Naruto Jiraiya

Chapter 047

War has always been brutal, and war in the ninja world is no exception.

After the devastation of the Second Ninja World War, Yu Ninja Village is full of broken walls and corpses.

Many villages are ten rooms and nine empty, and even more so they are completely destroyed, which is also the sadness of the people of the small countries of the ninja world.

As long as there is a big war, the people of these small countries are the ones who will suffer the most.

Although some people have managed to escape, their homes that have lived for generations have been destroyed, and they can only be displaced, barely surviving with hunger and food.

But many more died on the way to escape.

No, in the Land of Rain, in a cave on a hill, three small children are clinging to each other for warmth.

Two men, one woman and three children wore rags, and the clothes on their bodies were barely able to cover the main place.

In this country of perennial rain, the temperature is not very high.

Wanting to start a fire, naturally, is very difficult for a small child who has no strength, not to mention, it has now begun to enter late autumn.

The temperature gets cooler day by day.

The three children each have three different hair colors, one yellow, one red and one purple.

Yes, these are the three disciples in the original book who were also accepted in the Land of Rain, Yahiko, Nagato and Konan.

Because of this war, the three children’s homes were destroyed, their parents were killed, they could only leave their hometown and wander everywhere, and in the process of wandering, the three children gathered together to help and support each other.

So that I live to the present.

Just now, the three of them went to the town to steal food, and were found by the boss, the clothes that were already tattered were even more tattered, and there were bruises on their bodies.

People can’t help but cry when they look at it.

However, the three children did not cry, and their firm eyes showed that the three children’s desire to live did not show compassion and tell the injustice of life.

This kind of tenacity spirit appears in the three children, it still seems very strange, after all, this desire and tenacity to live, even many adults do not have.

Once such people become ninjas, they can often become strong.

Strong belief is the necessary condition to become a strong person, even if it is a genius, if you do not work hard, you will slowly become a weak person, and firm belief can be a ninja who constantly strives and eventually becomes strong.

Matt Day and Matt Kay in the original book are good examples.

Although these three little guys are nothing now, once they encounter their own opportunities, they will definitely soar.

And the opportunity for the three little guys is to have just finished the war and purge the Jiraiya of the routed ninja on the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain.

In the original book, when Zi Lai also met with the three little guys, it was during this mission.

Jiraiya has been paying attention to the appearance of the three little guys.

Zilai also came to this world to change a lot, and it is not surprising that the butterfly effect appears, but Zilai also firmly believes that the world’s will has the ability to repair the plot.

Moreover, among the three people, Nagato’s eyes are the reincarnation eyes of Uchiha, and Kuroto wants to realize his plan, and Nagato is the key link.

Even if he can’t touch Ji Laiye, I believe that Hei Jue will change the law to teach the three of them to practice.

The stronger Nagato’s strength, the more convenient it will be for Kuroto to carry out the plan, and of course, it is necessary to let Nagato feel the cruelty of the ninja world.

However, the two little guys are now very kind under Yahiko’s infection.

Before I knew it, a few days had passed, and I hadn’t met the three of Yahiko.

And now Yahiko has almost recovered from his injuries, and he begins to come out in search of food, just as he is about to enter the village.

It happened that the three of Jiraiya were fighting against the sand ninja, who had lost contact with the large army during the war.

Letting it go alone will pose a threat to Konoha, it can only be cleared, and after every big battle, there are many such people.

The three of them quickly solved the enemy, and Yahiko hid behind a large tree to watch the battle.

Hope not to be discovered.

However, what the three did not know was that when the three little guys appeared, all the two sides of the battle discovered them.

It’s just that the other party is a child, and there is no Chakra fluctuation on the body, so it is not put on the body, and the three children will not be solved until the end of the battle.

Just after the battle, Orochimaru threw a shuriken at the tree.

The three little guys suddenly screamed and wanted to flee quickly.

However, the speed of the three of Jiraiya was too fast, and before the three little guys could react, they crashed into Jiraiya’s body.

Zi Lai also looked at the three children with interest, crouched down to look at them.

When he saw Nagato’s reincarnation eyes, he also knew that these three children were, in the original work, his three disciples.

And he is also a god-like figure in the ninja world in the future.

Tsunade and Orochimaru were stunned as they looked at the three children, and Orochimaru did not intend to kill these children as in the original book.

And the reason why Tsunade and Orochimaru were stunned was entirely because one of the children’s hair was red.

In the entire ninja world, everyone knows that the redhead is exclusive to the Uzumaki clan, and Tsunade and Orochimaru have also sensed the bloodline power of the Uzumaki clan on the red-haired child.

This is, Tsunade and Orochimaru were shocked, now that the Uzumaki clan is in Konoha, how can there be a descendant of the Uzumaki clan here.

The only explanation is that the orphan of the Vortex clan, but have you heard the Vortex patriarch mention it.

The other two children did not interest Tsunade and Orochimaru.

Tsunade and Orochimaru came behind the three little guys, and they didn’t speak.

At this time, the yellow-haired child said to Jiraiya.

“Is the adult a ninja, can you teach us to practice?”

This is also Yahiko’s out, and now in this case, he is likely to be killed, and with the determination to gamble, Yahiko said this sentence.

Orochimaru and Tsunade didn’t speak, they weren’t the Virgin, and if they hadn’t found an orphan of the Uzumaki clan, neither of them would have stepped forward.

Jiraiya watched the three children slowly smile, and then said to Tsunade and Orochimaru.

“I have a relationship with these three little guys, and I plan to stay and teach them, or you will go back to the village first.”

Orochimaru and Tsunade looked at each other, and Tsunade said slowly.

“Jiraiya, what the hell are you doing, this red-haired kid is obviously a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, we can completely bring him back to Konoha and give it to the people of the Uzumaki clan.”

Jiraiya was stunned when he heard Tsunade’s words, yes, there is no need for him to stay here, now that the Uzumaki clan is in Konoha, these three little guys can completely go back to Konoha with themselves.

Although there are troubles, they are still easy to solve.

Jiraiya lowered his head and said to the three of Yahiko.

“I have a master-apprentice relationship with you, and I plan to accept you as a disapprentice, are you willing to follow me to Konoha.”

The three of them looked at each other, and finally, their eyes fell on Yahiko’s body, indicating that wherever Yahiko went, they would follow wherever they went.

However, the three of them are the ninjas of Konoha, and the miserable Konoha of the rain ninja is also involved, and Yahiko is naturally very entangled.

If you want to elaborate, the three of Yahiko also have a feud with Jirai.

Jiraiya did not urge, but quietly waited for the three of Yahiko to make a decision.

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