Quack, quack~~~

The battle officially started with the crow's ugly cry on Uchiha Itachi's shoulder.

Yurobe Gentsuki waved his hands, holding shurikens between his fingers, and threw them out under the insight of the Mangekyō Sharingan. They first collided in the air, and then poured towards Uchiha Itachi from all directions at strange and changing angles.

At the same time, the same action was also made by Uchiha Itachi's hands.


A large number of shurikens collided in the air.

Dazzling sparks flew everywhere, and the sound of metal clashing continued to resound.

Soon, the surrounding ground was full of shurikens.

As the parties involved, Yurobe Gentsuki and Uchiha Itachi did not even hurt the corners of their clothes.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two rapid sounds of breaking through the air sounded.

Yurobe Gentsuki and Uchiha, who were left empty by the ninja, moved and rushed towards each other without hesitation.

With the support of the powerful pupil power, the two of them moved without any delay, and each move was aimed at the opponent's weak points.

To Yuyi Xuanyue's surprise, Uchiha Itachi, who was thought to be a sickly person, was good at physical skills in addition to illusion and ninjutsu.

Yuyi Xuanyue had long forgotten that in the comics, Uchiha Itachi in the dirty earth state could fight Naruto in the nine-tail chakra mode in physical skills.

Now the opponent's body is not in the extremely bad state in the final battle with Sasuke.

In the case of the highest intensity of close combat without any trial, Uchiha Itachi not only did not lose the upper hand, but after finding out that he only had one Mangekyō Sharingan, he deliberately changed the direction of attack to his left side.

The left eye of his clone is an ordinary eye. Although the Mangekyō Sharingan in the right eye can also take care of the left side, it is a beat slower in the duel between real pupil masters.

Thus, Uchiha Itachi seized a fleeting opportunity and kicked forward fiercely while he was not prepared.

With a "bang", Yurobe Xuanyue only had time to block horizontally, his feet slipped on the ground, and the whole person retreated backwards.

Uchiha Itachi followed and chased.


Letting his body retreat, Yurobe Xuanyue stretched out his right palm calmly, and the sharp lightning instantly wrapped the entire palm.

Uchiha Itachi, who rushed to the front, did not change his expression.

Although he was a little surprised, he had already experienced this ninjutsu and accelerated. When the Chidori attacked, he made a light rotation and just avoided the Chidori, and was about to rush into Yurobe Xuanyue's arms.

The Chidori in Yurobe Xuanyue's hand turned into a laser and cut horizontally.

In an instant, Uchiha Itachi was split in two.

"Is the Chidori's form changing?"

Uchiha Itachi said this calmly.

The next second, the body that was split in two turned into dozens of crows, croaking and scattering.

Yurobe Gengetsu was about to make a move.


A powerful palm suddenly pierced his chest from behind.

Blood splattered in an instant.

Uchiha Itachi appeared behind Yurobe Gengetsu at some point, and pierced Yurobe Gengetsu's heart with one hand, who had no time to react. His pair of Mangekyō Sharingan looked at the white vortex mask close at hand, and said lightly:

"I'm curious about who you are."

Yurobe Gengetsu?

It's a little bit different in perception.

Other Uchiha people?

Even if you have a Mangekyō Sharingan, but it's not your own eye, it's not something that ordinary people can do to be able to use it as well as the original owner.

Uchiha Itachi really wants to know who the person in front of him is.

Hearing this, blood poured back into his mouth. Without the strength to say anything, Yuyi Xuanyue slowly stretched out his left hand. Under Uchiha Itachi's gaze, he put his index finger and middle finger together, and suddenly hooked it, pointing behind Uchiha Itachi, signaling him to look.

Knowing that the person in front of him was powerless to resist, Itachi turned his head and looked.


A slender palm carrying condensed lightning pierced his heart from behind.

Another Yuyi Xuanyue appeared behind him, looking at him with indifferent eyes.


Feeling that the "Yuyi Xuanyue" pierced by him in front of him disappeared like a bubble, Uchiha Itachi, who was spitting blood, still said expressionlessly.

Yuyi Xuanyue looked at him: "If you want to know who I am, you have to show your true ability. Uchiha's sinner."

"I understand." Uchiha Itachi slowly closed his eyes.

The next moment.

Whether it was Uchiha Itachi or Yuyi Xuanyue, after a blink of an eye, each returned to the original place.

To be precise, it was not back to the original place.

Instead, from beginning to end, neither of them moved.

At this moment, the cold wind whistled away.

There were no shurikens stuck on the ground, and there were no wrinkles on the corners of the clothes, not to mention that Yuyi Xuanyue and Uchiha Itachi, whose chests were pierced, looked at each other in silence.

The previous shuriken clashes, physical duels, crows, chidori, etc., all unfolded in illusions.

This is Uchiha.

The enemy that everyone in the ninja world voted for the most unwilling to face.

Unlike facing other ninjas, in front of Uchiha ninjas, it is very likely that you will not know how you died until you die.

Yuyi Xuanyue also experienced such a level of illusion duel for the first time.

I have to say that this silent duel is quite interesting.

Fortunately, after the Mangekyō Sharingan was installed in the clone's eye socket, in order to better understand the Sharingan, I deliberately learned the relevant use of the Sharingan from Uchiha.

Otherwise, in the first game today, my clone would most likely be directly at a disadvantage.

As for the situation that Sasuke's three-magatama Sharingan can fight against Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan in illusion and play tricks.

It is certain that Uchiha Itachi let go to the extent of flooding the golden mountain at that time.

Even Yurobe Gengetsu himself would rather face the straight-toed Mangekyō Sharingan than the curved-toed Mangekyō Sharingan.

For example, once a powerful illusion-type eye technique like Kotoamatsukami is hit, he will not notice it at all and will not think of breaking the illusion at all. In his eyes, it is more threatening than Amaterasu and Susanoo.

Quack quack quack~~~

The crow on Uchiha Itachi's shoulder screamed again.

However, it was different from the first time. Under Uchiha Itachi's instructions, the crow carrying another Shisui Mangekyō Sharingan on his shoulder screamed and turned into white smoke with a "bang" and returned to its original residence.

The person in front of him was different from the enemies he had encountered before.

Even Uchiha Itachi himself did not dare to be careless in the battle.

Therefore, the opponent must not be given the opportunity to retrieve the other Mangekyō Sharingan of Shisui.

Uchiha Itachi could fully imagine the power of the double Mangekyō Sharingan and the double Kotoamatsukami.

I just don't know if the Kotoamatsukami eye technique on the Mangekyō Sharingan of the person in front of him is cooling down.

With Danzo's personality, it is impossible that he would not use it in the battle with Hagoromo Gengetsu.

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