"Infinite Tsukuyomi, what is the Moon Eye Plan?" Pein asked word by word.

Yurobe Gentsuki looked at Pein: "You have the Samsara Eye and founded the Akatsuki Organization, but you don't know?"

Why should I know?

A puzzlement flashed in Pein's eyes.

Then, he heard Yurobe Gentsuki say again:

"Then why do you keep catching tailed beasts?"

Naturally, it is to achieve the most powerful tailed beast weapon, conquer the ninja world, and let peace come completely.

Pein thought without thinking.

But he didn't say it out loud.

Not only because the tailed beast capture plan was not even half completed, the ultimate goal was not yet completely exposed.

But also because he heard unusual information from Yurobe Gentsuki's words.

'Yurobe Gentsuki knows the secret behind the Samsara Eye. But this secret is completely different from what I know. It's not the tailed beast weapon, but the so-called Infinite Tsukuyomi, Moon Eye Plan! '

Thinking of this, Pein's face was confused for a moment.

Although he didn't know what Yurobe Gentsuki was talking about,

but why? As the owner of the Samsara Eye, he didn't know this?

Or maybe Haneki Gengetsu's own information is wrong? Or is he deliberately misleading me?

"It seems that you know nothing."

Haeki Gengetsu said with a smile after noticing the change in Pein's expression.

Sure enough, Pein, who calls himself "God", has been kept in the dark from beginning to end. In fact, he is just a pathetic chess piece of Uchiha Obito.

I pointed out the Moon Eye plan at this time.

In addition to being very interested in seeing Pein's reaction.

I also wanted to conform to the character I set up.

Since I witnessed the "Moon Eye" plan on the Uchiha stele, I found it more and more interesting the more I thought about it after I went back. The world under the infinite moon reading is very consistent with my expectations.

So, after thinking about it, I decided to implement the "Moon Eye" plan.

Even if the Akatsuki organization has now begun to collect tailed beasts, and the leader has the Samsara Eye, judging from his behavior, it is very likely that he is also implementing the "Moon Eye" plan, and I still want to seize it.

After all, there is only one person who leads the infinite moon reading. With his own character and identity, how could he possibly give the leading power to others?

That’s why this scene happened.

Yuyi Xuanyue has accumulated too much performance experience in the battle of wits with the system. Now it’s a piece of cake to deal with the “Moon Eye Project”.

At this time, Payne’s face looked a little ugly.

‘You know nothing. You know nothing.’

Yuyi Xuanyue’s words just now, full of ridicule, pathetic, and contempt, kept echoing in his mind.

He looked at Yuyi Xuanyue again.

Through the other’s eyes, he read the evaluation that he seemed to be a poor worm.

Poor worm?

He had already regarded himself as a “god”, but this was the first time that he was looked down upon by others.

At this moment, the majestic chakra passed through the black stick into his cold body. Payne raised his head, and the purple vortex-shaped reincarnation eye carried a strong pressure, pointing directly at Yuyi Xuanyue in front, and asked coldly:

“I’ll ask you one last time. Infinite Tsukuyomi, what is the Moon Eye Project?”

No one can regard himself as a poor worm.

Even if someone has such an idea, he will grab the other person's neck and make the other person change this idea.

Therefore, he must know the truth about the Infinite Tsukuyomi and the Moon Eye Plan! Know how many things have been concealed from him from beginning to end!

‘Uchiha Madara! ’

In addition, Pein thought of the man who helped him develop the Samsara Eye and contributed a lot to the reconstruction of the Akatsuki organization.

If it is true as Yuyi Xuanyue said, the biggest suspect is this person.

Facing Pein's repeated questioning.

Yuyi Xuanyue said lightly in accordance with his character: "I thought you were a chess player, but you didn't expect you to be a chess piece. Since you are a chess piece, there is no need to explain it."

"Your Samsara Eye, I accept it."

The voice fell.

Yuyi Xuanyue didn't say any more nonsense. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Pein like teleportation, opened his five fingers, and grabbed his neck as if he was nothing.

Pein did not dodge, only the purple vortex in the Samsara Eye moved slightly.

"Shinra Tensei!"

An extremely powerful repulsive force instantly erupted with Pain as the center.

The closest Yurobe Gengetsu was the first to be bounced away.

Soon, Yurobe Gengetsu, who was flying backwards all the way, twisted his waist, fell down, stepped hard on the ground with his feet, and finally stopped after dragging a gully of more than 20 meters on the ground.

"It's worthy of the Samsara Eye."

In the thick dust, Yurobe Gengetsu pulled his feet out of the ground and said calmly.

He just deliberately faced Shinra Tensei just to verify whether he could ignore it with his current strength.

Now it seems that it is the Samsara Eye that symbolizes the power of the Otsutsuki clan.

Although he was not injured, he was still bounced away.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this time, a hurried sound suddenly sounded in the smoke and dust in front.

As soon as Yurobe Gengetsu looked over, he saw some small missiles rushing out of the smoke and dust, rushing towards him at a rapid speed.

The distance was very close, and it was too late to dodge.

Yuyi Xuanyue saw it, calmly stretched out his hands, quickly grabbed, and all the missiles fell into his palms, and then pinched his five fingers.

Boom~ Boom~ Boom~

A series of explosions sounded in his hands.

After it was over, Yuyi Xuanyue patted his hands. Except for some blackening, there was no skin injury at all.

"Only in this way, the battle will end soon."

A gust of wind blew past, dispersing the dust that had just been raised. Yugi Gengetsu looked at Pein not far away and stated the facts calmly.

Pein looked at Yugi Gengetsu with a serious expression.

Yugi Gengetsu was the first person who was hit by the Shinra Tensei at such a close distance but was unscathed.

Before this, whether it was Kakuzu or Orochimaru, those members of the Akatsuki organization and the Tailed Beast Jinchuriki who had been subdued by force by themselves, did not get any good results under the Shinra Tensei, and later they either chose to surrender or were completely defeated.

"It is worthy of being a man as famous as Uchiha Madara. In this case."

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

White smoke emerged from Pein's side one after another.

The Hell Road, the Human Road, the Hungry Ghost Road, the Animal Road, have already come from the side, and the Shura Road that had just appeared and started.

In the misty white smoke, six men in black and red cloud uniforms were looming.

Six Paths Pain, officially joins the fight.

The first round of fighting is over. Nagato, who deeply realizes that his previous opponents are no match for Hagoromo Gengetsu, did not hesitate and went all out.

At this moment, Heavenly Path Pain stood at the head, looked at Hagoromo Gengetsu, and announced:

"After I capture you, I will learn the truth about the Moon Eye Plan from your soul."

Hagoromo Gengetsu smiled lightly: "This is too troublesome, I'm afraid I can't do it in my lifetime."

"Why don't I find your true body and tell you in person?"

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