
"This horse can still be called the Hao Fireball Technique

?!" "If this terrifying power hits a person, it will be pierced directly, let me ask you?!Who can stop it?!"

"I'm afraid that even the group of guys in Yunyin Village who are good at physical skills don't dare to resist head-on."

Orochimaru's eyes widened violently, his golden pupils shrank suddenly, and his body trembled involuntarily.

Just now, Orochimaru also felt a sense of crisis from the flame ray just now.

You know, he is the top group of ninjas in Konoha and is known as one of the "Three Ninjas of Konoha".

And the Uchiha Spring Water is just a milky little kid who has just been promoted to Shinobi.

I don't know how big a gap there is between myself and him.

And it was in this situation of disparity in strength that he actually felt the aura of danger in a ninjutsu he sent.

At this moment, Orochimaru's perception of the Hao Fireball technique was subverted again.

"I didn't expect that the Uchiha Spring Water had really achieved the ultimate form change!" Orochimaru

looked like a sudden, obviously not shocked, and at the same time tried to recall the fire escape that the Uchiha Spring Water had just launched.

The speed of that flame ray was so fast that it was difficult for a master like him to see its trajectory and casting principle clearly with the naked eye.

"It would be nice if at this time, I had the writing wheel eyes of the Uchiha clan.

At this time, Orochimaru couldn't help but sigh.

But in the end, Orochimaru still relied on his super high theoretical knowledge of ninjutsu, and after some brainstorming efforts, he still calculated it.

First of all, the Uchiha spring water was in his mouth, and the chakra of the fire attribute was compressed at a high density.

Secondly, it is controlled to rotate in place at high speed, so that the penetration is greatly improved.

Eventually, a ray of fire emanated from his mouth.

Every step is indispensable, and there must be no mistakes.

If it weren't for the fact that he was still looking at the Uchiha spring water, he shot this flame out of his mouth, and he really couldn't believe that this was still a fire escape

! The extreme form change could actually make a small C-rank ninjutsu produce such a great power!

Although these processes are easy to say, it is very difficult to really do every point.

It requires not only the meticulousness of the caster's control of the chakra, as well as a wealth of theoretical knowledge, but also a lot of practice.

It can be said that the difficulty of this flame ray is simply difficult to reach the blue sky

!" "This kid's talent is far beyond my imagination, and he has even broken the limits of human beings!"

At this time, Orochimaru's eyes looked at the Uchiha Izumi, as if he was looking at a monster, full of disbelief.

He could easily tell from the hole in the metal sandbag.

You know, this metal is made of the latest alloy, and it is not easy for Shinobi to penetrate it.

And the Uchiha Spring Water that he unleashed the flame ray succeeded in doing so.

Both in terms of power and penetration.

This flame ray is not known how many times higher than the Hao Fireball technique that Uchiha Spring Water launched at the beginning before.

Obviously, he had already completed the final form of the form change of the Hao Fireball Technique, otherwise it would not have been so powerful

!"Such a young man!

Such a short time!" "Uchiha Spring Water He has already completely mastered the form change, and it is really terrifying!"


couldn't help but sigh.

You must know that as a once-in-a-century ninjutsu genius, he was originally trying to learn the change of form.

Not only is there a personal guidance from the ape Fei Ri Chop, who is known as the "ninjutsu professor", but his own ninja talent is also excellent, and many ninjutsu can be learned as soon as he learns it!

It was under such extremely superior conditions that it took him two or three years to completely master the changes in the form of Chakra.

And now, the Uchiha spring has only received a slight guidance from himself, and the rest is up to him to comprehend.

But under such circumstances, it took him less than a day to completely grasp the changes in Chakra's form.


!" "This is the real

genius!" "No! Even the word genius is no longer enough to describe him, it should be an unprecedented demon!"


sighed in his heart, and he felt more and more that he had underestimated the potential and talent of the Uchiha Spring, and the satisfaction in his eyes became even stronger.

At the same time, the Uchiha Izumi on the other side did not notice that Orochimaru had returned to the training room.

Instead, he focused all his attention on the metal sandbag in front of him.

"Could it be that this is the final form of the chakra form change!?" he

stood stunned, the look of surprise on his face that could not be concealed, obviously shocked by the power of his own fire escape.

"I didn't expect that the power generated was so terrifying, and the metal that was several centimeters thick could be easily penetrated like this!"

"Even I, the caster, couldn't help but feel chills.

Uchiha Izumi looked at the sandbag in front of him and muttered to himself.

On the metal sandbag, a black hole suddenly appeared, and black sand continued to flow out of it.

The Uchiha Izumi carefully looked at the holes in the sandbags that had been punched out by himself, and smacked his tongue secretly.

He thought that this should have completed the change of Chakra's form.

After all, the power of this fire escape was comparable to the original flame ray.

The range of the attack is about 10 percent less, and the penetration power has been increased by more than 10 percent

! Especially in terms of power, I don't know how many times it has been improved, and it is completely different from the ordinary Hao Fireball technique, and there has been a qualitative improvement!

If you apply this trick to actual combat, you will hit the enemy.

Then their fate can be imagined, if it is not a special situation, it will definitely directly penetrate their bodies and melt all the internal organs in their bodies.

And the most critical point is that the fireball technique after the form change makes up for one of its biggest shortcomings before, that is, it is not fast enough and is easy to be dodged by the enemy.

Now it can be used as his own pressure box bottom ninjutsu, which is much stronger than the B-level ninjutsu he learned before.

Concentrate a little and break them one by one!

It can't even be called a fireball technique anymore, both in terms of power and appearance, it is very different from before.

I'll have to give it a new name in the future.

This is the first ninja he ever invented in the true sense of the word!


"What should I name it?"

the Uchiha Izumizu groaned as he played with his chin with one hand.


, the Uchiha Izumi seemed to think of something, and shouted loudly

: "From now on, this ninjutsu will be called Hao Fireball Jutsu Change:

High Temperature Ray!".

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