"I'm sorry, Orochimaru-sensei!" said

Uchiha Izumi secretly in his heart, and then began to concentrate on condensing the chakra.

He could feel that the vast chakra in his body was rushing to his throat.

In the mouth of the chakra river, the power of the high-temperature rays is constantly increasing.

The aura of the Uchiha Izumi's whole person gradually became terrifying, like a Star Destroyer cannon that was accumulating!

However, he himself did not feel any discomfort, and the sides of his cheeks were only slightly bulging, far from reaching the limit of what he could bear!

There is no other, just because the Uchiha spring water has been in the mouth, constantly compressing and rotating the chakra, so that the flame rays have always maintained a size, very stable rotation.

At this time, the Uchiha spring water can be said to have reached an incredible level of control over the change of chakra form.

Even compared to Orochimaru, it is even better!

As time continues to fly, he can clearly perceive the Uchiha spring water.

The power of the flame rays in his mouth is still rising, and it has already consumed nearly two calories of chakra

!" "That's the total amount of chakra equivalent to two adult Kakashi!"

"I'm afraid that with the average strength of the upper ninja, if he encounters his own move, he will be powerless.

"I don't know if this Rashomon can resist it? After all, it's a super high-level defensive ninjutsu." At

the same time, the total amount of compressed chakra in the mouth of the Uchiha spring water was also about to reach the limit of his own ability.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Uchiha Izumizu secretly thought to himself, "Hao Fireball Change: High Temperature Ray

!" "My lord, times have changed!"

Seeing that, a flame ray the size of a thumb shot out of his mouth.

With the furious terrifying energy, the water vapor in the air evaporated instantly, and everywhere the flame rays passed, they were burned and deformed by its blazing heat, leaving a deep trace

in the air!

However, in the blink of an eye, the flame rays expanded extremely quickly in the air, and the power hidden in it also completely exploded at this moment, a special "nuclear" harmony!

In the next second, a high-temperature ray with the thickness of a water tank suddenly appeared in Orochimaru's sight!


"Good boy, are you going to dismantle my underground laboratory!?"

"This power can be beaten by a shinobi?"

"Let's not talk about where you got so much chakra in your body, let's just say that when you pierced through the metal sandbag just now, it was obviously the thickness of your thumb. "

And you're about the same thickness as the water tank now, this is your full strength

?" "What kind of monster are you riding a horse?"

Between the lightning and flint,

Orochimaru's brain was spinning rapidly, and his thoughts were full of thoughts.

But he didn't have time to think about it!

Immediately after, he felt a deadly threat from the oncoming flame ray, his golden pupils shrank suddenly, and the hairs on his body subconsciously stood up.

Orochimaru's instinctive reaction with his years of combat experience prompted him to hurriedly use the "Instantaneous Body Technique" to transfer his own point position.

But no matter how fast the "instantaneous technique" is, it can't be faster than the high-temperature rays that have exceeded the speed of sound.

I saw that the high-temperature ray with the destructive energy was like a meteor with a tail wing, so fast that people couldn't see the afterimage clearly, and it hit the purple ghost face of Rashomon.

The two collided, resulting in a huge explosion!

Rashomon, which has always been known for its defensive power,

even the tailed beast jade can block one or two.

At this time, it was like thin ice, barely playing any role in blocking it, and it directly shattered, turning into pieces

of debris scattered on the ground! "Boom!" The

sky was full of smoke and dust, and debris was flying everywhere!

The huge sound waves generated by the explosion continued to echo in the underground training room, and countless metal fragments and rock and soil clods fell.

The entire basement shook violently, and even the residents of Konoha could feel the tremors.

They all ran out of the house, for fear that an earthquake was coming.

Inside the Hokage Building....

Sarutobi was holding a pipe in his mouth to correct the papers, and the sudden vibration made him stand up violently



"Where did the movement come from

?" "Could it be that the guys in Sand Shadow Village can't stand it?"

Looking at every nook and cranny of the village, I finally found a house.

"It turned out to be the kid from Orochimaru. "

I wonder what he's doing?"

Feeling the tremor quickly disappeared, Ape Fei Sun Slash didn't pay much attention to it.

His own apprentice is now obsessed with scientific experiments.

As long as he doesn't tear down Konoha, he can just toss it.

Ape Fei Ri stood in front of the window, swallowing clouds and spitting fog, looking into the distance and falling into deep thought...


At the same time, inside the underground laboratory.

Orochimaru, next to Rashomon, was under the attack of the Uchiha spring just now.

Because he couldn't dodge, he was directly blown away by the aftermath of the explosion, forming a perfect arc in the air.

Finally, he fell heavily to the ground.

"Wo Cao, Uchiha Spring Water!"

"I stepped on your horse to let you shoot with all your might, but you want to kill me?" Orochimaru

staggered to his feet from the ground, still screaming in his mouth.

At that moment, I really had the feeling that I would die if I tried.

I didn't expect that the power of this high-temperature ray was so powerful!

It turned out that this was the true strength of Uchiha Spring Water, and this ninjutsu could be said to be one of the most explosive ninjutsu among all the fire escapes I had ever seen.

But the only drawback is that it takes too long to charge.

It's just because I underestimated the power of this ninjutsu just now, and I was careless, and I didn't flash!

If it was really in actual combat, there would be no such a long charging time for Uchiha spring water.

Orochimaru comforted himself in his heart, he couldn't believe that this was an attack that Shinobi could send!

At this time, Orochimaru's body was almost completely skinless, and there were traces of burns and explosions everywhere.

The snow-white science robe had long since been scorched by the flames and turned into a gray sleeveless vest.

The most obvious thing was that his right arm was empty, and only blood could be seen gushing out.

Orochimaru He hurriedly blocked the meridians with chakra, stopped the bleeding, covered the wound with his left hand, and couldn't help frowning.

"The power of this fireball is too powerful, isn't it?"

"It's even comparable to a small tailed beast jade, and the hard Rashomon is like a papier-mâché in front of it, and it can't be stopped at all."

Orochimaru looked into the distance, the harmless baby face of humans and animals, and couldn't help but shudder.

But there are more in his eyes, and he still can't hide the shock

!"This ninjutsu is comparable to super A-level ninjutsu!".

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