"Quanshui, you have to improve your strength as soon as possible.

Just as Uchiha Izumizu's thoughts were immersed in the inner world, he was suddenly pulled back to reality by Orochimaru's voice.

He raised his head and saw Orochimaru's face was heavy, he didn't smile, and he was still slowly saying in his mouth:

"You have to master the powerful power as soon as possible, and the war is coming again..."

Orochimaru took a deep look at the Uchiha Spring, and when he saw his immature and innocent face, a figure couldn't help but appear in his mind.

That was his first disciple, the Thousand Hands Rope Tree.

At the same time, he is also his best friend.,The younger brother of the Tsunade who came out of the same school.。

In his memory, Rope Tree's personality was completely different from his own master, he had short brown hair, and always showed a cheerful and optimistic smile, like a little sun.

And he also has a great dream - to become the Hokage!

"Unfortunately, it backfired..."

Thinking of this, Orochimaru's heart contracted, as if he recalled the memory he least wanted to remember.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, the mountains and old forests are deep, and the hot-blooded young man takes the lead.

This was followed by a deafening explosion.

In an instant, the flames were in the sky, the sky was full of smoke and dust, and there was no life in the deep pit created by the explosion, and the only thing left was the crystal necklace that Tsunade gave him to Tsunade shining.

In the Second Ninja World War, his apprentice, Rope Tree, strayed into the detonation charm trap and died tragically in front of him.

It was then that I discovered how fragile human life is, and began to study human science without distraction.

Orochimaru recalled these memories, his heart trembled, and a trace of pain appeared on his usually cold face.


The Uchiha spring water was startled, and a storm set off in his heart.

"I didn't expect war to come!"

"In my memory, the Third Ninja War would be several years away.

"Is it because of the butterfly effect caused by my arrival?

"Cause the war to break out early?!" "

If according to what Uncle Snake said, the war is coming, you must speed up your pace and improve

your strength! In war, no one can be relied on, and your own strength is the last word!

Uchiha Izumi thought secretly, and his desire for power became even stronger.

But at the same time, he also noticed Orochimaru's strange expression, and he didn't make a sound to disturb him.

Just nodded slightly in response.

"Could it be that Uncle Snake has something bad in mind?"

"However, his admonition to me is indeed sincere.

"Moreover, Uncle Snake, he is only catching some small animals for experiments now, and he is not completely blackened. He

knew very well that Uncle Snake was unsparing in teaching all his disciples.

It's just that the character is a little extreme, especially the later pursuit of eternal life, the obsession is very deep, close to madness.

Therefore, before I came into contact with Uncle Snake, I was so afraid of him.

But at least, at present, he has a good attitude towards himself, and he does his best to teach himself knowledge.

Even, the high temperature ray broke Uncle Snake's right hand, and almost dismantled his laboratory, but he didn't speak ill of himself.

This means that Uncle Snake now has no ill will towards himself, only the responsibility of the teacher.

Uchiha Izumizu's heart throbbed slightly, and his image of Orochimaru was cold and ruthless.

"Izumi, you must remember what I said, this upcoming war is different!" Orochimaru

relieved himself from the sad mood just now, stared at the Uchiha Izumi with a serious expression, and reminded him again.

"You have to know, even Konoha White Fang, Qimu Shuomao, that kind of strong man, went out to carry out the mission and failed!"

"I don't know what will happen in the future?"

Although Konoha is now at its peak, the masters are like clouds.

But every time there is a war, Konoha is facing not just one country, but the other four countries jointly besieging it.

The ninja world of each country has its own strengths and weaknesses, and its strength is strong.

I can't guarantee that in such a brutal war, Konoha will definitely win a big victory.

I only hope that the Uchiha Spring Water can be careful, otherwise such a demonic talent will be strangled in the cradle by the enemy, which is really a big loss for Konoha and himself.

I still want to wait for him to grow up and become his right-hand man on the road of scientific research, and he will be a capable leader!

" "Huh?"

Uchiha Izumi, who was standing on the side, was stunned when he heard this, and his heart sank.

"At this time period, Hagi Shuomao's mission actually failed?!"

"Doesn't that mean that Konoha White Fang, Hagi Sakumo is about to commit suicide." "

Uchiha Spring Water He knows very well that it was at this time that Hachiki Sakushige was at this time.

Because the mission failed, he couldn't accept the heavy blow, and finally committed suicide.

The death of Sakumo Hachiki is undoubtedly a huge loss for Konoha.

You know, his strength is very strong, and he is a strong contender for the next Hokage.

Even powerful ninjas like the "Konoha Three Ninjas" are afraid of him.

Moreover, this accident had a great impact on his son, Kakashi Hachiki.

When he was a teenager, Kakashi Hachiki witnessed his father's death with hatred, and his heart was clouded.

Since then, Kakashi Hachiki has become aloof, and insists that as a ninja, he cannot be affected by his feelings, and sometimes the sacrifice of his companions is inevitable in order to complete the mission.

For this, even if the Uchiha Izumi is a human being in two lives, he can't tell which one is more important.

So, Uchiha Izumizu said goodbye to Orochimaru with the doubts in his heart.

On the way home, people came and went, and the villagers lowered their heads one by one and discussed.

"Have you heard, Hachiki Sakumo's mission failed?" "Hachiki

Sakushige?is that the powerful ninja known as Konoha White Fang?"

"Yes, it's him.

"The most important thing is that because of the failure of his mission this time, the front line suffered heavy losses. I also heard from a ninja who was wounded on the front line and returned to the village. "

It's really a shame on our Konoha face!"


although these villagers all lowered their voices and communicated.

But with the Uchiha Spring's current perception ability, the sound of complaints and accusations came into his ears clearly and powerfully.

For a moment, Uchiha Izumi's mood was heavy.

Sure enough, these villagers already know, I don't know who sent the message on purpose

? Could it be that Konoha White Fang really

has to be blamed for failing the mission in order to protect his teammates? If he abandons his teammates just to complete the task, what is the difference between him and a cold-blooded machine

? Everyone only has the task in their eyes, so can there be trust between teammates and teammates?

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