Naruto: I've already beaten the Five Shadows, and the system just came

Chapter 227 Cause of Orochimaru's death: Possessing a sharp weapon

"Is the three tails missing yet?"

The steam curled up and the fragrance of tea overflowed. A Li leaned forward to lift the pot and poured a green wave into the cup. Hagoromo Xuanyue, who had just come out of the experimental base, raised the cup and took a sip, feeling the sweet and refreshing taste intertwined on the tip of his tongue. Asked.

A Li put down the teapot, shook his head and said, "Not yet."

Yuyi Xuanyue frowned slightly.

Among the five tailed beasts still in the outside world, only three are in the wild, and there are no clues.

Ichibi was in Sunagakure Village, and the jinchūriki was the Fifth Kazekage, so it was impossible to escape even if he wanted to.

The Two-Tails and Eight-Tails are both in Cloud Hidden Village. With Samui as an internal agent, the movements of the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki can basically be understood. As for the Two-Tails Jinchuriki, it is only a matter of time.

As for the Kyuubi at the end, it’s too familiar, so I just skipped it.

The tailed beast capture plan prepared by Hagoromo Genzuki was not like Pain's.

He decided to go straight to the big one.

Just like how we dealt with the Akatsuki organization before, we also captured the tailed beasts at the same time.

In this way, before the ninja world could react in time, all the remaining tailed beasts were absorbed into the outside demon statue, and he directly became the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki, opened the infinite moon reading, and achieved his goal of promotion to the blood inheritance net.

Of course, this is the ideal situation.

There may be some twists and turns when you actually take action.

But as long as the general direction remains unchanged.

Now Hagoromo Xuanyue is planning according to this plan.

Therefore, it is crucial to find the wild three-tails that do not belong to any force at the moment and absorb them into the Heretic Golem first.

Don't worry, if all the other eight tailed beasts are successfully packed by then, and there is still one missing three-tailed beast and you still can't find it, you will be in big trouble.

"By the way, how did the Three-Tails get caught in the original novel?"

Too much time has passed, and Hagoromo Genzuki has long forgotten the plot that has nothing to do with the main plot.

What really impressed him was the Akatsuki organization's capture of tailed beasts. In addition to the fact that Gaara, the fifth generation of the Kazekage series who had always been unlucky, was captured in the sky above his home, under the watchful eyes of thousands of Sand ninjas, who was also a jinchūriki. .

And Uchiha Sasuke brought up a lonely eight-tailed tail. And Pain’s journey to search for the Kyuubi with a bag of rice carrying several floors.

Others, I have some impression of who captured the Six-Tailed Jinchuuriki and the Two-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

As for the three tails.

This tailed beast has completely disappeared since the death of the fourth Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura. Hagoromo Genzuki has no clues. He can only arrange Deidara, who is good at flying, and the main player in the water according to the opponent's characteristics of being a turtle and loving water. Kisame went to look for it.

He even took a little risk and sent several teams of ninjas who controlled the flying ninja tools of the Kingdom of Sky to cooperate with the search.

It’s just that the ocean is too big, and there won’t be much to gain for a while.

Yuyi Xuanyue shook her head.

Forget it, let’s put the matter of Sanwei aside for now. There was another matter waiting for him to deal with right now.

Suoqian Village inquired about the whereabouts of Orochimaru.

"This snake has been lurking deep enough in the past two years, and I haven't heard any news from him. How did the village find out?" Hagoromo Xuanyue asked curiously.

Ali replied: "The village obtained the information from Konoha. It is said that it was the information sent back by Konoha's Anbu before he died."

After listening to A Li's story, Yuyi Xuanyue nodded clearly.

Originally, given the level of Suozen Village's intelligence network in Konoha, they should not have inquired about such hidden information after the death of Feizhu Dragonfly.

Who let me~~~

We still have to thank our old friend, Mr. Danzo Shimura.

When Hagoromo Genzuki searched for the root base back then, he focused on those high-tech instruments and experimental materials. Other things were basically swept away and put in if there was space.

After returning to Suoqian Village, he handed over the sundries to A Li and others to deal with.

As a result, it was discovered that Genbu had specially collected evidence that involved several Konoha ninjas in key departments of Konoha. Once exposed, the parties involved would be ruined and would never be able to make a comeback.

Back then, Danzo's purpose in doing so was obviously to take advantage of these people and let them use them for his own advantage.

Now everything is cheaper in Suoqian Village.

To be conservative, in order to prevent these Konoha ninjas from being distracted for a moment, they would just self-destruct.

Suoqian Village has not been too forced in the past two years.

Even so, one person completely fell over after a struggle.

Not everyone in Konoha believes in the Will of Fire.

This time, it was also the information sent back by this person.


Hagoromo Xuanyue tapped her fingers on the desk.

Orochimaru himself didn't take it very seriously. Even if the opponent's life-saving ability was the best in the ninja world, for him, it was just a matter of killing him again.


Hagoromo Genzuki thought of Orochimaru's technique of reincarnation, and thought of the dead people who had left a great name in the past history during the Fourth War. Their role was greater than the tens of thousands of ninja troops.

The corner of his mouth curled up.

I have no interest in playing a large-scale dream-realization scene with those old guys who have been dead for many years.

So. Kill! !

Armed with a sharp weapon, this is the way to kill one of the dignified Sannin.

Most ninjas couldn't help but tremble when they saw their bodies. Orochimaru, who couldn't muster any fighting spirit, was no different from ordinary ninjas on the streets in Hagoromo Genzuki.

Soldiers are valuable and quick.

Hagoromo Xuanyue decided to take action immediately.

But before that, he still had one thing to accomplish.

【Ding! 】

[Main Mission: Chunin Examination (Completed)]

[The Chunin Exam officially begins. In the first written test, the host easily answered all the questions with a knowledge level higher than Sakura and passed the test successfully. In the second Death Forest, the host and his companions arrived at the central tower without any danger. In the preliminaries, the host successfully defeated Akimichi Choji. In the official match, the host defeated Nara Shikamaru. Because the Konoha Destruction Plan suddenly broke out, the host's Chunin Exam journey ended. ]

[Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the Chunin Exam. ]

[Task Reward: Standard Jounin-level Chakra; Designate a Chakra Nature Change and Form Change to the Mastery Level; Ninjutsu·Lightning Release Chakra Mode]

After completing the relevant tasks in Konoha and waiting for a few days, which is equivalent to spending the entire Chunin Exam time, Yurobe Gengetsu's main quest was finally settled today.

Because of the importance of the Chunin Exam, this time he received more system rewards than ever before.

Yurobe Gengetsu randomly selected the Yin attribute for the designated chakra, and felt it for a while, and found that the mastery level chakra nature change and form change did not improve him much.

He looked at the other two rewards without any surprise.

If he was really a Genin who had been in the game for less than a year as the system recognized, then with the three rewards of the Chunin Exam, "his" strength had completely reached the Jonin level.

Very good.

As the tasks progressed, the rewards became richer and more advanced.

For him, even if the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan failed, there was still a good way out.

Yuyi Xuanyue finally looked at the new tasks that were released immediately after the Chunin Exam tasks were settled.

Just before leaving, I finished it.

(Thanks to "Chafan Rensheng" for the 300 reward! Thanks to "Shuyou 20240604011349432" for the 200 reward!)

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