Sorry? What are you sorry for?

Suddenly, the Great Toad Sage said something inexplicable. Naruto subconsciously thought about it and was about to ask.


Hot blood splashed forward.

Naruto was stunned and slowly lowered his head to look.

A bumpy toad tongue had pierced through his chest and completely crushed his heart.

"Is this... me?"

As soon as the voice fell, Naruto reacted and his face turned pale instantly.

At the same time.

Yuyi Xuanyue paused and stared blankly at everything in front of him.

He immediately suspected that he was under some kind of illusion.


As the person involved, Naruto never dreamed that the Great Toad Sage would kill him.

He had been defenseless from the beginning to the end, so he endured the pain and turned his head in disbelief. After confirming that it was the Great Toad Sage, he asked sadly:


The Great Toad Sage lowered his eyelids:

"For the future."


Naruto, with a blazing fire in his heart, didn't care about the Nine-Tails that was exploding in the sealed space and cursing. He stared at the Great Toad Sage with a pair of cross pupils, and continued to ask questions regardless of the approaching death.

The Great Toad Sage looked at Naruto and said in a calm tone:

"The battle is over, Naruto. Rather than letting the Nine-Tails in your body become Hagoromo Gengetsu, you, as a Jinchūriki, will be separated from the tailed beast and die. It's better to kill you earlier, and the Nine-Tails will die with it, and Hagoromo Gengetsu's plan will come to nothing."

"The battle is not over! I still have..."

When Naruto heard this, he was anxiously about to say that he was still prepared.

Suddenly, a flash of memory flashed through his mind, and he suddenly thought of something. He smiled bitterly and understood it instantly:

"Grandpa Toad, you were ready to take my life from the beginning, right?"

Naruto thought about how he could not go back to Konoha after successfully practicing the immortal technique; he thought about how when Hagoromo Gengetsu attacked, Fukasaku and Shima dragged him to the Great Toad Sage; he thought about how he wanted to fight Hagoromo Gengetsu before, but was sealed in the cat's eye stone by the Great Toad Sage.

Everything was done intentionally by the Great Toad Sage, so that he could take action at will under the opponent's nose.

Hearing this, the Great Toad Sage did not deny it, but sighed and said: "Sorry, Naruto, I tried to change it."

This battle at Myoboku Mountain was its choice to try to change its fate.

It did not predict that Hagoromo Gengetsu would come to Myoboku Mountain, but it saw in its dream that the future Hagoromo Gengetsu would gather the power of the nine tailed beasts and knew Naruto's future fate.

Knowing that Konoha could not protect Naruto, the Great Toad Sage asked Naruto to come to Myoboku Mountain and let him stay.

In this way, Hagoromo Gengetsu will come here one day.

The Great Toad Sage made two preparations.

One is to try to change the future by himself, and the other is to delay Hagoromo Gengetsu's plan at the cost of the death of the Nine-Tails.

In the end, it overestimated itself and could only choose the second option.

Naruto, who roughly understood that the Great Toad Sage had a purpose in doing this, has now come to the last moment. Although he is very unwilling and regretful that many things have not been completed, many ideals have not been realized, and many people have not said goodbye.

For example, Sasuke; for example, becoming a Hokage; for example, Sakura and Hinata

But at his last moments, he still smiled freely, gave the world his last brilliant concern and asked:

"So. Will everything be better after I die?"

Looking at the dazzling smile on Naruto's face, the Great Toad Sage said after a few breaths of silence:

"Maybe. But I can't see it either."

"Is that so? I really want to see what the world will be like after that."

After the words fell, Naruto closed his eyes and slowly fell down.

The child of destiny in the prophecy, the reincarnation of Ashura, the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, the Genin of Konoha, closed his eyes forever.

At the same time.

The Nine-Tails in the sealed space died with an unwilling roar.

Hagoromo Xuanyue, who already knew that he was not under the illusion, looked at everything happening in front of him with surprise and shock.

The Great Toad Sage acted too quickly, and he had no time to stop him. He could only watch Naruto's heart being pierced. Unless he mastered the power of the Six Paths, he was powerless to save the situation.

"It's cruel enough!"

Herba Yui Xuanyue aimed at the big toad sage and slowly said two words.

The protagonist of Naruto, the child of destiny, fell in the backstab so casually, and the one who shot him was the big toad sage who once gave him the title of the child of destiny.

It's ironic no matter how you look at it.

Noticed that Naruto slowly fell down at this time.

Haerba Yui Xuanyue, who had read the original work and knew how much Naruto would achieve in the future and how many miracles he created along the way, was still a little bit unbelievable.

Naruto died just like that?

Will there be any changes?

However, both the Samsara Eye and his own perception told him that Naruto was indeed completely dead.

After a little silence, Haerba Yui Xuanyue thought of the purpose of this trip.

When Naruto died, the nine-tailed beast in his body also died.

Although the tailed beast will not really die, it will take a few years for the nine-tailed beast to revive again.

In addition, if Naruto died, what should I do if the system tasks related to Naruto are refreshed in the future?

Thinking of this, Yuyi Xuanyue looked at the instigator, the Great Toad Immortal, with a cold gaze.

"You deserve to die!"


A series of explosions sounded.

Not long after.

Seeing that a Dao-seeking jade was about to hit the Great Toad Immortal's forehead, who was calm and at ease.

Yurobe Xuanyue narrowed his eyes, and the Seeking Truth Jade in front of him quickly adjusted its direction and hit the right arm of the Great Toad Sage, turning him into an armless person.


A slender black stick then pierced through the Great Toad Sage's chest, lifted him up and brought him back a little.

Yurobe Xuanyue looked at the Great Toad Sage who was so close and completely reduced to meat on the board, temporarily suppressed his killing intent, and asked with the answer:

"I want to know, Myoboku Mountain, or the Great Toad Sage, why do you have to get involved in this matter?"

When Kaguya Otsutsuki made the entire ninja world shrouded in the glory of the Infinite Tsukuyomi, the toads were still alive and well. The Great Toad Sage, who was Gamamaru at the time, even had time to teach Otsutsuki Yuro the senjutsu.

It doesn't make sense that I also want to have an Infinite Tsukuyomi, and these toads are desperate to stop me, even at the cost of killing Naruto, the former child of destiny.

Yurobe Xuanyue doesn't understand.

Are the toads doing this for the ninja world, for millions of humans?

Is it so noble?

He didn't believe it.

Hearing this, the big toad immortal who was lifted up in the air by Yuyi Xuanyue and had already accepted his fate looked at Yuyi Xuanyue, thought for a while and replied:

"I have already explained the reason before."

Yuyi Xuanyue had a good memory, and after a little thought, he said:

"If the skin is gone, where will the hair be attached?"

The big toad immortal nodded, raised his head, and looked at the sky with a complicated look.

Although it was daytime and the full moon could not be seen.

But it could still capture the other party's current position, and said in a trembling voice:

"She is coming back."

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