Valley of Gods.

"It's already started."

Hagoromo Genzuki, who stood above the "Senju Hashirama" statue, glanced in the direction of Konoha.

This result was not unexpected.

Generally speaking, a person will not choose to follow someone at all costs just because they meet someone once and simply get a promise.

But Sasuke wasn't a normal person.

For revenge, he doesn't care that his body is used by Orochimaru. Once he has a better goal, it is normal to take risks.

Although these increases can only be regarded as icing on the cake compared to his own strength, this is not the original purpose of his performing this technique.

I have made a decision in my heart, but it is not the time yet.

"Forbidden Medical Technique·Body Regeneration!"

"I have to say that the wisdom of future generations is still worthy of great praise."

In an instant, Hagoromo Xuanyue felt that all the cells in his body were suddenly activated and boiling. His muscles all over his body suddenly swelled, and his body's various abilities such as speed, strength, endurance, etc. were enhanced.

Yuyi Xuanyue quickly withdrew her gaze and sat down.

"Those four guys are not easy to deal with." Nara Shikamaru refused, "Even if we really defeat them, we don't have the energy to chase Sasuke anymore."

In the absence of the three holy places for the time being, the remaining Senju Hashirama Senju Chakra in the body is undoubtedly a good research object.

During this period, both Naruto and Inuzuka Kiba were a little impatient.

But the premise of all this is to successfully peel it off.

"Although it is not as good as Senju Hashirama's Muji healing that can restore the original state anytime and anywhere without any gap, it is still a very good recovery method."


In the endless forest, a bouquet of signal fireworks flew out of the canopy and exploded in the sky, blooming with brilliant brilliance.

It was the Forbidden Medical Technique - Physical Revitalization and the Forbidden Medical Technique - Physical Regeneration that he got from Shennong.

Of course, since it is called a forbidden technique, it naturally has the disadvantage that it cannot be popularized.

Including the severely sunken wound on the chest.

Originally, the four sound ninjas did not pay attention to these cannon fodder brats who were not even chunin, and were prepared to deal with them easily.

"If this continues, there will only be more and more people in Konoha, and Lord Orochimaru's mission will not be completed!" Sakon, who was also aware of the seriousness of the problem, frowned.

Kidomaru glanced at the Nara team, then looked forward, and said with a cold look in his eyes: "The captain of that gang of brats is very cautious. If you rush over directly, it will not have much effect. But the prey will not be able to get rid of the cobwebs after all, so listen to me next."

Yuyi Xuanyue stood up and felt it, nodded in a good mood and said:

In the ninja world, various high-tech research instruments are also indispensable.

"Shikamaru, how long are you going to keep going like this? If you don't hurry up, Sasuke will run away!" Naruto said anxiously.

He picked up two scrolls.

"Expelling the Senjutsu Chakra is one thing. If you can successfully collect the Senjutsu Chakra in your body by the way, it will undoubtedly be of great help to the study of Senjutsu."

"Yes, yes! Why don't we rush forward and defeat those four guys first?" Inuzuka Kiba suggested.

Neither side can trust their back to the other.

Nara Shikamaru knew very well that the mission given to them by Lord Hokage was to recover Uchiha Sasuke.

The forbidden medical technique is better at regenerating flesh and blood, but it is still not good enough for the delicate work of stripping away magic chakra.

Because Sasuke was not in the hands of the four sound ninjas.

Everything depends on the other party's own good fortune, or how fate arranges it.

As for the last one or two.

As the person who is best at hunting prey, Kidomaru became serious and quickly formulated a plan.

Unexpectedly, these Konoha brats were so cunning. They always kept their distance and even released signal fireworks from time to time to call nearby Konoha ninjas to come to help.

Because they were bumped into by a Konoha team midway, although the four Sound Ninjas defeated each other, they also lost some time and were later caught up by the Nara team.

Flesh is regenerating, bones are sewing, and the skin is growing.

Soon, the seals formed by Yu Yi Xuan Yue's hands changed again.

"A very good medical forbidden technique."

Now that he had a thorough grasp of it, he did not hesitate and formed a seal with his hands.

Visible to the naked eye, the originally large and small sunken wounds on Hagoromo Gengyue's body quickly inflated and healed like inflated balloons.

Hagoromo Genzuki looked towards Konoha again and said curiously:

in addition.

After a few blinks, when he looked again, Hagoromo Xuanyue's originally scarred body had recovered as before, and his skin was fair and delicate, looking just like a normal person.

Under the command of Nara Shikamaru, the team always kept a distance from the four Sound Ninjas.

At this moment, the activated cells in Hagoromo Xuanyue's body burst out with green light full of life, and under his special command, it quickly filled all the injured areas of his body.

For example, it requires the consumption of a large amount of chakra that even a normal jounin can't do; for example, it requires a strong body for support, otherwise the injury has not recovered and the person will collapse from exhaustion due to the consumption of a large amount of cells.

As the only experimental material at the moment, this is one of the reasons why Hagoromo Genzuki has not used more extreme methods to process the Senjutsu chakra in his body.

Hagoromo Xuanyue is of course interested in immortal arts.

The four sound ninjas who were shuttled between the trees noticed the fireworks above their heads, and then looked at the few Konoha imps who were following closely not far away, their faces full of anger and murderous intent.

In comparison, Hagoromo Xuanyue is still more concerned about his own problems.

Orochimaru and Hagoromo Genzuki, anyone who knows the history of the ninja world knows who to choose.

Nara Shikamaru did not choose to take action directly after encountering the four Sound Ninjas. Instead, he preserved the strength of his team and constantly sent out signals for help, asking nearby Konoha ninjas to come to help deal with the four Sound Ninjas.

The study of chakra and ninjutsu has never been about sitting cross-legged in a secret room alone and silently comprehending.

"I still have to go to Konoha." Hagoromo Genzuki thought.

If the person in the entire ninja world knows the Senju Hashirama best, it is the head clan of Konoha.

"I'll kill them!" Tayuya took out the piccolo and said impatiently.

Fortunately, Hagoromo Xuanyue can overcome these.

Hagoromo Xuanyue, who has recovered from his injuries to some extent, sighed with emotion.

"Damn you brats!"

"Forbidden Medical Technique·Physical Activation!"


In terms of the comprehensiveness of medical ninjutsu, Konoha, which has always been at the forefront of the ninja world, cannot be compared to Shennong alone.

"Now, it's up to where the new wind that deviates from the course will blow."

Hagoromo Gengetsu touched his chest. Deep inside, under the influence of the Forbidden Technique's Breath of Eternal Sleep, which had been entangled with his body for decades, the Senjutsu Chakra belonging to Senju Hashirama was still stubbornly buried there.

He was not a nanny and had no interest in picking up Sasuke.

Neither can the other four major ninja villages combined.

As a forbidden art of the body that Orochimaru even peeped at, Hagoromo Genzuki also gained a lot after reading it.

Compared with other medical ninjutsu, the medical forbidden technique obtained from Shennong has a more immediate healing effect.

Spending time and energy on the four sound ninjas will only result in mission failure.

As long as you delay for some time, your plan will succeed.

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