Naruto: I've already beaten the Five Shadows, and the system just came

Chapter 240 Naruto's decision to stay cannot be changed!

"Isn't it just an old fool?"

Shima Sennin rolled his eyelids and concluded.

"I was confused before, but now I feel all kinds of uncomfortable. I heard that humans suffer from all kinds of confusion when they get old. It's normal for the eldest man to have all kinds of confusion at such an old age!"

Fukasaku Sennin could not refute his wife, so he nodded vaguely, looked at Naruto who was struggling not far away, thought of something, and frowned:

"Little Jiraiya has told me that he will send Naruto back to the village after he learns the art of celestial beings. Maybe the elder was really confused for a moment and gave the order for Naruto to stay."

Shima Sennin: "Then what are you waiting for? Just wake up the great master now and let him take back the instructions. By the way, it is also possible that he has forgotten this a long time ago."

Although Shima Sennin keeps calling the elder a fool, he doesn't show much respect in normal interactions.

But the elder has lived as the Great Toad Sage for thousands of years. No matter how confused he is, the identity of the elder of Mount Myoboku is here, and neither he nor Fukasaku can go against his will.

Even if the order is wrong, you have to go to the big boss and pull the other party's beard to make him change his words, but you can't directly disobey him.

Fukasaku Sennin was convinced by Shima Sennin.

Soon, they came to the big master in a familiar way.

Gamamaru, who assisted Otsutsuki Hagoromo and played an important supporting role in the battle between mother and son, is now revered as the Great Toad Sage.

Compared with the pocket-sized statue thousands of years ago, it is now much larger in size. It has beads with the word "oil" hanging around its neck and a doctor's hat on its head. It is sitting on a throne with the word "immortal" written on it.

The arrival of Fukasaku Sennin and Shima Sennin did not attract its attention.

If you get closer, you will find that its eyes are closed and a faint purr is coming from its mouth.


Shima-sennin gave Fukasaku-sennin an "I knew it would be like this" look.

Then, regardless of the obstruction in Fukasaku Sento's eyes, Shima Sennin jumped a few times, came to the ears of the great toad sage, and shouted skillfully:

"Master! Master! Wake up quickly! There is something important!"

I shouted for a while.

The Great Toad Immortal then reluctantly opened his eyes.

Looking at Shima Sennin and Fukasaku Sennin who were very close at hand, it said confusedly:

"You are"

Seeing this, Shima Sennin sighed: "The elder is getting more and more confused!"

"Don't say that, sir." Fukasaku Sennin said helplessly.

After a while, the Toad-Sennin, who was more awake, finally recognized Shima-Sennin and Fukasaku-Sennin.

It yawned loudly and said, "So it's Fukasaku and Shima. What do you want from me?"

Fukasaku Sennin quickly took a step ahead of Shima Sennin and told the purpose of his visit.

The Great Toad Immortal thought for a few seconds and then said:

"Who is little Jiraiya? Who is Naruto?"

Fukasaku Sennin: "."

Shima Sennin on the side spread his hands and showed an expression of "Look, I knew it was like this".

Then, she opened her loud voice again and said quickly to the Great Toad Immortal: "Master! You are confused."

After Shima Sennin's reminder, Big Toad Sennin finally remembered who little Jiraiya and Naruto were.

Then, there was another long silence.

Just when Shima and the others thought that the elder had become confused again and even fell asleep.

The Great Toad Immortal suddenly spoke at this time, his tone was completely different from the lazy and gentle tone just now, he was very calm, and even said with the intention of never changing:



Fukasaku-sennin and Shima-sennin looked at each other, and both saw surprise and shock in each other's eyes.

In so many years, this was the first time they had seen the elder show such a tough attitude that could not be refuted.

It is completely contrary to the amiable and confused image that he has always had in the past.

As a result, Immortal Shima did not dare to be as presumptuous as before. Then he lowered his voice and asked in confusion:


The half-closed eyes of the Great Toad Sage were now fully opened. He was no longer as casual and lazy as before. He moved forward, sat down properly, and looked down at Shima and Fukasaku.

The true aura belonging to the Great Elder of Miaomu Mountain descended into the hall for the first time in hundreds of years.

The shocked Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage did not dare to move, even though the Great Toad Sage did not speak for a long time afterwards.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

A deep sigh suddenly sounded in the hall.

Fukasaku-sennin and Shima-sennin looked up, and at some point, Toad-sento looked very tired.

"I dreamed of a different future." Immortal Big Toad suddenly said.

"Dream? A different future?"

Fukasaku Sennin frowned.

Of course it knows that the Great Toad Immortal has the ability to predict the future in dreams.

Although some toads, including Sennin Shima, thought that this was a dream that the elder had dreamed after sleeping for a long time, and it could not be taken seriously. But there are also many toads and even people who agree with the prophecy.

Just like little Jiraiya, he believed in the prophecy of the Great Toad Sage from a very early age and has been searching for the child of destiny over the years.

It's just that now what's going on with the big toad fairy dreaming about a different future?

Could it be that the prophecy has changed?

It stared closely at the giant toad fairy.

Soon, the Great Toad Immortal chanted in a deep tone, even with a hint of trembling:

"I saw... blood all over the sky, the full moon falling to the ground; I saw... the earth collapsing, the world wailing; I also saw the disorder of time and space. The arrogant beings from the endless space tore everything apart. It was too long, too far, too chaotic."

"A catastrophe, a catastrophe far beyond the ninja world, is coming!"

A new prophecy has appeared!

Although most of it is not understood, Fukasaku Sage can still feel how desperate the future will be in the words of the old master.

Even Shima Sage, who does not believe in prophecies, is a little skeptical at this moment.

After all, the state of the old master's performance now is too unusual.

At least in the hundreds of years it has lived, it has never seen the other party like this.

Could it be true?

Fukasaku Sage suddenly thought of something and asked quickly: "So, the old master left Naruto here because he can solve the crisis in the prophecy?"

Naruto is very likely to be the child of destiny in the previous prophecy, Jiraiya told it.

Although Jiraiya had misjudged the choice of the child of destiny before, he was very confident this time.

After seeing the special features of Naruto and the fact that he had learned the immortal technique in a short time, the Immortal Fukasaku also recognized this.

At this time, after hearing the new prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal, it subconsciously thought that Naruto, the child of destiny, was the best candidate to solve the new prophecy.

However, even the child of destiny needs more experience.

Is it really possible to let Naruto stay in Myoboku Mountain all the time?

Facing the doubts of the Immortal Fukasaku.

The Great Toad Immortal did not explain too much, and his eyes passed through many obstacles and looked at Naruto who was practicing, and said lightly:

"Naruto stays in Myoboku Mountain."

"This decision cannot be changed."

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