Naruto: I've already beaten the Five Shadows, and the system just came

Chapter 91 Killing (please vote, please subscribe)

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A dozen root ninjas wearing black robes and masks quickly shuttled through the forest.

When Konoha Village was first established, it was located in an endless dense forest.

Even after so many years of development, there are still a lot of forests within Konoha.

For this reason, Konoha has divided dozens of training grounds, and also set up some highly confidential institutions and departments that cannot see sunlight in the forest.

For example, the famous root base.

The root ninja walking through the forest at this moment was ordered by Lord Danzo to capture Aosuke and people closely related to Feizhu Dragonfly, such as Feizhu Dragonfly's son, colleagues, teachers and friends, etc.

But before they could divide into two teams, they went to capture the target separately.

But one person broke into their field of vision first.

"There is one person here, whose identity is Cang Jie. It is determined that the probability of resisting arrest is 90%, and the arrest plan will be implemented immediately."

After seeing clearly that the person coming was the main target of his and others' trip, the root ninja quickly made a judgment and immediately took action without any nonsense.

"Wind Escape."

The root ninja at the forefront was about to use his best wind release ninjutsu.


A gust of wind came.

Before he could react, a hand clasped his neck.

"too slow."

As soon as the root ninja heard these words, his neck was broken with a "click".

The moment his body fell from the air and his eyes closed completely, the last thing the root ninja saw was that his killer was like a lion joining a flock of sheep, easily slaughtering his well-trained teammates.

"He is definitely not Sosuke!"

With deep doubts and worries, the root ninja finally closed his eyes.

Not only him, but many of his teammates before his death had the same idea.

Before setting off, they had read Aosuke's personal information.

Ming Ming has never been on the battlefield much and spends more time on duty at Konoha Hospital as a medical ninja. Even if he has become famous recently, it is in the medical field that he is good at.

No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like the decisive person in front of you.

At first, the root ninjas were still confident that they could easily take down the target.

But now, seeing that few of the teammates around him can make it to the second round from "Aosuke", it is clear that the strength of the person coming is beyond imagination, and it is far beyond what their team can handle. Although the remaining ninjas are not afraid of death, they are not afraid of death. He didn't do any more useless work and immediately turned around and ran away.

The hot blood spread across the sky, and a little splashed on the thick tree nearby, which was particularly bright.

Throwing down the ninja sword in his hand casually, ignoring the man who was leaning against the big tree, covering his bleeding neck, and his body slowly falling, Hagoromo Genzuki looked at the backs of the remaining mice that turned around hastily, and did not pursue them. Go up and kill it immediately, but instead hang on behind and follow it all the way.

Shanfeng is right in front of the queue.

After escaping the disaster just now, he looked back and analyzed calmly:

"The person suspected of being Aosuke wants to use us as a guide. His real destination is the root base."

The teammate next to him said coldly: "Never give the enemy what he wants."

"I understand." Shanfeng nodded, "I tried to keep him. No matter what the outcome is, you run in the other direction. Root rescue will arrive soon."

After quickly formulating a new plan, a root ninja used ninjutsu to disrupt "Aosuke"'s sight at the expense of himself.

Taking advantage of this gap, Shanfeng quickly set up a trap and handed his body to his teammates for safekeeping. The remaining people quietly changed their direction and moved away from the root base.

On the other side, after finishing dealing with the root ninjas that disturbed his vision, Hagoromo Genzuki looked towards the escape direction of the remaining people not far away and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Are you aware of my plan and changed the direction on purpose?"

Although Ali copied many Konoha conditions from Yamanaka Haiichi, they did not include the location of the root base.

As the bottomless darkness of Konoha, the roots that must never be placed in the sun. Except for the real high-level people of Konoha, even people with status like Yamanaka Haiichi cannot inquire too much about it.

Of course, even if he had that ability, Yamanaka Haiichi's cautious character would not explore the root cause.

"It seems I can only find out for myself."

Hagoromo Genzuki, who was a little regretful that he had killed too quickly before, speeded up and was not ready to fly kites with the remaining root ninjas.


When passing a big tree, the detonating charm trap stuck in the dark suddenly exploded.

In the thick smoke, Hagoromo Xuanyue came out of it without slowing down, his expression unchanged and he was about to move on.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Another kunai came from all directions.

The ragged Hagoromo Genzuki, who didn't want to think about it for the time being, easily stopped it, then flicked the kunai in his hand, and without looking at it, nailed something that came from behind to the tree further behind.


The last thing that was nailed to the tree was the cursed puppet left by Shanfeng.

At this moment, he, whose soul was in the puppet, was rarely excited.

"Heart-turning Puppet Curse Seal Technique!"

One of the secret techniques of the mountain clan.

Attack the enemy through the enchanted puppet. As long as the puppet is attacked by the enemy, the spell will be activated.

The enemy's soul will be sealed in the puppet, and the caster's soul will enter the opponent's body.

Shanfeng was about to control Hagoromo Xuanyue's body and make him commit suicide at the cost of his life, even if his own body would suffer the same fate.

But the next second, his expression suddenly hardened.

"My own technique actually failed?"

He found that his soul was still inside the puppet.

"Cang Jie" calmly turned his head, looked at himself, and said calmly: "I have experienced the cycle of life and death, and my soul has been tempered many times from the underworld to the human world. How can your technique be able to pull it out?"

If the opponent casts a kaleidoscope-level illusion to confuse me, my soul-broken self may be caught in the trap.

But if he wanted to pull his soul out of his body in one step, Hagoromo Xuanyue could only say that the other party was really thinking too much.

"Reincarnation of life and death? From the underworld to the human world? Are you Hagoromo Gengetsu?!!"

After hearing what "Cang Jie" said, Shanfeng thought briefly, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he was extremely shocked.

If it was true as he guessed, then the roots and Danzo-sama would be in danger!


Shanfeng wanted to say something else, but couldn't do it anymore.

As the puppet disintegrated, his soul also dissipated.

If the extremely powerful soul secret technique of forcibly exchanging the soul positions of both parties fails, there will be extremely serious backlash.

There is no need for Hagoromo Xuanyue to do anything. Facing the former's soul is like running headlong into a mountain. Shanfeng is already dead and can no longer die.

Hagoromo Xuanyue glanced at them and continued to chase the fish that slipped through the net.

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