C-level ninjutsu?

Although there is only one level between the two, there is a world of difference in difficulty and power.

I am also very curious about how powerful this proficient-level B-level Fire Escape: Impatiens Flower Claw Red is.

It's just enough to surprise her mother!

Uchiha Izumi sneered in his heart, pretending to be his wishful thinking.


"He didn't understand the spring water?" Uchiha

Mikoto's body was stunned, and her eyes were full of doubt.

Although this Phoenix's Fire Technique is a big challenge for a child of Quanshui's age.

But his son didn't graduate early and became a shinobi.

Is it a genius that is rare to see in a hundred years

? Why don't you even understand this ninjutsu now?

It shouldn't be.

"Could it be that there is a problem with the rumors

?" "Is it too exaggerated to exaggerate your son's talent?"

Uchiha Mikoto was puzzled and surprised.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand it, even if Quanshui's talent is not as good as the legend says.

He is still his own son.

As long as he wants to learn from the spring, he will still spare no effort to teach him.

After all, he was only a child, and he couldn't be too strict with him.

"It's okay, spring water, let's just watch and practice more.

"You're going to have to take a good look at it this time.

Uchiha Mikoto finished sealing again, and streams of fireballs that were the same as before spat out of her mouth in succession.

It's just that this time her movements have slowed down a lot, as if she is afraid that he will not be able to see the Uchiha spring water clearly.

In the dark....

Orochimaru has been silently watching the movements of the Uchiha Spring.

He was looking forward to whether Uchiha Izumi's talent in ninjutsu was as amazing as the legend.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Spring Water, he has been slow to move.


"Uchiha Izumi, this kid, how come you have to watch even a simple ninjutsu twice to remember." "

This ninjutsu talent is really too unsightly..."Orochimaru's

heart felt a huge gap, and his pale face was full of disappointment.

I wanted to take a good look at it, how evil is this Uchiha spring talent?

Unexpectedly, he couldn't even remember the most basic ninjutsu performance steps over and over again.

If you come to learn from a child with a little light, I'm afraid you can remember it.

It seems that this Uchiha spring water is not more than Erer, and it is far from meeting his expectations.

"Could it be that the master is an old man, and he is confused?"

"It is unexpectedly possible for a student with this kind of ninjutsu talent to pass the graduation assessment in advance." "

This performance is simply a waste of my time, it disappoints me so much..."


cold face couldn't suppress the look of disappointment.

Just as he shook his head, ready to turn away.

"Mother, I'll do it!" said

the loud sound of Uchiha spring water by the lake in the driving range.

It turned out that just now, when Uchiha Mikoto demonstrated ninjutsu again.

Uchiha Spring Water He took advantage of this gap and kept looking up at the sun in the sky.

It was noon, the sun was like fire, and the Uchiha spring water pierced by the sun's rays, and his eyes hurt hotly.

But the proficiency of the fire escape in my mind has been increasing rapidly!

"+0.1%, +0.1%..."

It turns out that the increase speed of the fire escape proficiency is also related to the intensity of the sun's rays.

The stronger the sunlight, the faster it increases!

The Uchiha also figured out the pattern of proficiency growth.

It is only 3% away from the proficiency level of B-level mastery.

Soon, under the watchful eye of the unremitting efforts of Uchiha Izumi.

The proficiency of the fire escape has reached 40%

! The Uchiha Spring Water didn't have time to be surprised, so he immediately made a decision and shouted: "Mother, I will!".

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