Naruto: I've already beaten the Five Shadows, and the system just came

Chapter 254 Because you didn't show up, Naruto

"Hagoromo Gengetsu, are you here at Myoboku Mountain because of me?" Naruto asked with a trembling voice.

Hagoromo Gengetsu looked over and smiled in surprise, "I thought Naruto, you would mention Sasuke in your first speech."

Naruto was in no mood to listen to Hagoromo Gengetsu's teasing.

He clenched his teeth, emphasized his tone, and repeated again: "Are you here at Myoboku Mountain because of me?"

Hagoromo Gengetsu understood what Naruto wanted to know.

He looked at Myoboku Mountain at this moment and nodded calmly:

"Of course, you should know your value."

"Nine-tailed Fox?"

Naruto lowered his eyes and reached out to touch his belly.

Then, he suddenly raised his head:


Naruto stared at Hagoromo Gengetsu with anger in his eyes and asked loudly:

"Why did you turn Myoboku Mountain into what it is now? Why did you hurt so many toads? Isn't your target me?"


"That's a good question."

Hagoromo Gengetsu was not patient to explain.

Just seeing Naruto's idiotic look, he was kind enough to tell him.

"Because you didn't show up, Naruto."

Hearing this, Naruto was stunned.

Yurobe Gentsuki continued in a calm tone: "If you had come to me earlier, all this would not have happened. Myoboku Mountain would not have been destroyed, and the toads here would not have suffered heavy losses. But Naruto, you didn't come."

"Whether it was subjective or passive, you made Myoboku Mountain stand in the middle of us."

"In order to find you, I can only overturn this mountain."

"In order to find me, you can only overturn this mountain to find me." At this moment, Yurobe Gentsuki's words kept echoing in Naruto's ears.

As if he was hit directly in the heart by a sharp weapon, Naruto suddenly lost consciousness.

In the end, he said to himself in a lost soul:

"So, Myoboku Mountain was destroyed and everyone was killed and injured because of me?"

It turned out that the source of everything came from himself.

If I had gone earlier when the incident happened, Myoboku Mountain would not have become what it is now, and Hagoromo Gengetsu would not have started a killing spree.

The other party's target was only me.

There was no need to involve Myoboku Mountain from the beginning.

It was all because of me!

Thinking of this, Naruto's face was filled with strong self-blame, pain, and regret.

The ominous Nine-Tails Chakra was leaking out at this time.

However, Naruto did not riot.

In the sealed space, the Nine-Tails, which was sensing the outside world Hagoromo Gengetsu with a very fearful expression, did not take advantage of Naruto's loss of mind to further affect the other party.

Knowing that Hagoromo Gengetsu was terrible, it was a rare reminder that Naruto's riot was just a dish for him:

"Little ghost! Are you an idiot? You were actually affected by such words!"


Naruto was shocked and was about to take a bite.

At this time, Fukasaku Sennin and Shima Sennin also jumped down and landed on Naruto's shoulders.

"Little Naruto, don't listen to the nonsense of that young man. We forced you to leave." Shima Sennin said hurriedly.

Fukasaku Sage also said: "This is the will of the master and the will of Myoboku Mountain. You don't need to blame yourself. Everything is our own will! Naruto, what you really need to do now is not to disappoint those toads who are willing to sacrifice for you! Cheer up! The real murderer who destroyed Myoboku Mountain, Hagoromo Gengetsu, is right in front of you!"

Naruto took a deep breath.

After being repeatedly awakened by the Nine-Tails and the two sages, he finally showed determination on his face again and said:

"I know!"

After the voice fell, the boiling Nine-Tails chakra on Naruto's body calmed down, but it did not return to the body as usual, but still covered the outside of the body, turning into a chakra coat to enhance his strength.

Naruto looked at Hagoromo Gengetsu with determination.

At that moment, for the first time, he deeply understood how much disaster he would bring to others because of himself, and he still felt guilty.

But, as Fukasaku Sage said, the murderer Hagoromo Gengetsu who caused all this was right in front of him!

Naruto looked at Hagoromo Gengetsu and said solemnly: "I am indeed responsible for the current situation of Myoboku Mountain. But! Hagoromo Gengetsu, you are more guilty!"

"Although I don't know what you want the Nine-Tails in my body to do, it must not be a good thing to make the old toad and everyone in Myoboku Mountain try their best to stop it! So..."

"So?" Hagoromo Gengetsu raised his eyebrows and asked calmly.

"So! I will defeat you here completely! I will make up for my mistakes later!" Naruto clenched his fists, touched his chest hard, and said very seriously, "I will do what I say!"

After going around in circles, everything returned to the starting point.

Seeing that Naruto was swearing loudly on the other side at this moment, with a standard protagonist posture, Hagoromo Gengetsu chuckled and was not disappointed.

He had never thought of using his own method to successfully defeat Naruto.

However, it was not bad to be able to insert a small wooden thorn in the heart of the mouth-to-mouth master who was always sunny.

Yuro Gengetsu waved at Naruto and said:

"The murderer is here. If you want to avenge Mount Myōboku, come on."

"You bastard."

Seeing Yuro Gengetsu's nonchalant attitude, not taking what just happened seriously at all, Naruto instantly became furious.

Seeing that Naruto was about to take the lead as usual, he could not be stopped.

Yuro Gengetsu, who deliberately angered Naruto, was ready to knock him out and pack him up as quickly as possible.

However, it was beyond his expectations.

Naruto habitually formed the seal of multiple shadow clones, yelled, and rushed forward.

The big toad sage, who had not spoken during the communication between Yuyi Xuanyue and Naruto, suddenly moved.

"Huh? What's wrong with me?"

Under the sudden lavender light, Naruto found that he could not move.

Not only that, after a blink of an eye, when he looked at Yuyi Xuanyue again, he found that the other party moved below him.


It was not Yuyi Xuanyue who moved below.

Instead, he was moved above.

"Hey, hey, hey? What's wrong with me? Grandpa Toad! Let me out!" Naruto said anxiously and puzzled.

The change came too fast.

Yuyi Xuanyue had no time to stop him. Under the light, Naruto disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant.

When he looked up,

At the center of the Buddha beads of the Great Toad Immortal, there was a huge cat's eye stone with a lavender color and the word "oil" written on the surface. The disappeared Naruto appeared inside. No matter how he slapped, he couldn't get out.

"Cunning old man."

Yuyi Xuanyue looked at the Great Toad Immortal and frowned.

This old thing really didn't give himself any chance.

Of course, it also pushed itself to a dead end.

"Isn't it good to continue living?"

Yuyi Xuanyue moved his ten fingers and asked lightly at last.

The Great Toad Immortal smiled and replied:

"I have lived for a long time, young descendant of Yuyi."

(Thanks to "Chafan Rensheng" for the 300 reward! Thanks to "Dfinity10000" for the 500 reward!)

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