
Suddenly finding Hagoromo Genzuki appearing beside them, Uchiha Izumi and Uchiha Zhi immediately bowed their heads respectfully.

Such a gesture is not only because the Hagoromo clan rescued and accepted them, but also shows their respect for the strong.

The Uchiha clan is a clan that advocates power first.

For the man in front of him who is as famous as Senju Hashirama and his ancestor Uchiha Madara, and he has achieved the feat of living a second life that has never been done before.

There was no need for the other party to say anything, they had already taken the initiative to follow.

Hagoromo Genzuki nodded, and without hesitation, Uchiha Izumi and the other two took the initiative to get out of the way and walked to Sasuke.

"Orochimaru's curse seal?"

Hagoromo Genzuki, who had done a lot of research on senjutsu in Konoha, could see the natural energy contained in Sasuke's curse seal at a glance.

Cursed Seal is not a sage mode. After all, even the developer Orochimaru himself has not been able to practice celestial magic.

This is just a secret technique that the other party developed into a secret technique that utilizes natural energy based on Chongwu's innate ability to integrate natural energy into his own special physique.

It's just that the curse seal is very crude in the use of natural energy, and even transforms people into neither humans nor ghosts.

Haoyi Xuanyue naturally looked down upon him.

With Sasuke's potential, there is no need to use this too extreme curse seal that would put a lot of burden on the body.

What's more, it also contains hidden dangers.

"Hold it."

Hagoromo Genzuki ordered Sasuke who was sweating profusely.

Without the help of Orochimaru's secret potion of cursed seal, Sasuke, who could only bear the backlash of the cursed seal by himself, heard this and gritted his teeth in disappointment, not wanting to disappoint Hagoromo Genzuki, and spent the next time trying his best to remain motionless.

Yuyi Xuanyue nodded, thinking of the sealing technique of sealing evil that he had collected at the roots before, he moved his hands and formed a reverse seal and said:

"Evil Seal!"

Hagoromo Genzuki slapped the curse mark on Sasuke's neck with his right hand.

A burst of red light flashed, and when Haoyi Xuanyue pulled back his right hand, an illusory white snake was forcefully pulled out by him.

Hagoromo Xuanyue stamped his foot, and a coffin rose up.

As a sacrifice, he was not dead yet, but a sleeping murderer appeared in front of him.

Hagoromo Genzuki's right hand pulled again, and the soul fragment belonging to Orochimaru in Sasuke's curse seal was completely pulled out, and then he pressed it into the body of the murderer on the side.

Visibly to the naked eye, the killer's appearance changes rapidly.

The last person who appeared in front of everyone was Orochimaru with pale skin and golden snake eyes.

"We meet again, Orochimaru."

Looking at the man in front of him who was completely different from himself, who took the initiative to divide his soul into countless parts and had full survival ability, Hagoromo Xuanyue said hello with a faint smile.

"Hagoromo Xuanyue?"

To be precise, Orochimaru's pupils, which should be said to be his soul clone, shrank slightly.

'Am I resurrected from Sasuke's curse? what happened? Had I died before? No, I obviously feel that the subject is still alive. ’

Orochimaru quickly glanced around and suddenly noticed Uchiha Izumi and Uchiha Zhi.

The taste of this bloodline is undoubtedly Uchiha!

"Interesting! It's so much fun!"

Orochimaru playfully stretched out his long tongue, licked his lips, and finally looked at Hagoromo Genzuki and said:

"It seems, Hagoromo-senpai, you have brought me to a very interesting place."

Hagoromo Genzuki understood the meaning of Orochimaru's words.

"I'll take you to a more interesting place right away. Let's chat later."

The words fell.

Hagoromo Genzuki didn't say anything more. He moved, grabbed Orochimaru's neck with one hand, and pushed him back into the coffin.

Orochimaru, who was not his true form, had limited strength. Under the strong pressure of Hagororomo Genzuki, he could only watch the coffin close again and set a seal on it to prevent him from moving.

It's all over.

Hagoromo Genzuki looked at Sasuke who looked like he was recovering from a serious illness and said: "The problem of the curse seal has been completely solved. Remember, you are truly powerful when you are strong."

Sasuke, who had no idea that Orochimaru could be pulled out of the curse mark on his neck, nodded heavily with lingering fear.

"That was Orochimaru just now?" Uchiha, who felt very uncomfortable after being glanced at by Orochimaru, twisted his neck and said, "It just feels like that."

"That's just a soul clone of Orochimaru." Hagoromo Genzuki explained casually.

He did not kill Orochimaru's soul clone on the spot.

After all, even if he is killed, it will have no effect on Orochimaru's body. It is just one less means of resurrection.

In comparison, Orochimaru itself is quite valuable.

Anyway, no matter what the soul clone of Orochimaru in front of him knows, it is impossible to spread the news to the main body across thousands of miles.

In addition, the strength that can be exerted is limited.

Hagororomo Xuanyue doesn't mind chatting with him more in the future.

After that, Hagoromo Genzuki said goodbye to the three Uchiha people, went to the Hagoromo clan to handle some affairs, and checked on Shennong and Qingming. One of them taught medicine and the other blacksmithed. After performing fairly well, they began to concentrate on solving the problem of soul completion. The above question comes.

half year later.

On a desolate and uninhabited land far away from the Kingdom of Keys, Hagoromo Xuanyue was standing there quietly.

Compared with half a year ago, his appearance has not changed much. After all, based on his actual age based on physical functions, he is now only twenty-five years old, and he is at the peak of the ninja world.

Of course, although there is no overall change, there is still something new after all.

For example, between Hagoromo Xuanyue's eyebrows, there is an extra three-wire arched moon, the same blue mark as the Hagoromo clan emblem.

This is my own S-level medical sealing technique - Yin Seal, which I found inspiration from Tsunade and took the time to develop in the past six months.

In the original work, only women can learn Yin seals, and because of the word "Yin", many people mistakenly believe that only women can learn Yin seals.

But it's not.

The real test of Yin seal is personal medical level, sealing technique, and most importantly, fine control of chakra.

Thanks to the rich knowledge of medical ninjutsu that he mastered from Konoha half a year ago, coupled with the superimposed talent of fine control of Sakura version of chakra,

With the idea in mind, Hagoromo Gengyue developed and perfected it very quickly.

Now that he has the Yin Seal, he can not only store a large amount of chakra for emergencies, but also keep his body functions at peak condition.

It is very rare that my overall strength, especially battery life, has improved significantly after living in the second life.

Of course, the results of this half year are more than just that.

Hagoromo Xuanyue spent the most time on improving the technique of sealing off corpses.

It's almost ready now.

It's time to take the final step and reach your true peak.

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