Naruto: I've already beaten the Five Shadows, and the system just came

Chapter 316 Are you interested in coming to my place, Orochimaru?

As soon as Yuyi Xuanyue finished all this, a shadow clone broke in again, and turned into white smoke the moment it encountered the boiling white fog.

Yuyi Xuanyue didn't even look at it, and clapped his hands:

"Wind escape·Big breakthrough!"

The fierce hurricane rushed straight into the sky, determined to break up the fog.

It was beyond his expectation.

The Mist Hidden Art just showed signs of being broken, and it quickly recovered as before.

At this moment, not only did the Fifth Generation Mizukage Mei Terumi do her best to maintain the Mist Hidden Art, but there were also strong people who were reborn from the dead who continuously injected chakra into her body to support her consumption.

Before Yuyi Xuanyue could make any other moves, someone else rushed to her.

Amid the flying confetti, the person who came ignored the severe burning on his body, clenched his fists, and slammed into Yuyi Xuanyue with force.

"Strange power? No, it's explosive escape!"

When it was close at hand, Yuyi Xuanyue's Samsara Eye swept and saw a large amount of chakra gathered on the fist of the person who came.

It is not as precisely distributed as the strange power, but it is full of the riot of earth and thunder attributes.

Yuyi Xuanyue tilted his head and watched the explosive fist pass by his side.

He looked at the person coming.

He was wearing black clothes, his hair was raised high like a hedgehog, and he had explosive escape. If nothing unexpected happened, he was a member of the explosive team of the Hidden Rock Village.

Yuyi Xuanyue had some impression of him, it seemed to be called Shou.

This person was in the Impure World Reincarnation Team that came before.

"Are you going to use these people to distract yourself?"

Without waiting for Shou to do anything else, Yuyi Xuanyue grabbed Shou's head with his right hand and crushed it, saying lightly.

The headless Shou paused.

Yuyi Xuanyue was about to cast a forbidden spell on him.

A vine rose from the ground, threw Shou far away, and melted at high temperature before it could retract.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Three sharp sword lights bloomed from behind Yuyi Xuanyue at this time.

Moonlight Gale, whose face was covered with burns and cracks, swung his sword with a determined look under the dance of the three-day moon.

Yuyi Xuanyue watched all this calmly, stretched out his five fingers, clapped, grasped, and grabbed, and then a more sharp sword flashed, and the real Moonlight Gale was split in two.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Almost in an instant, another wind demon shuriken carrying the power of magnetic escape was spinning at high speed, whistling from all directions.

As Yuyi Xuanyue predicted, batches of strong men of the Impure World Reincarnation outside the Five Kage, with the release of the Flying Thunder God Technique, and the blessing of the Byakugan and the Yamanaka Secret Technique, kept killing Yuyi Xuanyue as if the fog was nothing.

Although the trouble caused was not great, it distracted his attention and consumed his physical strength.

"Interesting. Is this the way you think of dealing with me?"

Yuyi Xuanyue smashed half of the body of the ninja in front of him with a punch, and his face was still calm.

Although most of these people in front of him would not cause any trouble, there were exceptions.

For example, now.

"Fire Style: Explosion Flame Formation!"

While Yuyi Xuanyue was dodging, he had just smashed the throat of a ninja with good physical skills and set a sealing forbidden spell on him. His feet were moving to another place, and the explosion array that had been prepared flew up instantly and stuck on his legs.

Boom boom boom.

The explosions continued.

In the end, Yuyi Xuanyue patted the smoke and dust on his body under the smoke and strode out.

"Hanzo the Salamander?"

Yuyi Xuanyue, who looked fine except for some damage to his trouser legs, narrowed his eyes and looked at the person who came.

Hanzo, who was not wearing a gas mask as in the past, appeared in front of Yuyi Xuanyue in a flash, waving the sickle in his hand and saying:

"I didn't expect that the famous Yuyi Xuanyue also knew my name."

As Hanzo spoke, the poisonous gas in his body spread into the air through his breathing. After Yuyi Xuanyue, who was very close, came into contact with it, he only felt a slight numbness all over his body.

Even now, he could not completely ignore the influence of the poisonous gas, so you can imagine what others would feel when facing the Salamander Hanzo.


However, soon, Yuyi Xuanyue, who felt numb for a moment, pulled out a kunai and knocked away Hanzo's sickle with a poisonous blade, and reached for Hanzo's head with his other hand.

A look of surprise flashed across Hanzo's face.

The next moment.

He turned into a pool of water.

When he appeared again, he had come to the other side of Yuyi Xuanyue.

The sickle and kunai continued to clash.

Amid the splashing of iron flowers, one person and one water splash collided rapidly.

Hanzo's water instant body technique is very good. Under the cover of fog, although he is always at a disadvantage in battle, he will not fall down like other companions in a short time.

Yuyi Xuanyue didn't care much. After punching Hanzo in front of him into a splash of water, he asked:

"I am very curious. You who came from the Hidden Rain Village would work hard for the five major ninja villages."

Hanzo's hands kept moving, but his face was unswerving. He said: "I don't want to do it either! It's just that there are disgusting people behind the scenes who influence me. I didn't expect that the five major ninja villages have fallen to this extent now!"


Yuyi Xuanyue was a little surprised.

I thought that the people who were reincarnated by the Impure World Reincarnation on the side of the Ninja Alliance could control themselves, but I didn't expect that there were still people who were controlled by the caster.

Yes, as a person who is not from the five major ninja villages, it is normal for Hanzo to take insurance.

However, doesn't the intelligence say that the five major ninja villages only reincarnate ninjas from their own villages?

Now even the ninjas outside are summoned and forcibly controlled?

Sure enough, once the bottom line is broken, there is no limit.

The five major ninja villages and Orochimaru would not miss a ninja like Hanzo who is known as a demigod.

"Orochimaru, why don't you show up and say hello?"

Hagoromo Gengetsu, who had repelled Hanzo again and was already familiar with the other party's release pattern of the water instant body technique, looked at the white mist nearby and smiled gently.

As soon as the voice fell.

A burly figure appeared from the mist. Hanzo did not rush to attack this time, but said:

"See you again, Hagoromo senior."

The words still came from Hanzo's mouth, but the voice changed to Orochimaru's unique hoarse voice.

He casually knocked away the kunai shuriken shot by other people in other directions, and Hagoromo Gengetsu looked at Hanzo.

Knowing that Orochimaru was looking at him through the other party's eyes, he sighed and said:

"Orochimaru, you are really hard to kill."

Orochimaru smiled and responded politely: "Thank you for the compliment, Hagoromo senior."

"Are you interested in coming to me? In the name of Hagoromo, Orochimaru will be free and safe." Hagoromo Gengetsu offered peace.

As the practitioner of the Impure World Reincarnation Technique on the side of the Ninja Alliance, if Orochimaru is really willing to surrender, Yuyi Xuanyue does not mind fulfilling his promise.

But it is obvious that Orochimaru only believes in himself, never believes in other people's promises, and is even more unwilling to let his life and death be controlled by others in the future.

"The hatred of life and death is still there, Yuyi Senior."

Orochimaru refused with a chuckle.

"In addition, Yuyi Senior, don't waste your energy to find the location of my real body. I won't give you a chance."

After saying that, Orochimaru no longer possessed Hanzo.

This made Yuyi Xuanyue's purpose of tracing the source of Orochimaru's possession of chakra and finding the other party's true location impossible.

He shook his head.

It was just a casual move, and he was not disappointed.

"In this case, you are useless."

Yuyi Xuanyue looked at Hanzo who was killing him indifferently and stretched his palm forward.

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