Naruto: I've already beaten the Five Shadows, and the system just came

Chapter 139 Being able to hang out with Master Yuyi is a blessing that we have earned in our lifetim

Lock Front Village.

Because the clan leader recently brought back a big thing, the village has been much quieter than usual these days.

The adults went to the former sky ninja village called Angkor Fortress above the sky, which will become the new Lock Front Village in the future, to carry out repair work and allocate new residences.

The children also followed with great interest and happily explored this sky city.

Yuyi Xuanyue, who was also here, threw a reckless boy who ran to the edge of the fortress, leaned out most of his body, and shouted loudly to the sky to the back.

Seeing the boy and his companions running away in a hurry as if they had made a mistake and were caught, Yuyi Xuanyue shook his head, too lazy to pay attention to these energetic little ghosts, and flicked his palm to unfold the huge scroll he brought specially.

After a burst of white smoke, a large amount of very precious barrier materials came into view.

Things like barriers, like sealing techniques, can only be played by very few forces.

In the entire ninja world, only the five major ninja villages can now set up barriers that cover the entire village and integrate various functions.

Other forces such as the Tsuchigumo clan and the Fire Temple either have small places or rely on the hands of the major ninja villages to set up ordinary barriers for their residences.

The Suoqian Village used to have its own barriers, but the ability was limited and the quality was average.

Now that Yuyi Xuanyue has returned and has chosen Angkor Fortress as the next place for the Yuyi clan to settle down, it is natural that his efforts will not be too shabby.

We still have to thank Danzo and the Root.

At this moment, Yuyi Xuanyue is not only here, but also has three other shadow clones distributed in the three directions of the fortress, holding the barrier materials looted from the Root and quickly setting them up.

Of course, you can also clap your hands and actively perform the barrier technique.

But in this way, the barrier will only exist for a limited time, and it must have barrier-related materials and precise arrangements to last for a long time.

In addition, it takes a lot of money to keep the barrier running.

This is also the reason why many small ninja villages simply do not set up barriers.

As an intelligence organization active in the ninja world, Suoqian Village still has a lot of income, and the maintenance of the barrier does not require Yuyi Xuanyue to invest money later.


A quarter of an hour later.

With himself as the center, Yuyi Xuanyue and his three shadow clones, who have already carved dense barrier spells within a radius of 20 meters and placed the corresponding materials in the right place, quickly formed seals with their hands.

In an instant, the barrier spells on the ground lit up with brilliant light.

Huge beams of light rose in the four directions of the fortress in succession.

With a "pop" sound, Yuyi Xuanyue finally put his hands together, and shouted:

"Boundary Technique·Four Extremes Mysterious Forbidden Array!"

At this moment, on the fortress, in the proud onlookers of all the villagers of Suoqian Village at the scene, in the shocked gazes of the original air ninjas stationed in the fortress who were abducted without knowing why and Shennong who came to comfort them, and in the fiery eyes of Sasuke who maintained the order and safety of the fortress.

Four huge light curtains representing the earth, fire, wind, and water attribute chakras rose from the east, west, south, and north of the fortress. After completely covering the huge fortress, the four attributes of earth, fire, wind, and water chakras continued to interweave on the barrier formed, like a rainbow, looking particularly gorgeous.

After a quarter of an hour, the colors of the four attribute chakras on the barrier gradually faded.

Everything seemed like an illusion, and the surroundings of the fortress returned to their previous appearance.

However, the people on the fortress did not know.

If the people who were still in the Suoqian Village looked up at this moment, they would find that the fortress that was hanging above their heads had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The barrier called "Four Extremes Mysterious Forbidden Array" is a new ability that Yuyi Xuanyue has added to the "Four Extremes Forbidden Array" to enable invisibility.

As long as the barrier on the fortress is still maintained, the future Suoqian Village can not only defend against the four attribute ninjutsu attacks of the outside world without injury, but also remain invisible at all times.

There is no need to do what he did before. In order to prevent people on the ground from discovering the fortress above the sky and exposing intelligence, Yuyi Xuanyue basically keeps the fortress hidden during the day and active at night, except for cloudy weather.

"The barrier is successfully completed. Next, let the Suoqian Village move here step by step." Yuyi Xuanyue thought.

In the case of non-escape, the relocation of a clan is never a simple job of packing and leaving.

What's more, Suoqian Village itself is also responsible for the work of intelligence organization.

After moving the base camp to the sky in the future, how the intelligence work will be carried out, in what form, personnel allocation issues, etc. will all need to be replanned.

Fortunately, there is no need to be busy with these, just leave it to Elder Mu Ting and other subordinates.

Yuyi Xuanyue finally looked at the barrier that turned invisible and secretly guarded the village, and his figure flashed and left the fortress.

At the same time.

Shennong witnessed the entire process of the formation of the barrier.

Knowing that this was done by one person, and not like other ninja villages that required many barrier ninjas to work together and spend a lot of energy to achieve similar effects, he was stunned for a while, and suddenly laughed at the air ninjas who didn't know what was ahead:

"Look! This is the tip of the iceberg ability shown by the legendary Yuyi Xuanyue. I have told you many times that the greatest ability I have learned in the past fifty years is to know the times! You must know the times!"

"Just like now, being able to hang out with Yuyi-sama is a blessing that you and I have cultivated for a lifetime!"

The air ninjas who were abducted for no reason looked at each other.

The leader said so, and after seeing the power of Yuyi Xuanyue, they would no longer have any complaints, and just knelt down in peace.

At that moment, Shen Nong, who looked like a bastard like Hagoromo Xuan Yue, saw this and ordered with satisfaction:

"Very good. Hagoromo-sama has recently assigned the task of training the ninjas of Suoqian Village to control flying ninja tools. Then, everyone should do it well."

All the Kong Ninjas had no objections and quickly integrated into Suoqian Village.

Suoqian Village, above-ground experimental base.

The fortress is undergoing major infrastructure construction. After completing the task at hand, Hagoromo Xuanyue returned here to continue his training and experimental homework.


The clone that had made a lot of fame in the Land of Fire was now soaking in the nutrient tank, repairing the damage along the way.

As for the Mangekyo Sharingan that belonged to Shisui, it had been taken out at this moment, soaked in the same container, and placed on Hagoromo Genzuki's table.

"The method of letting the clone with Uchiha cells accommodate the Mangekyō Sharingan and speed up the research on Yin-type chakra seems to be really effective."

Hagoromo Genzuki felt in his mind that he had a lot more understanding of the Yin attribute chakra than at the beginning. Especially the fierce battle with Kai not only made him more proficient in the operation of the Mangekyo Sharingan, but also in the changes in Yin attribute properties. He gained a lot and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yin Yang Escape"

Thinking of the huge gains in Yin Escape this time, combined with the continuous progress in Yang Escape, Hagoromo Xuanyue suddenly had some eager ideas to try.

He slowly stretched out his palm

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