Naruto: I've already beaten the Five Shadows, and the system just came

Chapter 369 There is another way for you to die!

Chapter 369 There is another way... you die!

Dragon Vein does not belong to anyone.

The token of the Loulan lineage can only control the dragon vein to a certain extent, and the same is true for the Six Paths Immortal.

Comparatively speaking, the permissions of the two are equivalent.

In this way, there is a scene of the huge dragon vein stopping in mid-air, sometimes rushing towards Haoyi Xuanyue, sometimes turning around and rushing back.

While the token and the Six Paths Immortal were fighting for control, Hagoromo Xuanyue's eyes flashed with sharp light, and she grabbed forward with her right hand.

The next moment!

A black portal opened behind the seriously injured Uchiha Madara, and a slender hand grabbed the back of Uchiha Madara's head like lightning.

Uchiha Madara didn't react slowly. He leaned forward and quickly distanced himself.

But at this time, Hagoromo Xuanyue himself had come out of the black portal.

Uchiha Madara was about to make another move when suddenly his eyes flashed and Hagoromo Genzuki appeared in front of him instantly.

Yagogami air attack!

Hagoromo Genzuki suddenly swung his fist, and struck Uchiha Madara mercilessly with the power that shook the sky.


A substantial violent air wave spread rapidly in all directions from the center of the two's fight.


The sound of bone cracking sounded.

Blood spilled into the sky.

Uchiha Madara was defeated by one blow and retreated violently.

Hagoromo Genzuki didn't give him a chance to breathe, took one step forward, landed next to Uchiha Madara again, and punched out again.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

In the following time, Hagoromo Genzuki ignored the obstruction of Kaguya Otsutsuki and always set his target on Uchiha Madara, not only to kill him, but also to continuously interfere with the Sage of Six Paths during this period.

The latter is now inside Uchiha Madara.

The greater the pressure that Hagoromo Genzuki puts on Uchiha Madara, the more distracted the Six Paths Sage's fight for control of the dragon vein becomes.


Seeing Uchiha Madara constantly coughing up blood and his condition getting worse and worse, the dragon vein not far away was affected by it and turned around amid the long roar, preparing to attack Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Within Uchiha Madara, the discussion between the two Six Paths Sages sounded again.

"Uchiha Madara is no longer useful and can return to Naruto's body." The Six Paths Sage of the original world said quickly.

"What should I do about the dragon vein?" the Six Paths Immortal from this world said coldly.

Stealing the chicken will lose the rice.

Now the dragon veins are getting more and more out of control.

It won't be long before he will completely become Hagoromo Xuanyue's possession.

"Leave first. The dragon pulse is slower and cannot catch up with us for a while."

The Six Paths Immortal of the original world couldn't think of a useful way at the moment, so he could only retreat first and then make other considerations.

"So, you mean to escape?" The Immortal of Six Paths in this world was very dissatisfied, "This is my world! I will never give this planet to anyone else!"

If Hagoromo Xuanyue cannot be solved this time, then the next hope will only become increasingly slim.

Unlike the Sage of Six Paths in the original world who was in a foreign land and had no feelings for this place, the Sage of Six Paths in this world had no desire to escape at all.

"Do you have any other ideas?"

Uchiha Madara could not hold on any longer, the original Six Paths Sage said anxiously, not wanting to become a turtle in the urn like Toneri did last time.


The Six Paths Immortal in this world really has a way.

"What is it?"

The Six Paths Immortal of the original world was very surprised. He didn't expect that his other self had other methods.

Then, he heard an extremely cold voice.

"You die!"

After the words fell, the chakra of the Six Paths Sage in this world suddenly rushed towards the other self and swallowed it up as fast as possible.


The Six Paths Immortal from the original world was suddenly startled and resisted desperately, but the effect was not good.

The two have the same origin, and are integrated into Uchiha Madara's body in the form of chakra. Now that one is attacking, the other cannot dodge at all.

In addition, the chakra of the Six Paths Sage in this world is complete.

In the original world, the Six Paths Sage had his dragon veins erupting and when he thought that something big had happened, he kept his promise and returned half of his chakra to his mother.

In the struggle between the two, it was natural that the Six Paths Immortal whom Hagoromo Gengyue knew was losing ground.


The Six Paths Sage of the original world, who had already completely swallowed a large part of his chakra by his other self, asked unwillingly.

The Immortal of Six Paths in this world kept moving and replied:

"Since you took the initiative to activate the dragon vein, let mother, Haoyi Xuanyue and others travel through time and space and come to this world. There is no need to control the dragon vein. As long as you are killed as the initiator, mother, Yuyi Xuanyue and other time and space passers-by will automatically return to their original places. world."

Killing the person who originally activated the Dragon Vein will allow those who traveled through time and space to return to their original world.

The Six Paths Sage in this world did not use this method at first because there was still hope to solve the problem between his mother and Hagoromo Genzuki.

As a Six Path Immortal, he understands what his other self thinks and is willing to contribute to it.

But this is within your own ability and without endangering the world.

The current situation is that Hagoromo Xuanyue is unmatched.

In this case, the Six Paths Immortal in this world can only choose to send Hagoromo Xuanyue and others back like a plague god.

As for what will happen to the original world, that is none of his business.

"No! You can't do this!"

The Six Paths Immortal from the original world said loudly.

He finally brought Hagoromo Xuanyue and his mother to another world in order to relieve the pressure in the original world.

If we go back now, all our efforts will be in vain!

"You forced me to do this!"

The Six Paths Immortal from the original world said with a ruthless tone.

at the same time.

Hagoromo Xuanyue also discovered the abnormality in Uchiha Madara's body.

Affected by the sudden riot of the Six Paths Sage's chakra, Uchiha Madara's breath suddenly weakened a lot.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yuyi Xuanyue didn't have time to think and immediately attacked.


Uchiha Madara, who couldn't dodge this time, stopped where he was, and looked down at the palm that pierced his heart and behind his back with a complicated expression.

His eyes dimmed and he raised his head and looked at Yuyi Xuanyue who was close at hand:

"Hashirama. Yuyi Xuanyue died in your hands, which is not bad."

Uchiha Madara slowly lowered his head.

Yuyi Xuanyue didn't stop there, and a huge suction force burst out from his palm, just like last time, stripping off the Six Paths Sage's chakra.

The chakra was intact, and the Six Paths Sage of this world who swallowed some of his own chakra could still resist a little.

However, at this moment.

The expression of the Six Paths Sage of the original world, who was lingering on, moved.

"It's time!"

Roar! !

The dragon vein not far away roared with fury.

Taking advantage of the fact that Yuyi Xuanyue and the Six Paths Sage of this world were fighting and the control over the dragon vein was temporarily weakened, the Six Paths Sage of the original world, who also had a certain degree of control over the dragon vein, immediately issued a series of instructions.

He could not strip the control of the other two, but he could input a series of self-harming commands such as letting the dragon vein self-destruct, split, weaken itself, etc.

As mentioned before, the dragon vein is never completely owned by anyone.

Even compared to other chakras, the dragon vein's chakra is more independent and more autonomous.

In the case of not affecting itself, it does not mind acting according to the controller's requirements, but will never accept commands such as self-destruction.

Such instructions have only one result.

The dragon vein is furious!

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