Yurobe Xuanyue looked down at the big pit under his feet.

In the previous underground cave, besides Orochimaru, there was another person.

It seemed that the other party had died in the previous Shinra Tensei, but in fact


A crack that penetrated deep into the ground was quickly formed under Yurobe Xuanyue's stomping.

Soon, a tattered and dead snake appeared in front of him.

Yurobe Xuanyue stretched out his palm and sucked the snake up, then cut open his abdomen, and the rotten and almost inhuman Kabuto Yakushi appeared in front of him.

Noticing that Kabuto Yakushi was also silent, Yurobe Xuanyue glanced at the glasses on the other's nose that were still intact, and smiled lightly:

"You are good at pretending to be dead. But the chakra in your body cannot be concealed."

At this moment, even the veterans among the ninjas would think that Kabuto Yakushi was dead.

But in front of the Samsara Eye, the Byakugan, and the Sharingan, even if the opponent deliberately suppressed the flow of chakra in his body, it would still be useless.

Yurobe Gentsuki stretched out his right hand, and a black stick stretched out from his palm.

At the same time, after hearing what Yurobe Gentsuki said, Yakushi Kabuto, who knew that his disguise had failed, opened his eyes helplessly and said:



Before he finished speaking, the black stick in Yurobe Gentsuki's hand pierced through his eyebrows.

Yakushi Kabuto raised his head back, his eyes darkened, and he was completely dead.

Yurobe Gentsuki was not interested in listening to what Yakushi Kabuto said.

This dream-making master in the Fourth War was Orochimaru's loyal dog from beginning to end.

The best ending for the other party was to send him on the road with Orochimaru.

In this way, Orochimaru's body died, and the confidant who trusted and understood him the most also died.

The remaining subordinates, such as Karin, Jūgo and others who are more powerful, will only ignore the death of Orochimaru, or even cheer, and have no intention of resurrecting him.

Even if there are loyal ones, they are not strong enough to get into the core layer, so they have no way to resurrect Orochimaru.

It is even more impossible for Sasuke to resurrect Orochimaru in the future as in the original work.

Therefore, the threat of Orochimaru no longer exists.

The mission was successfully completed, and Yuyi Xuanyue turned his head to look in the direction from which he came.

Calculating the time, the three-tailed beast, which was a surprise, should also usher in the end.

On the lake where the three-tailed beast is hiding.

The thick white fog that should not appear in the current weather covers the entire lake. Once a person enters it, he cannot see his hand in front of his face. Unless he has the ability of the Byakugan, it is easy to get lost inside.

At this moment, Ali is hiding on the lake.

She half-knelt down after temporarily avoiding the pursuit of the Konoha ninja, and in the rippling water, she reached out to take out a bandage from her ninja bag and skillfully bandaged her injured left arm.

Suddenly, the sound of stepping on water sounded in her ears.

Ali turned her head and saw Yuyi Xuanyue coming out of the mist.

Unlike before, this time Ali did not bow immediately, but made a seal with both hands and said:


The next moment.

Yuyi Xuanyue disappeared.

The surroundings returned to a vast expanse of white.

The mist released by the three tails himself has an illusion effect.

Ali is now able to get rid of the pursuit of the Konoha ninja with the white eyes, and the illusion of the white mist has contributed greatly.

As for the possibility of being under an illusion?

As a spy master, her mind is as firm as iron, and ordinary illusions are unlikely to have any effect.

Ali continued to bandage her injuries.

Not long after, just when she finished bandaging and was about to put her palm down.

"Although this is the first time we meet, you should be the female secretary beside the leader, right?" A strange voice came from the front.

Ali looked over with caution.

In the thick white fog, a figure with a black background and red clouds squeezed in, revealing a shark face and asked Ali.

As Yuyi Xuanyue's female secretary and intelligence manager, Ali recognized that the visitor was Kisame from Akatsuki, who had just been recruited by the clan leader.

However, she was cautious and made a seal to dispel the illusion first, confirming that the visitor was real, and then she said with a secret code, and then she felt relieved and said:

"It's me. I thought you should arrive in half an hour after receiving the news, but I didn't expect you to arrive now."

"You must believe that Akatsuki has always been very efficient, especially when capturing tailed beasts." Kisame said politely.

For the person in front of him who has always been by Yuyi Xuanyue's side and is deeply trusted, and is also a beautiful woman, he has no intention of slacking off.

Kisame glanced at the bandaged wound on Ali's shoulder: "You had an accident?"

Ali said calmly: "I was discovered by Konoha ninja."

"Do you need me to deal with it?" Kisame touched Samehada behind him and grinned.

Ali shook his head: "It's important to deal with the business."

She pointed to the lake below and said: "The three-tail is at the bottom of the lake."

"I understand." Kisame nodded, "Then, there will be a lot of wind and waves next. For safety reasons, you should leave first."

Ali had no objection.

My mission has been completed.

The next capture of the three-tail can be left to Kisame and the others.

Without dragging his feet, Ali flashed away and went to meet Yuyi Xuanyue.

After Ali walked away, Kisame, who stayed in place, patted Samehada behind him:

"It's time to act!"


Kisame sank to the bottom of the water.

A quarter of an hour later.


The huge lake quickly boiled.

The white mist was dispersed.

Before the lake surface, the Konoha ninjas who were tracking Ali could react.

The next second.

As they watched in surprise and shock.

A water column that almost covered the entire lake rushed up into the sky.


At the top of the huge wave, a huge monster that was thrown up was roaring angrily.

Under the turbulent waves, Kakashi, who barely managed to stabilize his body, heard the sound, looked up, and his pupils suddenly shrank:


Aside, Yamato took a deep breath: "Too exaggerated! Someone actually threw the three-tail up from the bottom of the lake!"

As a Konoha jonin, he immediately realized that this huge wave was man-made.

"It's him!"

Kakashi's Sharingan swept and immediately caught Kisame who was riding the waves.

"The Akatsuki organization is here too."

At this time, other Konoha ninjas also noticed that on the giant water column, compared to the involuntary three-tail, Kisame was comfortable and at ease.

In this small lake, first came Orochimaru's men, then Hagoromo Gengetsu's men, and now even Akatsuki has joined in the fun.

The Konoha ninjas present felt that things were not going well.

Especially since they could not intervene now.

At this moment, amid the roar of the Three-Tails, the water column that rose into the sky rushed it all the way from the bottom of the lake to the sky, and finally collapsed after it ran out of strength.

But under the inertia of the Three-Tails, its huge body continued to rise.

At this time, the sound of wings flapping was heard nearby.

Standing on the giant clay bird, Deidara, who had been waiting for a long time, looked at the Three-Tails beside him and said with a grin:

"Here it comes!"

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