Having completed the system release tasks several times, Hagoromo Gengyue has a deep understanding of the system itself and its operating principles.

Just like now, the system asked me to take a written test with Sakura, so I did it literally and took out a test paper that was seriously over the top for Sakura and only for me, but the result was still... The system recognizes it and determines that you have won.


There was a written test, Sakura was here, so she participated.

As for the details, they are completely unimportant.

Anyway, the system can open its eyes and talk nonsense about "hard battles", "vigorous pursuit", "head hanging beams and cones stabbing the buttocks".

Of course you can take a written test with a huge gap on your own.

A sense of ceremony!

The most important thing is the sense of ceremony.

"Sakura, well, keep it up. You have a bright future in both medical ninja and genjutsu."

"Ino, your specialty lies in family secrets."

After experimenting with the system tasks on the girls, and knowing their future development without having to deceive the two little girls in his own capacity, Hagoromo Genzuki left the laboratory and came to the outpatient office to start a day of consultation.

It's not enough to learn medical ninjutsu by yourself, you also need a lot of experimental materials to try it out.

Konoha Medical is a very good choice for these patients.

In addition, Hagoromo Genzuki discovered that the deeper he delved into medical ninjutsu, the more thoroughly he understood the yang-type chakra.

This is undoubtedly good news for him.

For a long time, among the seven chakra attributes, the ones I have studied the most are fire, earth, wind, water, and thunder.

Although the two attributes of yin and yang have been studied specifically, they are not so thorough.

After resurrecting from the dead and living a second life, Hagoromo Xuan Yue made good progress in the two attributes of yin and yang.

But this is not enough.

Of course, Hagoromo Genzuki will not miss this opportunity to deepen his research on Yang chakra from the perspective of medical ninjutsu.

For this reason, during this period, he was the first to come to Konoha Hospital and the last to leave Konoha Hospital, which gave the doctors here a deep understanding of what "rolls" are.

After treating a Konoha ninja who returned from a mission with a hole in his calf, Hagoromo Genzuki turned around and saw Miyata Keika, the head of the hospital's scientific research department, walking over and said to him:

"Dr. Aosuke, the A-level scientific research laboratory you applied for has been approved. You have seven days to conduct research in the scientific research laboratory. But be careful not to damage any instruments inside. Believe me, every instrument there belongs to you and me. I can’t afford to lose even if I sell my property.”

‘Seven days? ’

Hagoromo Xuanyue nodded and said: "I understand, thank you Captain Miyata for reminding me."

"It's okay. Excellent talents should receive better resources and training." Miyata Huixiang explained.

This is also the reason why Hagororomo Xuanyue did not hide his capabilities and bide his time after his arrival.

If you are not excellent yourself, how can you make the superiors look at you differently and give you more resources?

It's like an A-level scientific research room.

This kind of laboratory can satisfy the research and analysis of many ninjutsu and chakra, including medical ninjutsu. Ordinary medical ninjas have no chance to apply.

Hagoromo Genzuki was able to apply because there were many novel explanations in the medical field during this period.

"Doctor Sosuke, please keep working hard. Maybe it won't be long before Hokage-sama can hear about your reputation. You are still young and very talented. Like Shizune, you may become Hokage-sama's next direct disciple."

Miyata Huixiang was indeed very optimistic about Sosuke, and she gave serious instructions before leaving.

Hagoromo Xuanyue expressed his gratitude on his face.

Looking at Miyata Huixiang's leaving figure, he suddenly smiled in his heart and said:

"Tsunade's disciple? What an interesting suggestion. I just don't know how Tsunade will react when she finds out the truth."

"Huh? No. If he is really discovered, it seems that he will lose a lot and Tsunade will take advantage of it."

The dignified Hagoromo Genzuki became Tsunade's disciple. No matter how you thought about it, you were in great disgrace.

Of course Hagoromo Genzuki wouldn't bother to become a disciple of Tsunade.

There was no need for him to waste time on this.

"Seven days should be about the same."

"If it really doesn't work, you can always come in without telling me."

Yuyi Xuanyue touched her chest.

During this period of study in Konoha, he had a complete grasp of the extraction of senjutsu chakra.

The reason why I also applied for the scientific research room is to use the sophisticated machines there to explore the mysteries of senjutsu chakra.

He is not an old antique who would rather abide by some tradition than use more efficient means.

Everything is efficiency first.

If you can take this opportunity to harvest your own magical skills, that would be great.

The image of Senju Hashirama stepping on the giant Buddha in sage mode is still unforgettable to me.

In the afternoon, following the instructions, Hagoromo Genzuki arrived at the scientific research building of Konoha Hospital.

In addition to the root secret laboratory and some top-level confidential research, most of Konoha's research projects are located in this building.

Therefore, the defense here is quite tight.

Hagoromo Xuanyue has passed three tests along the way.

Thanks to the art of facial expression, a secret technique that can be called a perfect transformation technique, Hagoromo Xuanyue came to the A-level scientific research room that was temporarily his own without any accident.

Seeing the ninja in charge forming a seal with his hands and opening the door, he did not enter immediately. Instead, he looked into the eyes of the Konoha ninja who turned around. While his pupils were quietly moving like a seal, he politely thanked:

"sorry to bother you."

The Konoha ninja didn't notice anything and just waved Hagoromo Genzuki to go in.

Yuyi Xuanyue nodded and stepped inside.

Thanks to the pupil seal technique offered by Ali, after he looked at the Konoha ninja for a short time at a close distance that met the conditions, and secretly printed the information in the opponent's mind, everything here has been opened to him, and the secret is no longer secret.

"Next, it's time to get down to business."

The door to the scientific research room was closed, and Hagoromo Xuanyue looked at the various high-tech instruments inside, including biology, cultivation, scanning, calculation and analysis, etc., and the corner of his mouth curled up.

I have to say that the technology in the ninja world is a bit outrageous.

In most places, civilians still live in the feudal era.

However, here, some high-tech instruments are not only not inferior to the technological level of previous generations, but even surpass it in the biological field.

This is the foundation of the largest village in the ninja world.

For the Hagoromo clan, let's not talk about whether they have sufficient funds to establish a scientific research laboratory like the one in front of them.

Even if there are, those high-tech instruments are not something they can buy through channels.

Konoha itself has a science department.

Ninjas are not stupid and will not spread this very important scientific research tool.

Science and technology are primary productive forces.

This is one of the reasons why Hagoromo Genzuki chose to come to Konoha.

Without further delay, Hagoromo Xuanyue took off her shirt, got ready and said:

"The first step is to extract the magic chakra completely."

(Thanks to "︶This is the end" for the 100 tip; thanks to "Book Friends 20231101161306024" for the 233 tip! )

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