After a trip to Konoha, although Yuyi Xuanyue did not find Naruto, he at least got a Mangekyō Sharingan of Uchiha Obito, and removed the backhand left by Orochimaru on Mitarashi Anko, which was also a gain.

In the following time, he split a shadow clone to find the three holy places.

At full speed, even if it delayed some time, he was still the fastest among all the teams that captured the tailed beasts.

The only ones who could surpass him were Deidara and Qingming who flew all the way.

At this time, the two had arrived outside the Sand Village.

"Is this the Sand Village where Brother Scorpion used to stay? It's quite desolate, and the environment is not as good as many small ninja villages. Hmm."

Standing on the clay giant bird, Deidara looked down at the village below, which was surrounded by a circle of huge walls, leaving only a narrow passage to enter and exit the outside world.

He thought that the environment of the Rock Village, which was often hit by rock rain, was bad enough, but he didn't expect that the Sand Village, which was covered by yellow sand and rarely green, was even better.

"For ninjas, a bad environment is sometimes a good thing." Qingming, who was floating on the side, said lightly.

Poor mountains and bad waters produce unruly people.

A bad environment can also sharpen the will of ninjas.

This is why the Sand Ninja, which received the least funds from the daimyo among the five major ninja villages and had a small number of ninjas, still joined the Ninja World War brazenly, fought repeatedly but never bowed its head completely, and made a comeback as soon as it had a chance, regardless of casualties.

In comparison, the environment of the Artisan Ninja Village is better, but every ninja has bowed their heads, surrendered to the five major ninja villages, and lived a 996 life to make ninja tools for them.

Even when they heard that the only brave Four Heavenly Elephants were going to resurrect themselves, the people of the whole village were afraid that they would be blamed by the five major ninja villages later, so they packed up their belongings overnight and ran away.

As the ancestor of the Artisan Ninja Village, Qingming felt deeply about this.

Deidara was not interested in knowing so much.

He glanced at the ring: "The leader hasn't given the order to start yet, it seems we have to wait. Hmm."

"Pay attention to those flying ninja tools, don't let them find them." Qingming reminded.

"Just some small toys." Deidara waved his hand.

Having said that, he still found a hidden place to wait.

Although he didn't care about being discovered, at worst he could just rob the One-Tail Jinchuriki, but his clan leader cared.

If his plan was delayed because of him

Deidara couldn't help shuddering when he thought about it.

The clan leader's art is indeed perfect, but he doesn't want to experience that art on himself for the time being.

Especially when there is still a lot of room for improvement in his art.

So, wait patiently.

The Land of Lightning.

Sasuke and Kisame, who were a little slower in pace, were heading to Yunlei Gorge.

Although there was still some distance, they could vaguely hear a muffled sound in their ears. It was the thunder that fell more frequently and densely in the special environment of Yunlei Gorge than in other places.

Therefore, Yunlei Gorge is also a holy place for practicing lightning escape.

The Fourth Raikage Ai imprisoned the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki Killer Bee here for his practice.

"I heard that the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki is a perfect Jinchuriki. I wonder how his strength compares to that of an ordinary Jinchuriki?"

Kisame, who was walking side by side with Sasuke, brought up the topic.

Sasuke did not offend Kisame, and took over the conversation confidently: "In front of the Sharingan, whether it is a tailed beast or a Jinchūriki, the ending is the same."

"Sharingan" Kisame looked at Sasuke, "Compared to Itachi, Sasuke, you are more confident."


Sasuke's eyes flashed, and he wanted to ask something, but after thinking about it, he swallowed it and reminded,

"The Eight-tailed Jinchūriki is fine, but even with a Sharingan, he can't tell the true and false Octopus Leg Clone Technique. Be careful not to be fooled by him and let the main body escape."

"In addition, Master Yuyi has explained that if possible, don't be too harsh on the Eight-tailed Jinchūriki."

"I see." Kisame nodded to indicate that he had received it.

The two continued to move towards Yunlei Gorge.

Also heading to the Land of Thunder.

Kakuzu and Hidan were not heading towards Yunlei Gorge.

In terms of distance, they were much closer.

Therefore, with a lot of free time, Kakuzu took the time to kill a wanted criminal on the bounty list while rushing on the way, and went to an underground black market in the Land of Lightning to exchange money.

Hidan was no longer surprised.

Compared with the impatient urging in the past, he was now willing to sit outside alone and think about new doctrines like a philosopher.

"Kakuzu, what do you say love is?"

"Love is money."

"No, no! Money is not money, love is an emotional outburst."

"Money is also an emotional outburst."

"It's still not right! Forget it, I won't talk to you, a guy who is obsessed with money all day long, Kakuzu. How about I fall in love in person and feel what love is?"

"The essence of love is money. Do you need me to lend you money? Nine out and thirteen back."


While bickering, Kakuzu and Hidan walked leisurely towards their destination.

Because the boss had not yet issued the order to start, the two had originally planned to stay outside.

As a result, when they arrived at the place, they looked from afar and saw a ruin.

"If I remember correctly, that should be where the Two-Tails Jinchuriki is." Feiduan pointed to the ruins and said in a daze.

According to the intelligence, this is a station base of the Kumo Ninja.

But now it has completely collapsed, and Feiduan can even smell a strong smell of blood.

"There's an accident!"

Hidan and Kakuzu looked at each other, and without saying anything, they flashed and quickly came to the ruins and searched carefully.

"There are traces of the Two-Tails' chakra, and the time should be an hour ago. There is no Two-Tails' body, either he is on the run or has been captured."

"What should we do now?"

"Of course, chase!"

It was the first time for Kakuzu and Hidan to carry out the mission of the new leader. Neither Kakuzu nor Hidan wanted to fail.

As one of the oldest people in the ninja world, Kakuzu has rich ninja experience. After searching the scene, he quickly determined the direction of the person who took action.

What are you waiting for.

Kill the other party and take back the Two-Tails' Jinchuriki!

Kakuzu and Hidan set off immediately.

After spending a lot of time here at Yuyi Xuanyue, following the law of natural energy flow, the shadow clones successfully found three places with the most dense natural energy.

After a sense, a place full of life breath and another cold underground cave were eliminated.

Yuyi Xuanyue dispersed the shadow clones, and finally the main body came to the third place.

Looking ahead, surrounded by mountains, dotted with lakes from time to time, the thick fog completely covered the central area, and outsiders could not see the scene clearly.

Hagoromo Gengetsu's Samsara Eye swept through.

In the fog, he sensed the familiar chakra of the tailed beast.


Myoboku Mountain, here we are.

(Thanks to "Chafan Rensheng" for the 300 reward!)

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